House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler makes news by announcing his committee is demanding Trump A.G. Bill Barr testify by June 9 — the “very next day” after Washington, D.C.’s stay at home order ends – or potentially face a subpoena. Nadler made the remarks in an interview with MSNBC Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber, discussing controversies facing Trump and the Barr DOJ, including treatment of Trump advisers Mike Flynn and Paul Manafort. Nadler alleges Barr is “subverting the DOJ into a personal agent of the President,” and says the U.S. “cannot have a DOJ that is not impartial and that serves the personal interests of the President and not the interests of justice,” noting his committee is “prepared to do whatever we have to do” to make Barr testify under oath. (This interview is from MSNBC’s “The Beat with Ari Melber, a news show covering politics, law and culture airing nightly at 6pm ET on MSNBC. ). Aired on 5/13/2020.
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Breaking: Top Dem Demands Barr Testify On Trump's Flynn Scandal When Quarantine Ends, May Subpoena
The Epstein–Barr virus, formally called Human gammaherpesvirus 4, is one of the nine known human herpesvirus types in the herpes family, and is one of the most common viruses in humans. It is best known as the cause of infectious mononucleosis
You know Drumpf got Epstein Murdered! He spent WAY too much time at Mar-A-Lago – and he liked video of his perversions!
@D. Price how about you show your proof. Your statement shows just how much of a pathetic loser you really are. I hope you have to face your slanderous allegations.
the US has been decapitated. It’s a headless nation-state.
@Noreb that 1/5th of the population has always been a minority,yet from then till now ,they still hold the world by the balls.
@Briza Ac Its all about the Mayors !
Democrats turning Cities into Cesspools and crime ridden for decades of democratic rule many since the 1800s. Lazy young lowlife Democrats living in the drug infested streets around the country !
Democrats selling dope on every street corner in the big city’s creating the opiod crisis
The Democrats destroying history, destroying everything they can including our rights ! Democrats on shooting sprees 24/7
Lib-tards puking, defecating and p@ssing in the streets and sidewalks polluting the LA river. And they are worried about 1 straw found in a turtle’s nose. Fish choking on dirty syringes by democrats promoted by democrats. Now Mammals are dying in Demonrat sewage. God help us ! How much do they tax you over there ?
The top 10 most drug use cities are also run by democrats mayors and police cheifs !
Would you have a business in a run down crime infested city run by all lib t”rds ?
Here is what’s going on in America. Take this trash out ! Wake up people ! As if 140 years of Slavery, Racism and Jim Crow laws until the 70s wasnt enough ! 192 years of this brainless corrupt trash !! The Demonrat party was created in 1828
The 30 most dangerous rural cities are run by Democrat mayors and police cheifs And it keeps going and going there is not enough room here
Wilmington DE
Canton Ohio
Rocky Mount NC,
N. Little Rock AR,
Daytona Beach Fl,
Homestead Fl,
Warner Robin’s GA,
Anniston AL,
Blytheville AR,
Douglas GA,
Henderson NC,
Humble TX,
Branson MO.
East Pointe GA,
Gullup NM,
bellmead TX,
College Park GA,
Lumberton NC,
Emeryville CA,
Camden County NJ
Portland OR.
Crowley LA
Stockton CA
Bessemer AL
West Memphis TN
Berkely CA
South Bend IN
Open borders, Sancuary cities, witch hunts and blatant corruption
Myrtle beach (R) Mayor, (R) Police cheif
Pensacola, (R) mayor, (D) Police Cheif,
Tukwilla WA (R) mayor, (D) Police Cheif
Just a few of the most dangerous major Cities run by ALL democrat Mayors and Police Cheifs.
San Bernardino
Pitsburg PA
San Fran,
Salt Lake City
Springfield IL
Washington DC
Beamont TX
Kansas City MO
Ft. Lauderdale FL
Minneapolis MN
Richmond NY
Buffalo NY
Richmond VA
You will find in most all dangerous cities they are run by Democrats that have no sense of operations, hiring, mis management etc. This has been going on for decades, then we have the liberal media causing anxiety in the Democrats already brainless brainwashed fragile minds.
@Noreb 100% true. Trump will be voted out.
Better move to mexico
@Annnora C Do us a favor and delete your YouTube account. If you don’t I will contact Susan Wojcicki.
Testify it useless when somebody’s lying and is not accountable for their lies
so who’s going to Pay for the Phony Russia Hoax?
and I’m talking about Prison Time
If someone was holding a gun to you childs head what would you do????? You would lie to protect your child. There’s nothing wrong with that unless you’ve never been a parent then your clueless. Get your facts straight.
@Keith Johnson – Shelby GT500 unfortunately there will be no consequences for Schiff and the rest of the Democrats. I hope someone files a class action lawsuit against him. He needs to repay back the tax payers for his scam.
Roadstercycle who held a gun to a child’s head? Why did Flynn lie to pence?
@Vance Watley the FBI threatened to have his son arrested if he didn’t say what they wanted him to say.
Lying to Pence is not illegal.
Was Barr born in Russia? I want to see his birth certificate!
@joe carlson Article 2 says Obama was allowed to do whatever he likes!
@joe carlson – Psycho tRump investigations are ongoing. Russia, Ukraine…. And tRump’s always been touching little girls, like Ivanka…….”
No. I think we will focus on Obamagate… that’s where the fire is.
Forget about the troll fools. Trump is. The GREATEST LIAR SINCE SATAN.
@bella50008 – You can focus on the pus-filled boil at the end of your nose, for all we care. That’s where the fire is, lol !
Bill Barr is not the people’s AG. Never has been, never will be. I’d rather have Ali G.
@Hartince Crozier-Perfect what complete investigation are you talking about.
From what i can see the investigation is just getting started.
Are you aware of the closed door testimony from 2017 that have just been released.
Go have a look at it. No site, no opinions just the pdf of the transcripts.
Let them speak for them selves.
@Will Peyton I retired from the military in 2017, working in SID, I’m aware of a lot more than the report you are speaking of. And yes I read the report.
@Hartince Crozier-Perfect im not talking about a report.
I am talking about transcripts from testimony to the house intel comity.
Those testimonies prove that many people were lying to the public about evidence they didn’t actually have. It proves that the russia hoax was a hoax and obama/biden knew about it.
Barr Declared the Durham investigation Criminal, and for good reason
Barr’s daddy gave J. Epstein a job in the 70s… Now Barr Jr. has made sure G. Maxwell (the other Mossad operative) can relax safely in Israel…
Donald Barr was headmaster of the elite Dalton School from 1964 to 1974. During his time as Dalton’s headmaster, Barr is alleged to have had a role in hiring Jeffrey Epstein as a math teacher despite Epstein having dropped out of college and being only 21 years old at the time.
So Barr gave him access to kids? That is slimy
NotMe Us should he have excluded himself for conflict of Interest ?
I suspect Barr and Trump had something to do with Epsteins’ Death.
Who is donald barr
Barr is acting at the behest of Trump.Barr is a criminal he should be in jail.
@Hunter So says the frauds on MSLSD who work for multinational corporations making Billions, paying them millions every year to push victim labeling for saviorism BS. So youre a moral narcissist? Talk is cheap, if you like the Demonrats policies so much then hand over your job and your home to an illegal alien, hand over your guns, and 70% of your income. The Republicans support Americanism, bill of rights, free markets, individualism, rule of law.- This is why Barr is investigating these DOJ officials, they abused their power and almost got away with it because the media refuses to police the Demonrat Party because they are Demonrats themselves.
Wisconsin Supreme Court strikes down Democrat dictator Governor order
@Robert The Bruce Its about time someone stand up for our constitutional rights.
@foosgoalie And its also the medias failure to police the Demonrat Party. They are suppose to be an objective news outlet, why wont they share the evidence Barr and his prosecutors have uncovered? Why do they refuse to report anything detrimental to Demonrats?
the Russia Hoax was a Treasonous Coup Perpetrated by the Corrupt and Scandalous Obama Regime
House has to close bare down take away funds do what every you have to do he is corrupt to the core
You understand he was AG before this and no one had a problem with him? Why are you melting down now that he is actually undoing the fetid rot in Washington and upholding the rule of law and justice?
@J F A S H You kidding? This is the same guy who covered up Iran-Contra and Bush’s weapon dealings. He doesn’t care about rule of law or justice.
It’s obvious,in Our Faces,He’s releasing all his criminal lawless Clan.
Nadler isn’t releasing anything. He’s a worn out tired powerless old goat.
S. D. Smoke screening are we? It is finally Obamagate broken wide open
Dirty cops and slimy judges.
@15k DOW 2022 Article 2 says Obama was allowed to do whatever he likes!
Actually in reality puppet Obama is a criminal and traitor to the United States.
William Barr is giving aid and comfort to a traitor who aligns with an enemy of the State. Per Article III Title 18 U.S. Code § 2381, he should face a firing squad alongside Trump.
Philosopher of Nonsense please take your meds
Tammy, Russian troll?
@Tammy Elizabeth He’s not wrong though.
Exactly. !
He was charged and convicted on tax evasion not treason moron
These knuckleheads can’t run a country while there’s a pandemic (they expect you to work), can’t do anything to the expanding trump crime syndicate, and we’re supposed to believe there’ll be a fair election November? Or one at all??!
Stop spreading conspiracy theories and dog whistling to weak minds. How many investigations are the democrats going to start against their political opponent?
This is a waste of tax paying dollar because this crown is going to lie and stone wall around every question. Just wait till November and hopefully get a new president and January of 2021 he’s out…
@Vivian Wang ALL of them.
@1 Brathwaite Enterise LLC I’m not hopeful.
Also Trump: Release all my allies from prison!
@J F A S H- “You have any evidence that this was NOT requested by psycho tRump? We don’t expect anything short of conspiracy theories from you FAUX Entertainment republiKKKlan trolls.”
Ezekiel Bell Believes in a Satanic Deep State that ritualistically sacrifices and sodomises children to revitalise their forms in some sort of black magic voodoo shtick. And he thinks this is a little far-fetched
You cannot script this.
@Ezekiel Bell Moscow Obama is a pig.
the Evidence shows that Flynn is completely innocent, and Obama, Biden, Yates, Rice, Comey, Clapper, and Brennan are Guilty of High Treason
@Keith Johnson – Shelby GT500 Did nurse Ratched stop giving you your meds. Thanks for the laugh!
trump is executing a soviet like take over of our republic.
@shkspr78…. Hahahahaha… Good one… Funny they (Pelosi and Schumer) forgot to mention that at the last AIPAC pow-wow…. LOL
@Joe Carlson… Suffering from cognitive dissonance much ? Or just an Israeli hasbara troll ? Go ask Sheldon Adelson/Netanyahu/Kushner…
Here is a good bit of info from Israeli media (they don’t play the idiotic Russiagate circus for dim-wits over there):
@joe carlson Obamagate…put the crack pipe down.
He needs to be decapitated.
When a citizen commits a crime, however minor, especially if they are poor or a person of color, the law will come down and ruin your family and life with no mercy. Now we are watching the big shots commit crimes boldly right in front of us and no one does anything. Justice is a joke.
Jennice Planche – Justice Department or Just Us Department?
Barr needs to be disbarred ,and put behind bars,along with president,and rest of his cronies.!!
why ,cause their not doing thing in your favor
How’s that “blue puddle” in CA coming along Dems?
Normally we put people in jail for committing crimes not because we dont like them.
What about crooked hilary or biden or obama and his destruction of america ? Oh since ur a dem your blind deaf and dumb so ur prob clueless
Bar should be arrested for conspiracy. He is clearly abusing his authority.
…and the President impeached…
…again. Barr isn’t doing this for kicks. He’s doing it for Trump.
Barr should be arrested for being a fat pig!
So Barr is abusing his power by reviewing past cases that involved people in Trump’s campaign staff that were framed by the Subverted dishonest DOJ of Obama administration officials that set up Michael Flynn, and many others in Trump’s campaign & staff. Now that those Criminal acts are being DECLASIFIED so we the people can see the FACTS.
Take everything these 2 clowns have said & flip them 180 degrees to get the TRUTH. The SPIN is on again. The real scandal was Setting up Flynn and the attempted Coup that came after it! FACTS MATTER people. Trump will DECLASIFY Everything that proves to the world who the real criminals were. And it will be done & that process will be 100% done following the Rule of Law that Obama’s 2 DOJ AG never cared to follow at all. This process will also CLEAR D. J. Trump of all the false accusations leveled against him over the last 3 years.
The House should consider cutting off funding for the DOJ and impeaching Bill Barr.
And one has to wonder why the ABA (American Bar Association) isn’t preparing to disbar, barr!
There’s now a list of ABA rules he has broken.
The evidence is there!
It appears that the ABA is as weak as trump!
Inaction seems to be a toxic, spreading disease.
Trump is thumbing his nose at America. We need to vote him out of office. Then New York can get him for tax fraud.
@Matthew Kerr
Actually, you can’t even get around Michelle Obamas knob, grandpa..
@Spunn Center lol ok so how do you know if I’ll burn. Dude I pray more then you and I dont believe in a person or a government that ran by the antichrist. Lol
@Justin Naylor
You sided with the democratic deep state corporate beast system antichrist network serpent legion of death and you pray to what exactly?
@Justin Naylor
LoL… Its the Antichrist network gutting the nation with a labmade virus, genius
@Justin Naylor
Youre a brainwasked moron mindfukked by msnbc serpent brainwashing disinformants off of basic democratic corporate beast system televised airwaves
My tax dollars paying for Trumps personal attorney general.
Roadstercycle Don’t be ridiculous. If it was a coup, the military would have already moved in and removed trump from the WH and Pelosi would be president – stop misusing the word ffs. There’s no one more corrupt than Trump, using people’s tax dollars for his own personal gain. Can’t wait until Trump has to leave the WH then the 30+ pending federal, local, congressional and other major pending charges such as money laundering can continue. That’s the only reason why Trump is trying at all costs to stay put, because he knows he is toast when he leaves.
Well trump dont pay bills or taxes what did you expect.
@Roadstercycle jeep your sympathy for yourself and go back to your Foxhole please we have enough virus fungus amongst us .
I’m like like Eric Holder- Obama’s self professed ‘Wingman’
Democrats should promise to undo all of Barr’s decisions when elected,
We need to hit the reset button! I call DO OVER