CTV's Colin D'Mello discusses details of Ontario's return to school plan, which includes the return of activities.
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Stop abusing our kids
I’d say abuse is not taking adequate safety measures to prevent them or their parents from getting sick.
@Aurelian <-------- brainwashed
@Aurelian co vid does not exist.
@juliette Irene no one is interested in your conspiracy theories.
@Susan Clemens it most certainly is a conspiracy, yes.
Lockdowns and school closures in early fall.
So, in Australia one person over 80 died, so they brought out the military and police helicopters with loud speakers telling ppl to stay inside.
Coming to Canada soon…
Australia has NO vaccines. Its an island.
I am surprised Premier Ford chose votes and Money over children’s lives.
I’m not surprised at all.
Promoting masks when they have zero proof of either preventing transmission or acquiring a virus is not credible. Also, promoting an experimental gene therapy as a “tool” for dealing with a flu prevention strategy is ridiculous.
@Seymor Skinner you’re projecting..
@Seymor Skinner why is he a troll, because he has different opinion?
I couldn’t agree more. If you have one single “critical thinking” cell in your brain, you’re SEEING the outcomes, and how ABSOLUTELY ridiculous this sham has become.
The school bus has tipped sideways due to a severe Covid crash
Can you imagine sitting in a classroom all day with a mask on being told how evil your culture is and how there are millions of genders? I’d honestly quit school and start robbing.