Breaking: Rocket Attack On Iraqi Base Housing U.S. Troops | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC

Days after the ordered airstrike on Iranian leader Qassem Soleimani, rockets hit an airbase in Iraq targeting u.s. troops. The New York Times reporting Iran’s revolutionary guard is taking responsibility for the attack. MSNBC’s Ayman Mohyeldin joins Ari Melber for instant analysis. Aired on 01/07/20.
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Breaking: Rocket Attack On Iraqi Base Housing U.S. Troops | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC

Breaking: Rocket Attack On Iraqi Base Housing U.S. Troops | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC


    1. No let him and his children fight when they die send his supporters and their children when they die the war is over

    2. In a game you get to die more than once or start over. In war you only get to die once. — no do over.
      Also you only get to blow up the world once.
      If there is a world war 3, there won’t be a world war 4.

  1. young men will lose their lives for what? so that old men will stay in power? wtf… life is too short already , why make it shorter?

    1. @Justice Boofer because you’re a real man? Who trolls a page they don’t agree with when we just got attacked? Go to faux news or any of your alt Reich propaganda sites, unless you want to admit you wanted troops to die for Trumps ego?

  2. I love the smell of war in the morning.
    Trump predicted Obama would start a war with Iran to get re-elected in 2012.
    Now Trump is doing it to distract from impeachment.

    1. @toye sckeu Very true, but even some Republicans are starting to speak out against these actions. He’s going to lose everyone but his dumbest supporters on this one.

    2. @Jigga Man that’s what’s left already, his dumbest supporters. They just happen to be 40% of the country, and have no interest in facts or reality…

    3. @Some Person To be fair it’s 40% of *voters* not the whole country. He’s a paper giant and it will show in 2020 if the Dems can put forward somebody who isn’t a corporate tool.

    4. @toye sckeu Do you not understand he has *already* impeached? Removed from office by the senate is a separate thing. The Dems were pretty united in the vote, only 1 didn’t vote for impeachment out of 240

  3. You don’t need the ability to string together coherent sentences to be able to start a war.

    – Cadet Bone Spurs

  4. Seems weird that Iran would make such a teeny act that wd give the Prez justification to go after them…

    1. It’s not justification. It’s in response to the US assassinating a military leader. And it is a relatively mild response. They didn’t go and assassinate a US military leader.
      They said after their response the issue can be over. If the US chooses to escalate, the consequences are on them.

  5. Trump really thought he was bully everyone… oh trumpy boy i hope donnie jr and eric sign up to serve and their bone spurs dont start acting up

  6. *”We won with poorly educated, I love the poorly educated!”*
                      – Trump, 2016

    Trump supporters: i dun no wut dat means but make america grate agen 2020!!!1!

    1. “Poorly educated”. It takes one to know one. I knew he was going to get us into war, it was inevitable. I was afraid it would be with China (the little Rocket man). Oh, well, there’s always tomorrow.

    2. I’m impressed, America has come a long way, i’ll be donating a cheese grater so they can grate cheese and feel they are at the high end of tech.

    3. @James Dunn the funny thing about that is he went to Penn State, and ivy league school.. Therefore he is proof that morons can buy their way through school… or he was once, long, long ago, a smart person.. You decide which is more likely.. Lol

    1. @Anderson Cooper the money was theirs that we stole in 1979
      under obama, iran lever launched rockets at us ….
      ronald reagan set the precedence, he exchange arms for hostages in iran….then he continued selling them more arms to pay for his illegal war and genocide in central america…and when that money wasn’t enough, he authorized the cia to smuggle drugs in from columbia and sell it to the kids on the street..
      in this case, your cult messiah made a huge mistake ..thinking assassinating a high level official would win him reelection…it wont work…..

    2. @Dumpty Humpty Good, that means they have cheaper and more outdated equipment. Irans Navy is still stuck using WW2 surplus ships and submarines that are laughable with todays standards. So, I wouldn’t be worried.

    3. @Man Spider oh, go ahead and worry. If the US goes to open war with Iran, China said it will get involved. If China gets involved so will North Korea and Russia. You need to take the blinders off and see the big picture. If this escalates many many people will die on both sides. How about NOT cheering for it to happen.

    4. @Man Spider again, it was their money….their weapons are more of a result of revenue from their oil sales … …

  7. Oh, boy, here we go again. Hope all you Trump stooges are signing up for military service, because this is what you voted for.

  8. As a german I am quite astonished about these comments.
    I expected a lot of ” patriotic” crap talk .I have,certainly, to review my opinion about Americans.
    Much respect to you for seeing the situation as it is!
    Hope we can manage to come out with only a blue eye.
    Good luck to you all!

    1. No one but a bunch of obese Trump supporters will rally around Trumps flag. The vast majority of Americans hate Trump and his policies.

    2. Thank you. Most of america hates tRump! Hang in there just a lil while longer…..he will be voted out soon. Then he will be indicted then imprisoned then hopefully executed!

    1. No, that would have been a opening salvo to thrill the “martyrs’ brigades.” Something to reassure the screamers their Supreme Leader is on the attack.

      BTW — interesting allonym; ironic in some way?

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