Former national security adviser John Bolton discusses the impact of President Joe Biden’s documents controversy on the investigation into former President Donald Trump’s classified documents scandal. #CNN #News
Bolton: Biden docs ‘an incredible gift to Donald Trump’

I remember FOX calling Trump’s stolen secret nuclear documents ‘’overdue library books’’.
Liar. FOX didn’t call them overdue library books!
Well lefties trump is only guilty of conspiracy from the left where as Biden is guilty from his actions reported from both the left and right
@Zero Cool Fox news shills for Republicans, ALL other media shills for Democrats.
@Todd Dillon I quite enjoy soyboy tears.
If a rank and file federal employee had classified documents in their home, they’d already be arrested
You still believe the Hunter Biden LAPTOP FROM HELL is Russian Disinformation….
Do you still believe the Russian Collusion by Trump and the Russian Dossier sold to you by CNN and Adam Schiff for 4 years ..
Yes, true. Senator/congressman/judge Smith doesn’t get the same treatment as waitress/school teacher/office worker Jameson
@aGamingDragonHD Trump declassified them when he was President, and Biden didn’t have the authority at the time to do so, when he stole them as VP and as a Senator. Get educated, Gamer!
@aGamingDragonHD Also, Biden stole his documents almost 10 years ago, so who set the standard? Get a real clue!
@Gregg Mackie How about you find someone who’s a unintelligent as you to converse with.
Should be raided and impeachment should be brought up if you guys want to keep the same energy you had for trump and I’m not a trump supporter just hate hypocrites
our government has become so not connected to us its become very sad. we dont care about most of the political party V party .we are looking at bills we are having a hard time out here in the public . and that has zero to do with this paper work deal.
I don’t think so at all. They are doing exactly what the people want. Just not the majority of the people. The rich have a voice through money and lobbying. The only time we can even see a politician is when they are campaigning for votes. They aren’t doing we want (both sides) but they are doing what somebody wants.
Trump is going to have a field day with this scandal at his upcoming rallies. Should be a hoot.
@John B wrong answer dippy
@Cody Russow sorry sweetheart but facts don’t care about your feelings. Thanks for stoppin by though
@Elizabeth Stanley Trump/DeSantis 2024!
Does anybody actually go to those rallies anymore?
@Jim Armstrong Whatever helps you sleep at night, bud.
The Biden docs is also a big disappointment to CNN
It’s killing CNN to report this

Sitting here on the side of the road waiting for a tire to be brought out. I was watching someone in my side view mirror walking down the side of the road behind me dragging something. Though it was a guy. Walking past the driver door turns out it’s an old homeless woman dragging a suitcase with her belongings behind her. Americans are hurting and this clown government would still rather throw taxpayer money down a rat hole then help.
How embarrassing that you don’t carry a spare. Man up boy.
No politicians truly care about those in pain.
What’s wrong Biden lovers? Y’all are mighty quiet after your boy got caught with documents

. Gonna get butt hurt, cry and try to defend these facts snowflakes?

. If Biden needed over 25,000 troops to guard him from the people on Inauguration Day, then it’s clear that he wasn’t elected by the people

What is the spending on Welfare? In FY 2022 total US government spending on welfare — federal, state, and local — was “guesstimated” to be $1,662 trillion, including $792 billion for Medicaid, and $869 billion in other welfare.
The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Austria was worth 480.37 billion US dollars in 2021 –> US government spending on welfare — federal, state, and local — was “guesstimated” to be $1.662 trillion.
The world keeps passively looking at this while they keep getting rid of their old equipment. Human lives are nothing more than a business decision.
Well if someone comes to your house and kill your wife children destroy your property would you think if gun you can protect them is old or new?
Until those bloodthirsty creatures exist on earth until we have need for it!
At this time Ukraine dose not have its own because wouldn’t think that could happen so I am sure they appreciate everything they get and it’s much better compared to Russia!
At this moment that old equipment is saving lives of people whose country was just attacked by barbarian front Russia of 21 century!
Keep seeing
What’s wrong Biden lovers? Y’all are mighty quiet after your boy got caught with documents

. Gonna get butt hurt, cry and try to defend these facts snowflakes?

. If Biden needed over 25,000 troops to guard him from the people on Inauguration Day, then it’s clear that he wasn’t elected by the people

I sure miss DJT! I miss the secure border, and peace in Europe. I miss the $1.58 a gallon gas prices in east TN. I miss the national reserves filled to the brim. I miss Trump most of all, when I stand at the cash register. Prices have doubled in just 18 months. Generally it takes 20 years for that to happen.
What’s Back to The Future I – III and get a life. Move to Maralego and lose it. “Make Amerikkka Great And Glorious Again” “MAGAGA!”
Do you miss the $8T that Trump added to the National Debt?
Gas prices rising had NOTHING to do with the Biden Administration. They’ve been fighting to bring them down and the Fossil Fuel industry has been fighting them. And prices doubling in Europe is also Biden’s fault?
National Reserves filled to the brim? Sigh. That’s in reference to taxing IMPORTS from other countries. The problem being that the AMERICANS importing those products were the ones paying the tax. That tax went to the Government. So Trump was actually reaching into your wallet and taking money out; and you praise him for it.
The border wasn’t miraculously secure under Trump then suddenly insecure under Biden. I wish you guys could think for yourselves rather than regurgitating right-wing talking points.
People like YOU are the reasons why Dictators rise to power. The Propaganda machine convinces enough people that Democracy eventually falls apart. And you can’t see it.
over easy — LMAO @ secure border – you mean the cages that separated the parents from their children. Peace in Europe. lol you mean leaving WHO and NATO – being the laughing stock of the entire world. $1.58 a gallon of gas. Nah way more hot air in TN than that. lmao. National reserves filled to the brim – yeah like the 10 tones of PPE Trump sent to China while he as denying the severity of Covid. Prices have been going up for decades. Put down the remote and get off the porn channel. You might learn some actual facts.
What’s wrong Biden lovers? Y’all are mighty quiet after your boy got caught with documents

. Gonna get butt hurt, cry and try to defend these facts snowflakes?

. If Biden needed over 25,000 troops to guard him from the people on Inauguration Day, then it’s clear that he wasn’t elected by the people

Democrats love their fentanyl and child sex trafficking gig. 10% for the big guy.
It is so funny to watch CNN on their knees eating John Bolton’s sausage
Typical centrist corporate media hacks, anything to get interview access which hopefully leads to ratings boosts
What’s wrong Biden lovers? Y’all are mighty quiet after your boy got caught with documents

. Gonna get butt hurt, cry and try to defend these facts snowflakes?

. If Biden needed over 25,000 troops to guard him from the people on Inauguration Day, then it’s clear that he wasn’t elected by the people

This guy is the single biggest war hawk I’ve ever seen. He pushes for war every time he opens his mouth. Defense contractors love him.
Of all the disingenuous self serving Lying two faces Ar$eholes from Trumps Administration , Bolton and Pompeo are Best-in-Class
@R. Michael Pitman I remember Trump being impeached because he wanted this investigated before giving The Ukraine any money.–dj2-CY
@All Things Paranormal Yep. Remember Trump being impeached because he wanted this investigated?–dj2-CY
@Soda Popinski the tolerant showing thier true colors. These big tech leftists censor liberals, conservatives, leftists and right wingers. If you have “wrong think” they shadow ban you.
Scary the same person who has the nuclear codes didn’t know he had classified documents in 5 separate unsecured locations. Smh
@Elizabeth Stanley some have been there way longer than six years.
@Mudd Hammer I just heard that. Since when can Senators take home classified documents?
@Elizabeth Stanley we need to go back to paper election ballots and digitize classified documents so they can be stored properly and safely.
@Mudd Hammer Sounds like reasonable solutions to me.
Now we find out he may have stolen documents when he was a senator
How is this dude still on television after admitting to war crimes (on CNN if I recall)?
“We know they’re lying, they know we know they’re lying, we know they know we know they’re lying, and they keep lying to us.” Alexander Sozhenitsyn
Are you talking about Zelenski?
Joe should explain why his classified docs are different from Trump’s, it’s that Joe’s docs helped Hunter’s career, while Trump’s were locked up in his home.
@Gooser __ Keep on reaching
So where are all the documents from the empty folders trump had. Maybe thats how he’s so buddy buddy with prince of sadi arabia , putin & kim jung s.k.
@Cody Russow Obummer took documents when he left office. Just like every other president has done since the opening of the Presidential Library. President Trump’s no different.
The Biden Crime Family shouldn’t be in possession of any Classified Documents whatsoever. Period!
What about that don’t you understand?
Brainwashed Commie Leftist Libtards suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome.
@LG You’re not paying attention.
After the FBI’s initial inspection, the only requirement they had was to secure the room better. Which President Trump did and notified the FBI for a reinspection. That’s when the Raid on Mar-A-Largo went down, well after the FBI urgently took a three day vacation in sunny Florida first.
CNN is feeding you Dog Turds, telling you it’s Escargot. Judicial Watch and Epoch Times. Paperwork In Hand! Not FAKE NEWS.
@LG That’s FAKE NEWS. The Unclassified Documents were not in this office were he met with people. They were in a locked room with very high security in a secure part of Mar-A-Largo. The FBI’s only requirement after their inspection was more locks on the doors.
Brainwashed Commie Leftist Libtards!!!!
There are plenty of reasons why I don’t like Jon Bolton. But he does keep his eyes open and acknowledges what he sees rather than deny it.
I can guarantee you… This is no gift to us nor to you. It’s completely all messed up and government needs to be held to better standards. Right now I don’t trust any of them.
Smartest comment on here. Half are Republicans, half are Democrats. Wrong!!!! Trust no one. Its we the people, period.
Meanwhile, A former high-ranking FBI counterintelligence official has been indicted on charges he helped a Russian oligarch, in violation of U.S. sanctions.
Victims being pitted against each other is the greatest indicator of evil.
Mr Bolton actually looks like a voice of moderation now, compared to the current GOP.