Errin Haines, editor-at-large at The 19th, reacts to the breaking news that lawmakers in Georgia passed sweeping voting legislation that will among other things, make it harder to vote by mail, limit voting hours, and allow for state takeovers of local election offices. Aired on 03/25/2021.
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#ErrinHaines #VoteByMail #MSNBC
BREAKING NEWS: Georgia Lawmakers Pass Strict New Voting Restrictions | Deadline | MSNBC
Blatantly fascist
Georgia just created a wave of unconstitutional events….
@Tavat you know they are releasing that info in June lol. Identification is not a hurdle. You need one to drive, buy a gun, fly, open a bank account, work…..
@Josef Maybe cost isn’t the main issue. It’s just all the cumulative efforts to make voting more difficult. It will disenfranchise people just as it has in the past. It’s blatantly anti-democratic and has ZERO to do with “election security.”
@aj r It’s not a hurdle for you, but it is for some. Look into it. But that’s not the only measure—if it were, it wouldn’t be a huge deal. They are simply making it more difficult for “certain people” to vote and that’s it, with no legit justification.
@Tavat I dont agree with the whole bill but we need ID to vote. It’s not a hurdle to get get an ID I’m not even siding with real Id but its illogical to believe anyone can vote without even knowing who they are.
@Josef free free??

Voter suppressing fools. Instead of winning back voters they lost in 2020 they would just rather them not vote.
@Mark Simpson You make no sense.
They didn’t like that black voters came out in record numbers. They don’t want that to happen again.
@Amy Walker that’s funny u say that, because more black people voted for Trump than they did in 2016. So there goes your argument.
Trump 2024!!!
@Trap Daddy Trump is finished. What is left of him is going to get eaten up by the courts.
Don’t pay your state or federal taxes Georgians. If they don’t let you vote, you shouldn’t have to pay taxes.
They aren’t preventing you from voting. They’re preventing the corrupt fraud tactics you Democrats used in 2020.
@FreeMenDieFree I’m not even a Democrat, so what are you talking about? Joe Biden won stupid, didn’t you get Sidney Powell’s memo? She called you people idiots for even believing her
remember the Kraken that never happened? There was no voter fraud and you know that deep down, it’s just your feelings. Who won the 2020 presidential election? Come on, you can do it, it won’t hurt you that bad
@CoconutKev You still crying over Trump losing? That’s too bad, get over it. He was never going to make 2 terms, the POS lied about that pandemic. You didn’t think that was gonna come back to haunt him? Then he led a racist inbred mob into the Captiol to try and overturn the elections and you f-cking idiots are still claiming it’s ANTIFA. You people are garbage and a waste of oxygen.
@Sweger Shannatell it like it is but take it a l’ill easy on them
@Harvey Casey I can’t help myself
they are way too easy
Screwed principles and priorities you can purchase a gun on the same day but no same day registration to vote.
People complain of “crooked politicians” … Now when it dies come to voting… Are they going to vote for these corrupt “politicians” again? What lessons has the people of Georgia learned from this corruption.
Yes, they will vote for them again. If people didn’t like this bill, they would be blowing-up the phones of their State Reps to not allow this. But, it made it to the Governors desk.
Are you going to vote for white Supremacist who assume that blacks cannot be held to the same standards as whites?
This is exactly why the USA is very far from being the greatest country in the world.
Racist in high places doing there thing as usual there is just no end to these people absolutely disgusting.
Yeah it’s so disgusting that you have to show your state ID to vote or if you want to get the voter ID from Georgia it’s actually free
What do polling place voting hours have to do with voter fraud??
Good lord this is Jim Crow all over again!
Come on, you know that if the voting place is open just one hour later, thousands of Democratic ballots get slipped in through the back door when no one is watching.
(Note for any unintelligent readers: this is sarcasm.)

This voting restrictions bill is outrageous
And it’s dishonorable
How ?
@Mike Wilson Brian Kemp is following Trump’s footsteps after his defeat and I’m the only Republican with a sense of honor against Trump’s doings something about this is troubling.
GA voters let it happen with who they elected to pass those laws. Only those voters can reverse it.
Democrats could go to court to sue this is unconstitutional.
“You can’t assume Republicans are racists.”
Also republicans…
The For The People Act and The John Lewis Voting Rights Act Must Get Passed Now!! This is Awful!!
It won’t pass.
And all this because the orange baby had a tantrum when he lost the election. Not to worry the federal bill that is soon to be passed will undo any voter suppression bills Republicans try to pass.
The time has come. The filibuster must now be reformed or select states are going to plunge their constituents into a dictatorship environment. Congress MUST act.
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The Senate better pass the For the People’s Act, right f’en NOW! It’s the only counterbalance we have, since SCOTUS decimated the Voting Rights Act’s preclearance section, back in 2013.
Their grimy corruption knows no bounds and they’ll stop at nothing to regain power…get strategic and plan now.