CNN's Brian Stelter examines what he refers to as the information wars, saying that, "information is being weaponized and attention is being hijacked." Stelter discusses how President Donald Trump is winning the battle. #CNN #News
Brian Stelter left speechless by Trump’s racist tweet

You know Brian that causes severe case of constipation.
something trump wont get filling those diapers.
if you allow this guy in for 2nd term, you deserve everything you get…….

fudge packer 

MAGA 2024
@Patricia Wilson he dint want to he encouraged it just look at hags maxine waters Harris stupid libtards r so dumb on their side now? Just wait the libtards will turn on each other
@Derrick Jenkins me either!
@oShane Kasper as far as I’m concerned we didn’t have one and thank God I didn’t have to enroll in that rediculous Obama rip off care!!
@j hason all they see is dollar signs no drugs no money and potus is trying to keep the drugs out so they hate him it’s all about the money and drugs
Trump may mock the handicapped and get caught using his charity for rsonal gain, but that’s because he saves his real compassion for the middle class.
Keep telling yourselves this Trumpies, it’s hilarious to watch you get conned. It’s funnier hearing you guys on Breitbart whining about Hollywood having a say in the matter. Dance fruitcakes! Stephen King and Rob Reiner own your little heads.
Mike Zimmer not nearly as funny as it watching you snowflakes whine on a daily basis
The problem with correcting fake news is that the same people who are spreading it are caught in a fake news bubble and will never hear the truth.
@Jacob Massey shut the fuk up
@Carolyn Franklin have u ever wondered why it is always about race?
@Pamela Wiles I support Trump for the very reason I admire JFK for. You are just a phony.
@JJ Cardinal who fact checks the fact checkers?
Simple rule: If you don’t want it done to you….don’t freaking do it!
pr0xZen : “New kid on the block”??? . . . Sorry, son, but you clearly don’t have a grasp of the issue, here. Russia has been using disinformation and media messaging control, since the days of Lenin; they honed it into a Fine Art, throughout Stalin’s era, and the Cold War. This is Cold War II, and you can’t afford to be that naive. Really! You won’t hear ONE, single syllable from the right wing media, that Putin would be offended by, and they have spent a FORTUNE, developing, “relationships,” with people who don’t even KNOW they’re dealing with Russians. I got an email, offering to, “Turn Your Comments Into CASH.” Long story short; this Pro-Trump, “media outlet,” was funded by a Russian Shell Company, masquerading as an American Company. THAT, my friend, is, “infiltration,” and LITERALLY, “controlling the message,” by paying people who, “think,” they are being, “patriots.” It’s SICK and it’s common place, and there’s PLENTY of information about these Russian Fronts out there, if you are willing to do your homework. Your commentary, forgive me for saying so, was describing a semi-reassuring picture of what you WANT to believe, rather than what IS. Big difference, son
@Ash Roskell ….
*_”In this current manner”_*
pr0xZen : Um . . . Whuhhh? . . . Are you suggesting that Russia got the World Wide Web at some later date than the rest of the world? Or, that they weren’t among the very FIRST to recognise its potential as a source of disinformation, indoctrination and undermining Democracies around the world? . . . I think what’s really happened, here, with respect, is that you were, like the majority of Americans, just late in realising what they were doing? Perhaps you noticed the sudden OUTPOURING of Trollery, in 2016, when certain, “organisations,” were set up, with specific agendas, to interfere in the American Elections? Or, maybe it was something else? But, if you were to do a little retrospective reading on this topic, you’ll see that Russia was FAR from late to this party. In fact, they set the tables, chose the themes and started the music, before most of us even showed up, already drunk on the power of the web, and just perfectly primed to swallow whatever Molotov cocktails of of Putin Pizzle they’d prepared for us. It took MANY of us quite a while, before we even KNEW that someone had spiked our drinks, son . . . I PROMISE you, they’re not new to this, and much of what our country does to protect us now, is reactively based upon the two or three steps ahead of us that Russia still is . . . Time to snap out of it . . . This is WHY we’re losing Cold War II! Because so many people don’t even know that the first battles have ALREADY been won and lost! . . . Smh
“Breathes there the man with soul so dead, Who never to himself hath said, This is my own, my native land!” Sir Walter Scott
@Aranyani Wolf Love you too.
This is not your native land. its stolen
@antmillner “What is this you call property? It cannot be the earth, for the land is our mother, nourishing all her children, beasts, birds, fish and all men. The woods, the streams, everything on it belongs to everybody and is for the use of all. How can one man say it belongs only to him?” ~ Massasoit
@antmillner “…the old Lakota was wise. He knew that a man’s heart, away from nature, becomes hard; he knew that lack of respect for growing, living things soon led to lack of respect for humans, too. So he kept his children close to nature’s softening influence.” Luther Standing Bear
Trump and his administration is lead the whole western world in rabbit holes, holes built by Putin. Putin fund any emerging right wing propaganda in Europe and some part of America. So sad for a political party who win only via cheating
The leader of a country is NEVER the real threat. It’s the people who elect them who are the real threat !
You’re saying the 62 million people who voted for trump ( myself included ) are the real danger? I like the the sound of that
@HeNeverDied 21 Your comment was classic. I still have to laugh when they take anything that little lie N Brian Stelter says seriously. They cant see through his BS.
@powermichiel he’s the president you report on him. Look back and see if that’s not what happened with the former presidents
@HeNeverDied 21 yes you are. You’re racist in your hate for everybody who doesn’t agree with you is Despicable and more people voted for Hillary

Only idiots believe
Keep your F%CKING JOB
Your country is divided by the wealthy and elites so you don’t look at them as the cause to your divided country
Did he say INFO WARS?!?! lol. “Information Wars” Serious question though. Can someone please explain to me how this entire video is NOT an Op-ed?
I guess Miller was high again and forgot that two of King Donald’s wives could be included in this racist hate speech…..ooooops !
Brian sounds a lot better with Mark Dice voice over.
o I c u 812 / he sounds better with his mouth shut
I expected this to be a video of Stelter just standing around in silence.
Why’s that?
@Hayden No The title..
If servers cannot control internet misinformation than it should be shut down.
In a semi-democratic representative society where information is ubiquitous, the depth of the collective stupidity of the masses is nevertheless immeasurable.
Speechless= adjective
unable to speak, especially as the temporary result of shock or some strong emotion.
Well then clearly this dude does not fit the bill…smh…
The ground has also been softened by the New York Times. Look at their headline today, describing his racist tweet as “fanning the flames.” And a “taunt.”

The USA is like a serious drunk who does not admit they have a ‘problem’ and work toward a cure
Well you would be right if these insain democrats get power.look at what they made up about trump and russia.i mean the dems are as dirty as it gets.
I think you mean Democrats
@moderatingmoderation no you need to open your eyes my freind.everything they have said about trump is a lie.charletsville russia racist all lies.
A genuine leader brings out the best in people. Trump appeals to the absolute worst – fear, hatred, intolerance, prejudice, malice, vulgarity. And succeeds.
Well if Y’all didn’t suck at your job so bad we might not be here.