Legendary journalist Bob Woodward and CNN's Wolf Blitzer discuss the first presidential debate between President Trump and Democratic candidate Joe Biden.
#CNN #News
Legendary journalist Bob Woodward and CNN's Wolf Blitzer discuss the first presidential debate between President Trump and Democratic candidate Joe Biden.
#CNN #News
“Someone has got to get some spine ” says Woodward
Thérèse Martin the republicans are so spineless sea cucumbers look at them and say “geez, I have more of a backbone than you “
THE Moral and Ethical standards that so many had, have been given up for a Red Hat.
American Ancap it doesn’t work that way…
Let me guess, you voted for the cellphone smasher, correct?
The president told the proud to back off. Why didn’t Biden tell the. BLM and the other protesters and distrutive people holding his signs. Why didn’t Biden tell them to back down
@American Ancap if he fires missiles he’d end the entire world you idiot we can’t have somebody who has no impulse control to have control over the nuclear weapons and even then you’d be bombing your own damn country idiot if anything if you and did touch down all the smart rational people would actually help them get the sycophant out of the office and put the present who actually won in office
Henry Chapman … he did. He told everyone to uphold the law and protest peacefully. Also, Pride Boys are a white supremacist movement trying to emulate beerhaus pusches by maskerading as a drinking club…. which carry guns… a useful mix. It also makes the world laugh as pride boys should be carrying a
rainbow flag to help let out their suppressed feelings. The world will understand.
He’s dreaming if he thinks McConnell would even consider than. He DOES NOT CARE.
Unless there is something in it for McConnell…
McConnell and the rest of his hypocrite gang of complicit senators such as Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Lindsay Graham, Marco Rubio, Ron Johnson, etc., are involucrated in Dumb’s dirty business.
Yes, “the turtle” doesn’t care. He is making millions from the lobbyists of big corporations.
Just cut Trump’s mic off when it’s not his time to talk.
The biggest threat of the election is corrupt media and the crazy democrat agenda.
Auto mute during a 2 min answer would be a great excuse for either candidate to say “they were silencing the truth” or some bs like that. I suggest a 5 strike rule like it is in Korea. During debates, you get to interrupt freely 5 times, but after that, you get muted 0.5-1 min per interruption, but free to interrupt the person you attempted to interrupt after the mute penalty lapses if the person is still speaking. Pretty much giving candidates a “interrupt at your own risk” policy. I.e. after the 5th interruption, if Trump interrupts Biden again, Trump will get muted for 30 seconds. If Biden is still speaking after the 30 seconds, Trump is free to interrupt for that answer Biden is giving. And itll be enforced again the next time Biden is giving an answer to a different question.
@Victoria Biggs Actually, the biggest threat to this election and, America in general, are dishonest and malicious idiots like you without whose support toilet-in-chief’s big mouth would only make people laugh.
You have a problem alright. Biden caught microphone and contacts that shows data. It’s called RA spec. Research
Biden loserrrrrr
@Victoria Biggs what exactly is the Democratic agenda?
This is not Nixon’s Republican party any more. Trump is not some anomaly, he’s the result of what they’ve been becoming for decades.
You have a problem alright. Biden caught microphone and contacts that shows data. It’s called RA spec. Research
Biden loserrrrrr
I’m so glad we have a president that’s an alpha male and not afraid to say anything
@Joe Kulik I don’t know…What does it mean to say that America is a “democracy” when a LEFTIST president (Obama) uses US Government Intelligence resources to attempt to spy on and destroy the LEFT’s opposition? What does it mean that LEFTISTs have spent the last 4 years attempting to overthrow the Government, burn innocent people’s businesses down? Time for you to go look in the mirror and start opening your mind to other than LEFTIST propaganda.
Uh oh. Looks like the trolls found us. The civilized conversation has started to decline.
@Craig LoPresti By voting trump out. He is a universal disgrace. Has anyone seen the comments coming in from the other countries who were always looking up to America? They are saying the
country is falling apart at a very fast rate, especially if one listens to trump’s rhetoric, which is based on him calling on white supremacists to take charge of destructing the country, if he loses the election! He wants a war because he knows as soon as he is out of the WH, it’s time for impeachment. He is trying to buy himself and his family time to stay there longer. Voters must wake up asap and vote him out!
Mainstream America, all this winning is KILLING PEOPLE
Putin paid for an American civil war and Trump is determined to deliver.
Media, please call this for what the most dire outcome is.
Putin’s associates also paid hunter Biden $3.5 million. And he’s determined to keep it
@Rolf Ahl false
Biden has already proven he has Ukrainian ties from his son… I wouldn’t be surprised if he had Putin ties as well….
Putin paid Hunter Biden millions! There is no corruption between trump and russia. Stop peddling conspiracy theories that were debunked by the special counsel
Trump is losing and he knows it.
He is going to try and blow up the US election
Hope he does. The country needs to split up…been saying it for years. Each region has different priorities.
@Guillermo Robles obviously you didn’t watch the same debate everybody else did everybody around the world said that Trump was whining like a child and that Biden definitely won that debate because he was actually calm and collected and brought forth actual answers to the questions rather than just dog whistling
Hahah, Who is for mass mail in voting? (Joe) Who’s district was caught? (Ilhan diper head) Who is in bed with billionares letting fellons out on bail? (Joe, Kamala and Bloomberg) Who wants to pack supreme court adding multiple justices to make liberal judgments. Trump will get Amy in that justice spot so fast and make sure we have a fight. Joe will lose so hard he will defect to China with Hunter. When it is too late to run, the navy blows up their plane and they all die. Trump will win, and we will fight to death, to save this great nation from leftist terrorists stealing our democracy.
@Justin Babe first off leftists are not terrorists neither are right wings you are being controlled mentally dude on your first point mail and voting is already done in the military it’s been donefor nearly 40 years and five other states two of which are Republican states so how can Mass mail and voting be bad if it’s been done before also Elon Omar’s district was not caught that was actually debunked by PolitiFact third on your point of who is in bed with billionaires how could you say that when we have a billionaire or supposed billionaire in the white house right now that’s like giving a bank robber a gun and saying here protect this Bank. Fourth the story about Hunter Biden was proven to be false the actual FBI and judicial council said it was false so quit believing conspiracy theories open a damn history book and do some freaking research
America has a loose cannon on their hands in Donald Trump. Trump is desperate and fighting for his life and freedom. He knows his crimes have caught up with him and the only thing that is saving Trump from indictments and prison is the presidency and he’s fighting for his life to keep this office. He’s lost it!!!
“Sorry to say this, the moral compass…” Is he coddling the people responsible in a big way for this mess?
Google announced today that searches for “move to Canada” and related topics spiked last night during the debate
You have a problem alright. Biden caught microphone and contacts that shows data. It’s called RA spec. Research
Biden loserrrrrr
You will like it here in Canada…..we are civil, voting is easy, public healthcare system works well and we have maple syrup!
Canada needs to build a wall, and trump supporters need to pay for it.
@Angela Christ lol Angela, I am Canadian. Born here 58 years ago
Micah Iwaasa if we are able to thoroughly rid ourselves of the double virus infecting US , I feel confident that all people will ultimately benefit. We have way too many things to do. This has to change in a fundamental way. It’s people vs the ORC’S. And we can all agree to deal with climate change as the catalyst for a long overdue change in how we view energy. Everything is upside down but I have no doubt that people are good. Young people are ready to do extraordinary things like clean the oceans.

Trump is completely unstable and the final proof was in that horrendous debate.
Someone should put Trump in a straight jacket and take him to a quiet place. Trump is insane
“We have a pathological liar in the White House: unfit intellectually, emotionally, and psychologically to hold this office and the whole world knows it, especially those around him every day.”
Something has to be done…liar Trump is a clear and present danger to America and life as we know it….. please call your representatives in Washington DC and let them know it’s time to do something about this extremely dangerous situation…PLEASE DO IT NOW BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE.
(the last paragraph is the words of someone whose name I do not know)
You don’t hear much from Trump supporters when he behaves like a moron. Be very careful America.
I watch FoxNews,or attempt to.
I have a whole family of “trump supporters”.
So yea, I’ve never heard anything for them.
And I usually ignore them.
They’re just as big a moron as you are.
Eternalwarpuppy you are so wrong about the media, they have nothing to gain by being so negative on trump, if all they wanted to do was create a narrative and de-legitimise trump they would be more subtle. I live in Australia, our media has no vested interest in getting rid of trump we are just watching Trump destroy democracy in America, trying to undermine an election he is going to lose, it is really sad.
Have been having to be careful for a while now.
It’s scary af here
Hahah, Who is for mass mail in voting? (Joe) Who’s district was caught? (Ilhan diper head) Who is in bed with billionares letting fellons out on bail? (Joe, Kamala and Bloomberg) Who wants to pack supreme court adding multiple justices to make liberal judgments. Trump will get Amy in that justice spot so fast and make sure we have a fight. Joe will lose so hard he will defect to China with Hunter. When it is too late to run, the navy blows up their plane and they all die. Trump will win, and we will fight to death, to save this great nation from leftist terrorists stealing our democracy.
If Trump does not accept the inevitable result of the election… then it may lead to civil war. Again, Putin destroyed america without spending a bullet.
Craig Crawford Why would Republicans who voted for him say he’s going to start a war? Come on man, what are you? A junkie?
@Anthony Dipasquale I think you misunderstood what Ben was saying.
@Rolf Ahl Are you an obtuse clown? Logic is not your strong point evidently. .
@Otis Dylan What ‘backlash’ was Ben referring to, other thank his racist, anti-Black sentiment that a successful Black president saved America from a deepening recession? I heard him loud and clear.
@Rolf Ahl Can’t think of any cities burned down, false narrative.
Does that mean Forrest Trump is not eligible for the Nobel Peace prize?
Eternalwarpuppy he’s close if you round off. It’s personal, property taxes, they should check that out. Is he taxed for his “golden toilet?”
Nope. That’s a tactic used by the right.
@Gerri Ziegler Not even taxed on his golden showers.
@Bruce C He will have to buy one.
Obama got it for doing nothing. Trump definitely deserves it
I’ve learned that democracy cannot function in a country full of stupidity and Hate
Yep. Split the country up. Don’t need another Yugoslavia happening.
Good thing we are a “ constitutional republic”
Democracy can’t work in a country, period.
@zztalk talkzz So substitute the phrase “constitutional republic” for “democracy” in the statement he made and it still stands.
Trump’s enablers need to stop and quite supporting his delusions of grandeur !
The only source threatens and destroy our country is The Trump himself!!