Former Republican House Speaker John Boehner said that former President Trump “incited that bloody insurrection” in his new book, according to the New York Times.
#CNN #News
Former Republican House Speaker John Boehner said that former President Trump “incited that bloody insurrection” in his new book, according to the New York Times.
#CNN #News
Trump said he’ll march with them and left in his limo right after the speech

@Wild by Nature coming from the clowns that called trump a tyrant.
@Sara Mill none of you pubs said a damn thing when trump started this, so shut the hell up now
Only Trump seems to safe CNN from loosing clicks …
fools all
SH@M HallIT for brains
I guess not all of those “patriots” are willing to sit in federal prison for a decade to defend their deeply held beliefs. Imagine that.
@Joost Assink so you live in Egypt. Can you fly too
@Randall Bryant wow you actually know all those people. Wunderbar
@Steven Curtis i am not the best president in history. I can four who were better by small margin
@Gunner Walker I have to disappoint you, I’m a Dutchman and therefore live in The Netherlands. So, what’s your problem?
@Joost Assink my problem is that i cant fly. Maybe if i move to Egypt
Imagine the rage that’s consuming the Donald. He wants to unleash a killer tweet storm against Boehner, but he can’t
@Peter Karv Why is trump going to kill those that laugh at him? Just asking. I wish you the best.
@Collins Collins yah ok..
@Eh-lien really? You’re going to get me on my spelling?
Sorry but Trump is just fine and is making his own platform. After Trump twitter is nothing and most people leave. So much for totalitarian one party rule and censorship
Yep, he must look like Elaine from Seinfeld dancing right now.
Every single Capitol Police officer should sue Trump personally for injuries, pain and suffering and ask for punitive damages too.
@Stephen Hill Are you saying your a moron? It seems you don’t realize what your side has done for 4 years!
@Capt. Tamre’ Colby Not really so slow, but the same thing, Whitey grievance against Black/Brown Americans, Hitler had Aryan grievance against Jewish/Russian/Gypsy people.
Suit already by a couple if them.
Only Trump seems to safe CNN from loosing clicks …
Anyone Still Kissing cheater Biden & CNN’s rear? Bye election cheaters
Thank you for keeping this story alive. We can never forget or forgive anyone involved in the Seditious act. All involved should be held accountable. Anyone in congress involved should be held to Seditious conspiracy and treason convictions.
Republicans need to be banned as they bave proven and still are corrupt to the core now taking away peoples voting rights cause they didnt vote for cheeto. Off to jail cor them all and fox fake news reporting needs to pulled off the air we dont need tin foil hat clowns on tv
@Andrew Middleton I’m with you all the way on this.
Ok Karen
@Best Guitarist Ever RR Certainly Darrel.
Try understand why. We can never forgive Biden and Kamala for using riots all summer and that virus to overthrow the President after failing in taking him down for 4 years after trying to stop him from getting elected by using FBI to spy and spread disinformation. That totalitarian regime now that is trying to change the law to make a one party state….. wake up
♥ Thank you Erin !
Tucker Carlson: “extremely dangerous ideas”. The idea caught on tape: “hang Mike Pence”.
Mo Brooks is as shrill and frenzied as Kimberly Guilfoyle screaming “the best…is yet…to come!!”. I thought they might finish by laughing maniacally while shooting lightning from their fingers and then bursting into flames.
Kinda like a Batman movie.
@Alexander Wood that hate and jealousy will only hurt your self pity. It will be okay. Relax and breath
@Gunner Walker Idk what you could possibly be talking about…
I’m definitely not at all jealous of ignorant conspiracy theorists who were tricked because they’re uneducated morons. I also don’t feel jealous of Trump at all. If I did the things he’s done, and stolen from so many of my own supporters, my conscience wouldn’t be able to stand it… For some of us, being a Just person is it’s own reward… Other people, however, (like you, probably) are born psychopaths who don’t have the physical capacity to have empathy for anyone. I have no sympathy for them nor the moronic anti-intellectuals who people like that regularly trick.
@Alexander Wood you didnt call me racist as usual if someone disagrees. But you have learned bigger words
@Alexander Wood i do have a new cyclepath in my backyard. How did you know? Are you spying again
Just think about how many books (just like Boener’s) that could be brewing out there. Historians are getting excited. A major entry in history books is in the making.
I have two ideas I might write about, I’ve heard some good writers currently writing. Historians are writing their own books and notes. The internet remembers everything anyway
The lesson he learned is the one Goebbels taught.
Mo Brooks sounds so proud of his Civil War ancestors. I think we can guess pretty accurately which side they fought on… (Hint: Not the winners.)
They were ALLOWED to do this….with little to no consequences (at the time). They were politely ushered in as if they weren’t a riotous mob and they were ALLOWED to leave. They were handled very delicately.
The reason why they have continued the Big Lie is because those chief instigators and mobilizers have not been held accountable and who knows they may
The one not held accountable is the one who used covid to grab the power and shut down all freedom of speak. The massive voter F*** and the unlikely , all those unlikely things that we all can see. You must be a troll payed for by CCP and Hunter
In his office sat old biden
Finally found where he was hiding
Why they ask is he getting fat
You would too if you just sat. Lol
@Thindi Gee democrats haven’t for allowing the riots that killed over a hundred
@Thore Engevik The majority will ignore the LIARS more and more. There was no fraud. Prove it, or shut your mouth.
Can’t stop being a liar? We will shut your mouth. Look at Trump. The liar can’t spread lies anymore. The loser can cry. Nothing else he can do while he waits to be thrown in jail for all of his crimes.
The US will not forget that Putin helped the liar and criminal Trump, and Putin will not remain in office, either.
If you think that the opponents of the LIARS are the friends of the CCP, you are sadly mistaken. Watch while we revive capitalism.
The election was RIGGED. Biden is illegitimate. He will be removed. And there’s nothing you can do to stop us
You have to call this out for what it is. No repainting.
I love how they remain quiet and then write a book…..
Boehmer suffers from Moochism. He, like other slow-thinking conservatives, takes months to figure out what smarter people, like Liberals, can see right away.
Boehner is a RINO. But corruption is owned by all. They all play in the same litter boxes. Democrats, republicans….
Right? One after another. I won’t waste a dime on any of them.
Thank you Mr. Boehner. The difference between 1776 and 2021 is that in the former we were fighting against a tyrannical king, on January 6 they wanted to install a tyrannical king.
Joe Biden has shown himself to be Tyrannical.
Executive order King
@Robert Brown Actually, trump was the Executive Order king: “Trump issued 204 orders in one term, compared to former President Barack Obama’s 276 in two terms, former President George W. Bush’s 291 in two terms, and former President Bill Clinton’s 364 in two terms.” Biden has signed 50 so far, but that will slow, now that many of trump’s disasters have been reversed. It does pay to have a little knowledge before commenting
@Betty Robb what basis do you have for that claim?
@Sheila Boston at Biden’s Pace he will surpass them all.
@Alexander Clark …….Eyes and Ears wide open! Just my opinion!
Investigative reporters are doing a magnificent job keep up the hard work you are doing.
Thank you to the two guests for saying it like it is. The world needs you.
So you don’t understand that they lie ?
Perpetuation of The Big Lie will come back to bite next November.
“He had a lot to say, he had a lot of nothing to say we’ll miss him…”