On Christmas morning this entire family couldn’t wait for dad to open his surprise gift.
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Armondo Garza has loved Ayden like a son for 9 years. This Christmas,10-year-old Ayden made things official with a very special gift.
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That’s a beautiful Christmas present it made me cry!
Beautiful gift
(Jesus is coming back! Soon!)
(Ezekiel 21:8)- “give the people this message from the Lord.”
(Isaiah 40:9)- shout from the mountaintops! Shout it louder! Shout and do NOT be afraid. Tell the towns, your God is coming!”
(Joel 2:1)- “the day of the Lord is upon us.
(Joel 2:12)- That is why the Lord says, “turn to me now while there is time.”
(Isaiah 43:4)- “you are precious to me and I love you.”
(Isaiah 43:25)- “And I will NOT remember your sins.”
(Ezekiel 18:27)- “If people turn from their sins and do what is right, they will save their lives.
(Explanation: just because a person has tattoos, or had sexual inter course before marriage, or had children before marriage, or uses drugs, does NOT mean that they are going to hell! Just because you’ve done these things doesn’t mean that you’re a bad person. He still loves you regardless! Never let anyone tell you otherwise
The important thing is this! He wants everyone that is observing this message here today, to do their best in order to turn away from the following list of things before He arrives and he will open the gates of heaven to you:
-disrespecting their parents
-bullying/ being rude to others
-making fun of others
-Racist jokes and remarks
-insulting others
-cheating/ having affairs
-selling drugs
-violence (getting into fist fights, or arguments)
Version 28.0
That is wonderful to see and you are a great Man to have done this for those children – priceless is the roght word. you have do a great thing for the kids – well done young man – from Canada
If he were a good man he would have adopted a black child
How does that change anything?
No matter the skin color, a child always needs a figure in their life
@Fr1tz because many black children need a family
That was so Beautiful!!
It made me cry!!
Now thats a Mans Man may God Bless tou and your familia Sir