With the second democratic presidential debate nearing, you might want to know what insanity the British are up to, as the leading candidate to be the next Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, hauls out the 'kipper' in his final debate.
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BoJo And His Kipper | All In | MSNBC
Oh, BoJo…
BoJo smoked to much Kipper.
UK is a conquered land (The word I am hearing from my INSIDERS is that even the Royal Family is complaining that they are captured by MSNBCannibals)
I’m an insider and you are talking bullsh*t
Actually Boris is wrong that regulation did not come from the EU, it is a British regulation
He’s a liar.
@Wallace I know that, you know that.
Johnson/trump supporters beliveve him and if he said black was white and up was down, they would still believe him.
Worth a read.
And how in God’s name did we get to be here again ???
He’s Trump S English cousin.
It’s the UK, not England!
Wata !!!!, this guy BoJo its the perfect mix of Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders
Nope, he’s nothing like Bernie.
Bernie Sanders didn’t go to Eton.I doubt he knows much Latin. You know not of what you speak.
The popularity of t’rump and Boris just goes to show that stupidity is universal.
@Connor Richie This video isn’t about disagreeing with Boris – it’s pointing-out that he told a very clear and obvious lie. What is it with you guys and denying the truth?
@BioBiro because only the right denies truth? Ya see that in its self is denying truth
@Connor Richie You’re avoiding confronting the issue of Boris’ lie, and claiming I blamed only the right – which I never did, if you simply read my previous comment. *Did Boris lie or didn’t he?*
Boris is another Kremlin lapdog.
He got paid 150,000 for dinner and an evening with Putin’s pals wife.
“What could possibly go wrong?”
One of my favourite sentences.
Now you have Boris the Spider, an alcoholic Trump … absolutely brilliant.
Good one, Chris..
*Bojo the clown*
He’s good to laugh at.