Boston Mayor Marty Walsh (D) is with Ayman Mohyeldin detailing the efforts his city is undertaking to contain the Coronavirus. Walsh says that while the outbreak in Boston hasn't been major, he expects cases to rise significantly in coming weeks. Aired on 3/30/2020.
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Boston Mayor: We're Writing Pandemic 'Playbook' For Future Generations | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC
the government has already had experts to write the playbooks for the situation we are currently living in, the issue is the President does not want to use it.
He’s just busy making America golf again
it’s only 65 pages and it should be released to the public!
He can’t read. Or barely…
@systematic self organization but only on his own golf courses so that he can profit while we pay for the secret service, tanktified limos, luncheons…
We had the playbook from the 1918 epidemic. We had the playbook after Ebola, SARs, MERs. Let’s just follow the playbook have.
How come it’s always Democrats that approach this problem in an intelligent ( and need I say mature) manner ? Gee….I wonder ?
@m_train Gaming oh you’re in Fox Safe Room humping your orange bag of cheetos and sanitizing with Russian Salad Dressing. Oh Dodger Making Elders Die Great Again to save your economy!
@m_train Gaming Orange Trump Chum on your chin much?
David Dennison my money is more important than your life.
Me: Trying to find a single mature and intelligent Dem in these threads
Dems: Bad Orange Man!!
RUMP is the Devil! Republicans are evil POS!!!
You all should be embarrassed of yourselves
6-8 weeks of social/physical distancing MINIMUM.
Peak will come in June/July.
lollll. months.
@Melissa H It depends upon which state one lives in. My state is predicted to have its peak the beginning of May. This mayor’s peak should be in the middle of April. Here are the projections for the US.
Please somebody make this stop somehow. Stay at home and wash your hands.
Three times. I’ve always done two
My money is more important than your life.
@ m_train Gaming Wake up dude. The money you stole from your poor mother is now taken by Trump.
If you want to hide answers and solutions to a national emergency from Trump, just place them in a book.
Or under a salad!
or put them under one of his lap dogs like Nunes or Graham.
Reminds me of when the Queen of England gave him a book as a present. Well played your Majesty!
Trump 2 weeks ago: We really only have 1 person infected. HOAX
Trump now: If only 100,000 people die from this that means I did a TREMENDOUSLY good job in stopping it. Where is my praise?
This falls on states not the federal government.
In Canada in Ontario of 14 million people, 351 cases of coron virus, 33 died from it, this is within 2 weeks. They are doing something for the people, everyone has to stay home, stores are closed, only essential stores are open, restaurants, bars and coffee shops are closed, there is more in Toronto, in a smaller city of 130, 000 people only two are confirmed with the virus, they came from a vacation from Florida, it doesn’t matter on where one lives, we are in this together. It’s how a leader get along with others, have empathy for people, it seems Donald J Trump did call it a hoax then when Ontario already was closing down schools, restaurants and bars, instead of calling it a hoax he should have taken it serious, but now trying to backtrack how his incompetence of dealing with the virus.
@m_train Gaming Not it’s up to the president to give the money to states to help their people, all 52 states, not pick and choose whom, remember we are all in this together, sad he doesn’t have empathy for others.
@Annnora C and the airlines get billions for the few passengers to fly. To OOPS! Closed states.
@m_train Gaming HAHAHAhahaha!! Oh DO go on…we’re listening!
Trump 6 weeks ago-15 cases and we have this contained….
Trump yesterday- 100,000-200,000 dead if we get it perfect…
It’s far too late to get it perfect, get ready for well over 500,000 dead thanks to Trump not doing anything 2 months ago.
Exactly correct.
it would have been 100k-200k if he did not ignore it. Expect millions to dies from this.
Covid-19? Coronavirus?
*No, America’s most serious and debilitating disease is MAGA-45.*
*VERY bad for America.*
I hope the virus grabs Trump by the neck p*ssy.
#Covid45 #TrumpFlu #PoxNews
Why would you wish something bad on a human being?
@Thomas Armsworthy Jr I don’t normally agree or thumbs up tou, but this time, you are right.
There are enough problems without him going out of action.
Take it easy, TA.
*Hey, MAGAtrash?*
Back on February 7, the World Health Organization sounded alarm bells about “the limited stock of PPE,” noting demand was 100 times higher than normal for this equipment.
*At that same time, The OrangeAnus (R – Impeached) gave China nearly 17.8 tons (more than 35,000 pounds) of “masks, gowns, gauze, respirators, and other vital materials.”*
Jesus says stop hating..Trump doesn’t hate you…he doesn’t call you names…it’s not mature so stop please
@Thomas Armsworthy Jr Poor triggered MAGAtrash. What’s wrong, MAGAtrash? Did you make boom-booms in your diaper again? Go cry to your mommy.
@Thomas Armsworthy Jr _”Trump doesn’t hate you”_
The OrangeAnus (R – Impeached) doesn’t represent America or the American people. He represents ONLY his mentally defective MAGAtrash fans.
@Bovine One Jesus didn’t say no such thing stop the madness.Bad enough people are saying God sent Trump to save America
@Thomas Armsworthy Jr He doesn’t call your name either.
Could this be a Purge of the poor the elderly and the sick the populations most vulnerable to this epidemic is the poor Watch What Happens in Africa and India
I asked myself the same question.
If you’re counting on the wh you should probably call other states and cities. We are self quarantined.
USA is 2 month behind
Every “hot spot” mayor and governor in the country is saying the feds are not helping enough. Yet Trump is saying every one of them is wrong. Who do you believe?
States need to handle themselves. That why there is a 10th amendment.
bobmatzke definitely not trump
US should not even be a country, it should split into smaller nation states. This is why I support the New England Nationalist Party
This rolling virus hotspot was sponsored by the Trump not getting Re-elected campaign. All the Trump Cult Members remember to vote for Donald Trump on your toilet paper ballots and be sure you flush them by midnight on Nov 3rd.
Tell Donald Trump John Baron says hello. He’ll know what it means.
Every wipe is an early vote then.
*A playbook for The OrangeAnus (R – Impeached) would have to be a coloring or popup book.*
Jesus says Jesus sat with the lepers..
@Thomas Armsworthy Jr
I LOVE your sweaty desperation and impotent rage, MAGAtrash. Makes me laugh.
‘Best country in the world’, isn’t it about time to get real or do you want to keep muddling on?
Where’s Jared Kushner hiding? Where’s Melania hiding?
She had extra locks put on her bedroom door….but that was before the outbreak.
Yea…all the Trumpers.
We have a play book , we went through the Spanish flu, seems like we’ve learned nothing, our forefathers would be ashamed
@Jim Battersbee vote blue
@LiS Wright vote blue
Vote blue
Marlowe Dugger always have.

Even tRump grandfather will be ashamed because of him.
He was one of the first to die by it.
Don’t forget when he said, ” I didn’t EVEN know you could die by a flu”
#VOTEHIMOUT, DONALD Trump need to go, you’re fired.
Great job as for you stepping up and caring about people lives families the sick doctors and nurses and hospitals needs