Brennan: The Mobs On Capitol Hill Shows That Our Government Has Been Leaderless For Quite Some Time

Former CIA Director John Brennan is shocked at what took place at the U.S. Capitol yesterday and believes it was able to happen because of failures of leadership by both the Capitol Police and federal agencies. Aired on 1/7/2021.
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#JohnBrennan #Government #MSNBC

Brennan: The Mobs On Capitol Hill Shows That Our Government Has Been Leaderless For Quite Some Time

Brennan: The Mobs On Capitol Hill Shows That Our Government Has Been Leaderless For Quite Some Time


  1. “Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.” — U.S. Legal Code

    1. @Ian B
      They actually bring their grievances to government instead of burning down commercial and real estate property.

      Face it, any given BLM riot was orders of magnitude worse than anything the right ever does.

      It was a 4 month insurrection paid for through unemployment fraud.

      There is no way whatsoever for the left to take any sort of moral high ground.

    2. @Nameless Progressive Clone Orders of magnitude worse? Really armed thugs take over the Michigan State Capitol building while tr**p cheers them one…armed thugs trash the DC Capitol building and lay pipe bombs in the RNC and DNC headquarters and you play “what aboutism”?

      I do not agree with violence and that means BLM or these rebels.

    3. @Ian B
      Yes. Because nobody stopped it before.

      The damage is negligible. Thousands of dollars, not billions.

      You’re making a mountain out of a mole hill after mountains erupted all summer.

    1. Democracy has died….The integrity of the election process has been compromised and hi jacked by left wing radicals

    1. @S. D. the same people who got rich from spreading facism in the first place? Now they are converted and still making far cash?

    2. @Hennie extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, which you don’t have, Sky Daddy worshipper

    3. @Knyght Ryder Yes. Let that be the approach the authorities take. Everyone who entered to building must get the proverbial book thrown at them, those who didn’t should be left to grow wiser. There’s a clear line between holding an impassioned demonstration and violently attempting to prevent the elected leaders of your country from enacting the will of the people as expressed by an election and checked for validity by the courts.

    1. @Aaron Turnupseed you’re blaming the people that weren’t in charge and forgiving those that created all this seditious behavior against the United States of America? 🇺🇲 Sad that we have such as you… We Patriots can see you and your fear a mile away!

  2. This began with McConnell & friends letting Trump off from the Impeachment. They’re co-conspirators, should be charged with Sedition

    1. @Mo And the people from the State of Maine rewarded her w/ 6 more yrs. because of her insight. Enablers all down the line.

    2. I don’t know about them, but Steve Bannon and Roger Stone ought to be hauled in and tried together with Don the Con Trump and Rudy “trial by combat” Giuliani!

    1. @Hennie – You’re phoney religious beliefs have sent you Lucifers in the forms of tRump, pence, and the GOP….devils the entire lot of them. Aside from tRump, the tRump family of criminals, the crooked GOP, and his brainwashed cult of supporters, *_the people who, in my opinion, pose ONE OF THE BIGGEST THREATS to this Democracy_* are the Evangelicals and religious nutcase zealots who allowed/encouraged/praised a form of the anti-Christ, tRump, to demonize society. Also in my opinion, *_the MOST SCREWED UP PEOPLE I’ve ever encountered in the world are religious fanatics._*

    2. @Larry Scheer
      This was the most peaceful demonstration of it’s size to occur in D.C. in decades. They got a tour, strolled around and we’re gassed out.

      Where’s the protest about the unarmed woman murdered by DC police?

  3. Great news!!!! CNN has posted names and photos of some of the trump terrorists at the capitol. The FBI will be issuing arrest warrants soon

    1. @Nameless Progressive Clone they would’ve never stormed the capitol cuz they’re president lost. So calm down whitey lol

    2. @Nameless Progressive Clone there was graffiti all over the walls. “Trump won” to be specific. They defaced and looted OUR Capitol! They laid IEDs. There were molotov cocktails seized. Items were stolen, perhaps even classified documents. Don’t try to downplay what these CRIMINALS did! And, just for the record, stop being a racist pig!

    3. @#FDT
      Are you serious? If courts had allowed hearings that led to the results being overturned, blue cities from coast to coast would still be burning.

    1. There coming for all you corrupt Democrats period! Trump supporters want all you corrupt Democrats to be extinct.

    1. @Mercy Francis, you’re absolutely right. And it’s not just Graham, Moscow Mitch, Cruz, Hawley and all the enabling must go and now.

    2. Impeach and invite Mary Trump to the proceedings! She understands so well what is wrong with Trump at a fundamental level.

  4. All the pastors that’s been supporters of trump didn’t their god tell them this was the obvious outcome, yet fo be concluded…

  5. We fought a war so that the Confederate flag would never fly in our capitol, and in 2021, our current president allowed, if not encouraged it, to happen.
    Sweet pick there, republicans. 😅😂

    1. @MrpastorC you are a child and if you can’t see the difference between people protesting police violence and people who are angry because you lost an election than your parents didn’t raise you right. Oh I forgot you are in the trump cult so I guess I should say that trump didn’t raise you right.

    2. @MrpastorC Who was the leader, that burned the BLM flag, was arrested and was found with a cache of ammo. That was the Proud Boys leader, Jack

    1. What annoys me is that so many people would not listen while a few of us tried to warn them. God, people can be so blind to plain reality.

    2. @Eric Wood My brother is screaming Antifa. I said our family was under Fascist rule in occupied Holland. Your leader is Fascist! If you support him; I am anti you Eric!🖕

    3. @Jonathan Mol Not sure what you mean. I was saying that I and others were trying to warn others about Trump. His niece wrote a brilliant book trying to do this, yet Republicans in particular just would not listen.

    1. @Gobig Orange I don’t think it was. I saw (an inadequate number of) police putting up a fight to stop them entering/progressing further into the building, The question is, who failed to make sure there were adequate forces ready to repel the expected assualt? There is also the question of why only one insurrectionist was shot. Had someone given the police a command not to use firearms? Would firearms have been used against a different kind of crowd? Biden thinks they would and said so immediately.

  6. All these Republicans are accomplishes to what took place yesterday they are trying to distance themselves but it’s too late for that now

    1. So when do we arrest everyone who enabled the BLM insurrection that went on all summer long?

  7. Finally Darth Trump leads his brainless Storm Troopers to overthrow the republic and to build the empire…

  8. Well, DUH. More like 4 years of being entirely on our own. It’s obvious now that we’re wide-open and vulnerable to attack by hostile nations.

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