NBC News reporter Julia Ainsley on the breaking story of an alarming whistleblower complaint that "high numbers" of female detained immigrants at an ICE detention center in Georgia received questionable hysterectomies while in ICE custody. Aired on 09/15/2020.
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Breaking: Whistleblower Claims High Number Of Hysterectomies At ICE Detention Center In GA | MSNBC
I never thought that I would ever say that America needs to be sanctioned for crimes against humanity.. This is just so sad..
What do you expect from a country that doesn’t accept The Hague war crimes tribunal?
a journalistic/ news agency has to look into what has been happening to the children detained without their parents. if they can do this type of thing to an adult who can speak up at least children cannot the mind boggles with pain for that is happening in your country

@BananaPig we have flying robots that blow up kids kickball games and nobody cares . the problem is we’re desensitized.
I want charges filed against the doctor who did this, but first take his medical license!
i want to know who ordered him to do this?
“One bad apple” right? No it’s the whole dam tree.
Ice needs to be either completely overhauled or shut down.
@Jesus Christ ICE, collectively, needs to be incarcerated in their old facilities. Castrations are much faster than hysterectomies.
Donald Trump’s niece said this” Donald Trump’s dangerous narcissist”
Criminally Negligenct Homicide
@Vendicar Kahn They didn’t say the word, but they described the act and the perpetrator to a “T”.
Not negligent, horrifyingly premeditated!
Xander Stop beating that dead horse. It ain,t going nowhere.
P Muller Not to mention, criminally negligent. Depraved indifference to human life. Punishable by law. You know, the law that dangerous don keeps flouting.
Apparently, doctor Mengele is back in business.
forced sterilization in concentration camps? did nazi that coming.
Jajaja Good One!!
oh no
America and China really trying to compete with these concentration camps
That’s pretty good
Remember that much of the Nazi race theory/law was taken from US sources. See “Hitler’s American Model: The United States and the Making of Nazi Race Law” by James Q. Whitman
This is Nazi Germany. The Surgeons should ALL lose their licenses.
They should be in prison.No less.
Fake News , vote Trump 2020 ,
@Patrick Hill troll
This entire situation is Stephen miller’s dream come true.
DHS is a totally corrupt govt agency.
So true, it was actually created more to violate our freedoms than to actually keep the USA safe!!
they’re treating these humans like animals at the spca
This doctor is obviously a sicko, he should be locked up.
She is just telling the horrific truth that has happened.
@Aaron H – We believe Daniel was/is referring to the Doctor the whistleblowing nurse is being interviewed about.
Trump is a false prophet for the naive and misguided.
Democrats are a terrorist organization , vote Trump 2020
@Patrick Hill

Ironic that a pro life party would do that. confirming that they are an extension of the Klan.
Check my comment above. We both said basically the same.
Once again Trump shows how much he and his colleagues have in common with Hitler and the Nazis.
GERMANY 1939. Whte people are scary.
The USA is such an evil player in the world stage. Geez, what a cruel nation.
That’s why it is virus infested.
I’m sickened to be American and hope republicans die because they are sickos.
@KazukoLight That is why I’m gonna retire to my motherland. USA has no feelings for the old and weak.
@Che333 Gar what is your homeland and can I join you?
And trump says you should be worried about a Biden America.
trump is the DANGER!
I do not trust anyone who wants to rule
So, this is how Trump’s minions plan to reduce the number of “Dreamers”.
Yeah dreamers…You ok with your hard-earned monies going to someone for a free ride education just because they are latino? If so you will not last in the New Civil War.
God bless that black woman. She’s a gift. A blessing. Whoever she is: “ I love that woman
*@Kengjuan Lee* In these volatile divisive times I STRONGLY advise you to edit your description of the heroic woman whom you are referring to. I believe she is a nurse. _I hope you take my meaning here._ If you do so and you reply to this comment I will delete it. Namaste.
@jones i am sure there are LOTS of white people, including women there, and yet a black woman is the one that SPOKE up so shut up with your namaste
@dammitmom Thank you for proving my point, you hate mongering TWUNT. I knew that by specifying her race that racist bigots like you would raise your ugly self-hating inscecure head and turn the conversation into something other than the honorable intent of the comment. Your enemy is in your mirror. If you are not supporting Trump, you certainly have the right state of mind for it. GTFO. Learn what namaste means.
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@jones Drone strikes on wedding parties.
They literally did this with African women who were slaves
Yes! And a while back maybe in the 70s or 80s (not sure) …black women who had intellectual disabilities and lived street life were sterilized like this too….
Don’t forget the native americans
From 1929 to 1974, North Carolina’s eugenics program sterilized close to 7,600 men and women, making it impossible for them to reproduce or conceive. It was a horrible and targeted towards African American and disabled citizens.
Horrible, inhumane. True history repeats itself, nazis resurfaced.
Nazis looked to the USA for sterilization. We have been doing it to African American women slaves, and Native Americans.
@J Thompson Agreed. From 1929 to 1974, North Carolina’s eugenics program sterilized close to 7,600 men and women, making it impossible for them to reproduce or conceive.
@J Thompson lets not forget the cartels learned They’re torture and murder tactics from the CIA. Our country has spread evil ideas plenty of times.
I wish there is a way to remove the NAZI traits gene.