MSNBC’S Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber continues his breaking coverage of Breonna Taylor’s case, digging into systemic issues in the justice system. Melber reports on Taylor’s case and the Louisville police allegedly misleading the public, from a false police report to a possible set-up. (This interview is from MSNBC’s “The Beat with Ari Melber, a news show covering politics, law and culture airing nightly at 6pm ET on MSNBC. ). Aired on 09/23/2020.
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About The Beat with Ari Melber: Former lawyer Ari Melber leads this show that provides in-depth analysis of the day's biggest news stories. ""The Beat"" features guest interviews in addition to reporting on stories from across the country. The stories that are covered span across the political spectrum. In addition to his law background, Melber is a former Senate staffer, giving him a unique perspective to share on the political happenings coming out of Washington, D.C.
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Breonna Taylor Case Exposes Systemic Problem In Justice System | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC
Cops filing false reports, nooooo way :/
Im an advocate for the BLM movement, but the facts support the police. Breonna Taylor’s previous boyfriend Jamarcus Glover is a criminal dealer who used her home address for deliveries. She was in business with Jamarcus Glover, so there was a no knock warrant for her address. The police officers KNOCKED despite it being a no knock warrant. The police officers go into the home after not hearing back and are immediately shot at by her new boyfriend Kenneth Walker, who is also a criminal. Walker shot one of the officers in the leg. The officers were forced to fire back. Unfortunately and tragically Breonna Taylor got caught in the crossfire. She was not shot in her bed execution style, but was standing in the hallway. The officer that was indicted was for recklessly shooting at another neighbor’s home during the altercation. It’s called innocent until proven guilty
@Jennifer Quinn ?You are definitely not a BLM supporter with that BULLS#@& you just posted. The ex boyfriend, who did not live there, was the subject of the warrant. If you are sleep, how would you hear knocking? They used a battering ram to bust the door open, that is what woke them up. The current boyfriend thought someone broke in and he defended his home with a legal weapon. Why did police lie in the police report? Why police waited 20 minutes before seeking medical attention for her? Now, you going to tell me this was justified? Please don’t advocate for BLM anymore. You clearly don’t get it.
If we lie ONCE during an investigation, we have no credibility! If police lie multiple times……….they still have credibility. Why is this??
That is at the heart of the issue. The depts that take action promptly and objectively become better for it and no one is embarrassed or suffers personal mental problems being involved within it. It applies to all organizations, military, religious, etc.
You mean BLM
@Jovi Ramone The police report said Bronna Taylor had no injuries and there was no forced entry. Lies lies and more lies so how about you GTFOH!
Breonna shouldn’t have screwed drug kingpins, know wha I sayin?
What are you talking about?
Evidence and facts are a terrible thing?
More of what happened in Compton will happen, but it won’t be limited to just Compton…
I’m trying to imagine what the outcome would be if it were a group of black cops that did this to a white couple. Would all of these so called officers be so defensive and outspoken? Of course we know the answer to that. They’d disown them and offer to drive them to prison personally to serve their life sentences. The police and the justice system are one in the same and they always cater to the white side of things.
@SoCal Surfer16 nah he was showing the cops his gun and it misfired
Funny when folks break the law, or hang with the lawless, bad things happen! Odd!
Breonna shouldn’t have screwed drug kingpins, know wha I sayin?
@SoCal Surfer16 I guess the two police officers shot by Dave Ware didn’t need to fear for their safety when it’s one that looks like them.
Everything is racial to you isn’t it?
Mitch McConnell this is your state Right ? So correct the problem
His ‘final solution’ to the problem would be to gas all backs.
Robobot or maybe a heat laser

But seriously though
Police are NOT supposed to be warriors! This is the problem with police today! They see the citizens as their ENEMY,and that they are above the people that pay their salaries!
@SPZ Aruba so then they deserve more help from social workers, mental health workers, etc. That also helps with prevention from crime in the first place. That’s why we say defund them, divest them and fund these other areas. The only entitled people here are the ones in uniform, don’t get it twisted
perhaps the should sent in the social services worker in first
@Ambria Ashley i say that they should just stop protecting high risk areas. let’s see how that pans out for everyone
Breonna shouldn’t have screwed drug kingpins, know wha I sayin?
@Ambria Ashley Problem being they are overworked now. Places like NYC, LA, Minneapolis, etc. that have defunded police now have record setting violent crimes. NYC and LA are trying to catch up by not prosecuting or respond to 3rd degree assault, 3rd degree sexual assault, destruction under $1000, or theft under $1000. But the crime rate is still climbing. Minneapolis doesn’t know what to do. They are down 100 cops and have had more murders in the last 3 months than they did 2019. You need space to make change and the criminals don’t take time off, back down, or care about good intentions.
It was not like they were looking for Pablo Escobar. The no-knock warrant was not necessary. It actually caused more harm
Because they actually knocked and announced themselves.
Officer tatum report they did knock.
@wraith502 In the middle of the night while they were asleep. They used a battering ram to bust the door open. They lied on the police report and waited 20 minutes to seek medical attention for Breonna Taylor.
@Helena Hall witness reports agree with the police. They knocked. As far as how long it took for ems to arrive, I could day. But, from what the report says, her boyfriend wad using her as a human shield so I’m sure that the injuries were nearly immediately fatal.
“Breonna Taylor Case Exposes Systemic Problem In Justice System”. Nah. Really? What was your first clue?
You’re right…facts and evidence should not be apart of the judicial system. Let’s just go on feelings.
What are you talking about?
NEWS FLASH: In light of his recent exclusive interview with Cardi B, Joe Biden has officially announced that the theme song for his 2020 presidential race will be “WAP” ……
(He thinks it stands for White And Proud ). And, to make sure the Dems are not outdone by the anthem worthy, “Proud To Be An American” by Lee Greenwood, Biden also announced that any time the Star-Spangled Banner gets played during one of his infrequent rallies, Cardi B will be on hand to twerk to it. Dang !!!! God bless you democratic patriots, which is actually an oxymoron. You don’t stand a chance on November 3 …….not with depraved constituents like Cardi B. Will see you again in 2024 if your party still exists. However, keep in mind, if Ross Perot runs, you’re doomed
@Rolf Xristos How bout the fact that I already knew all this for decades now and that what’s going on isn’t new to me at least. Was that a good enough explanation or do you need more words to connect the dots?
@Amenadiel The Fallen you think police are the problem for the black community? Really?
@Rolf Xristos Gee. That’s why I said exactly what I said. Which part didn’t you understand?
Yes the DA…the guy who spoke at the RNC
And I know that’s right girl you speak your mind and you tell it how it is cuz it seems to me no one seems to hear your voice or anybody else’s voice so what did John Lewis says sometimes you can get into good trouble
They need to be held to a higher form of law than the average citizen
Hello they are…you are a moron…
@Polkadot Suzanne no they’re not…case in point over and over again…
@Polkadot Suzanne Well if you are the law and can lie about what happened just like they did in this case, and then they investigate themselves and cover it up, you’re above the law moron.
The Cops Always Lies To Protect Their Self. This Is So Wrong On Every Level
No Justice No Peace. Vote The AG Of Kentucky Out Of Office, He is a puppet
this was a great result – justice has been served.
Vote Congressional Democrats are treating their Republican counterparts as friends, mates, chums and good buddies rather than as the greatest threat to democracy this country has ever seen. The center left is throwing away all their bargaining chips in the process. They need not to just threaten to add SCOTUS Justices and make DC, Porto Rico and others states. Democrats, progressive & everyone else must COMMIT to Doing EXACTLY that and so much more. Vote early and help at least two other people outside our households to do the same – plus don’t forget the census. Thank you
Police need to abandon attempting to control the systemic problems of the inner cities. The war on drugs is a 50 year joke.
the police do not make the law
@citizenxgen Did I say they did? They are the poor slobs that were thrust into this mess by whoever sent them into this total screw up. Do you thing the mob makes it? The grand jury has spoken. They may not be done.
All to the streets, enough of this crap
let the rioting, looting and burning begin….. yay
My goodness that was an impressive and impassioned speech. Tru dat.
all i heard was blah, blah, blah.
great result today – i am celebrating with the men and women in blue
citizenxgen great result? Two officers were shot you loser. You don’t care about law enforcement, you just don’t like black people. Stfu lame.
It sounds like that cop knew the fix was in the day before it was “decided”.
Just sickening, condolences to the family
@98LowDown And you shouldn’t kiss your dog in the mouth. Good grief!
ChimpCube chimpcube they were asleep and someone kicked the door in. For all they know it’s a home invasion. I suppose you ask for ID?
@ChimpCube chimpcube Too bad America has an unhealthy obsession with bacon.
Play stupid games win stupid prizes how original
another bathroom wall philosopher
AboutMyFathersWork Always
Brittany spoke the truth. That was powerful. Everyone everywhere needs to hear this truth!
This whole system is perverse and its a sad thing that this crap is happening in modern society. Very shameful America
He knew he was getting off. Just like the mayor and everyone else.