Brazil President ‘Looking The Other Way’ As Nation Becomes World’s No. 2 Coronavirus Hotspot

NBC News’ Bill Neely: “There is a crisis here, but as far as President Bolsonaro is concerned, he’s looking the other way.” Aired on 05/22/2020.
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Brazil President ‘Looking The Other Way’ As Nation Becomes World’s No. 2 Coronavirus Hotspot


    1. India learned it’s lesson from the amount of deaths they had during the Spanish flu, but America is on the path to possibly surpass their deaths during that pandemic.

    2. 1.4B people in India and we surpass them by a mile.. That is absolutely insane!! That shows who has actual leadership and stop doesn’t. Brazils President is just like Trump!

    3. Australia had 2 cases yesterday.
      Australia looked into the abyss and stepped back.
      Difference between Australia and America/Brazil/Russia?
      Undemocratic voting.

    4. The chances you get infected is very low. If you do get infected, the chances of you dying is even lower. There is no cure. What do people want? Stay home for another 4-5 months? We are going back to work and if you are afraid, stay home. Trump will get the economy amd job markets back to all-time highs, like he did before.

    5. Yes …stupidity of your president is reflected in choice of people …it’s just another virus they said..we’ve better organised civil society and unified heterogeneous society that the “Great” USA and people are protesting in US …LOL ..ARE U GUYS NUTS ?

  1. Death, the erosion of justice, and Human suffering is what happens whenever a people allows a fascist extremist to rule over them. History has literally proven this time and time again.

    1. The US doesn’t even have that bad of a hit per capita and many deaths that aren’t caused by Corona are being documented as Corona. Per capita most Western European countries are doing worse


  3. Just like the USA, the most affected segment of the population is the Black people . CoVid 19 is being used as biological warfare on “undesirables”.

  4. Notice how the populous leaders have done the worst. So incompetent, from Trump to Johnson to Bolsonaro ect, they’ve been terrible

  5. t’rump better step up his failure to handle this virus before he loses the top spot in number of deaths.

    1. It is absolutely unimaginable to me that there are so many bitter angry people in this country that would wish death upon one another. May God have mercy on all of your souls

    1. The United States could reach a 70% mortality rate and Trump will still take no responsibility.

  6. Bolsanaro & tRump might be related. Both of them are white right wing nationalists & both deny the dangerous fact of Covid-19 & both are touting hydroxychloroquinine!

    1. Never know, Trump’s daddy mighta been a player. Or “Papa was a rolling Stone wherever he park his bone he was home.”

    2. Yeah it’s not like these deadly diseases come from a racist, concentration camp running, mono-ethnic, ultranationalist, communist dictatorship or anything… orange man bad!

  7. Mucho mucho macho man Bolsanaro & tRump are cut from the same Village People cloth & both of them are cartoonish!

  8. seems brazil president and trump are cut from the same cloth. let people die, open the economy, so what approach.

  9. “They can’t dig the graves fast enough.”
    What a horrific image, and some Republikkkans still call it a hoax.

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