Legendary journalist Bob Woodward talks to CNN's Wolf Blitzer about President Trump's administration and the response to the coronavirus pandemic.
#CNN #News
Legendary journalist Bob Woodward talks to CNN's Wolf Blitzer about President Trump's administration and the response to the coronavirus pandemic.
#CNN #News
indeed…4 more years of an insane, ignorant government is just beyond comprehension!!!
Maybe you shouldn’t have decided a senile fool and a lying witch would make for a winning replacement team because they aren’t.
TRUMP 2020 speak for yourself jerk
@Thomas Y you got that right 100 percent
@Don I kinda did speak for myself, Drink all the Kool-aid
@Rusty T it’s got to be better than drinking Biden piss
Daily Reminder: Trump called Corona Virus a Democrat Hoax that will “magically” disappear.
@Sui_Jay Trump never banned travel from China or International flights. There were travel restrictions. Huge difference. It is good to know the facts.
@myko freder in came in through the international airports in blue States. trump didn’t care if they died. Now its rampaging through his red States trump still doesn’t care.
No, he did not.
@Robert Johnson Tara Ried is a liar. If there was any truth to her story, don’t you think she’d be pushing her story all over fox 24/7?
@Randy M Nope it was a fully banned from China and restricted for EU countries. Its definitely good to know the facts. Doing so President Trump saved hundred of thousands of lives. EU countries on the other hand didn’t ban travel from China until weeks after President Trump therefore China infected the world by letting passengers travel to EU countries. Some made it in to the U.S. from China in the beginning but it was quickly stopped way faster than Obama or Biden would’ve done.
Three 20 year olds have been fined 10000 pounds each for having a party while supposed to be in quarantine with mild symptoms in the U.K. we are treating it seriously Americans need to do the same.
@Mirande D 55,000 WORLDWIDE daily. The average daily death rate of covid including spikes has been 915 in the US compared to 2,500 a day from heart disease. This does not include all of the other silent killers like cancer that claim 1,600 daily. I am not saying the virus is not dangerous to certain individuals, but it is not worth keeping our economy closed when we already have identified the most vulnerable groups in society that should remain quarantined. The effects of a dead economy on society will claim exponentially more lives in the U.S. than this virus ever will.
@Barbara Cooley You expect perfection. That is not possible in this unperfect world! And no we will never get to “perfection” no matter how hard we try
Agreed. In New Zealand we have two kinds of quarentine. Hotel or, if you dont like that, police cells. Why should we all suffer because some moron coming back from Australia wants to go to the bottle store?
USA need to grow up and harden up.
I am an American and I agree!
@Lauren Kruse Karen kruse, it’s the common cold glorified.
I was a child when the Bay of Pigs and nuclear threat happened. I remember the adults in my family praying (we’re Irish) and I can still feel the fear. I can feel that same fear now, not just for the US but for the whole world, you have a despot in your White House, God bless you all
Wow. This is some scary times.
Kathleen Ryan YOU are an over emotional FOOL
Kathleen Ryan
Thanks for your good thoughts. We surely need them
Be well.
@M. Jeffry you have no respect, and I will continue to pray for your beleaguered country
Aye…I was in Ayrshire, Scotland in these days…you could feel it..just a climate of being uncertain
This guy is a full meal deal of the worst that could be imagined for America……so glad I chose Canada
…..we ARE cared for, not just in this pandemic…Better days to come for the yanks..hopefully
Look it not China problem it’s Trump problem he lied to the American people and he doesn’t want to take the fault and the blame
Exactly. It came from China, but what does that mean we don’t do anything here? Trump and his cult make no sense.
Wolf come on man. According to Trump this is “fine.” It’s fine because that’s the plan. More sickness and death. To Republicans they will use this and their self made financial crisis to get rid of Social Security. Watch it play out. Sad thing is none of these people who support this man can afford his policies.
@Mary Boyle Obama ,over 5,000 americans dead. trump, about 50, answer is clear
@Donna Bruton facts too painful ?
@Mark Nevels Yo man what kind of delusion are you acting out. I’m a straight out liberal who firmly believes in the 1st and 2nd Amendments. I’m old enough to remember when political assassinations were in fashion so don’t give me any crap. How old are you? Be smart vote for what’s in your interest. Trump ain’t good for you unless you’re rich. Democrats never took anybody’s rights.
@cessna caravan truth hurts!
@jan coo I also support Biden, but I’ve recently started doing my own research and am now finding myself questioning my political affiliation (I STILL LEAN BIDEN). Quick question: Why are you guys (fellow Biden supporters) so mad about Trumps Tax Returns? Sure, he may have only paid $750, but DID HE BREAK THE LAW? Tbh, when the news broke I was mad as hell bc I thought he did, but when I looked for myself and the news broke that it was legal, I had no reason to be mad. WHY ARE YOU GUYS STILL MAD? I LEAN BIDEN, BUT I DON’T FOLLOW YOUR LOGIC, please explain. Btw only using Caps to draw attention in hope someone will respond
If a large number of Republicans have problems with him and refuse to do their duty to stand up for it in the Senate, then they are aiding and abetting his crimes. Yes, the argument could be made that they felt bullied, which goes back to Trump. Yes, perhaps some were bribed and thus will not say a word. But absent any of that, they are aiding and abetting. Abetting a crime is itself a crime. And they can go to prison for it. So I hope that justice is served, and Mitch McConnell should be the first to go.
@pepperpepperpepper chinese commie
@Rose Thomson I never stated anything about a crime that I am trying to prove myself. I stated that he has violated the Constitution. And I have heard her say as much as well, so my assistance in this matter would not be needed. Which is probably for the best as I’d be considered a foreign actor if I attempted as much. When I said “crimes” in the initial comment, I mean any crimes that later come up and that he is charged for, and merely saying that his associates will be seen as aiding and abetting. That’s all.
At the end of the second world war, captured Nazi soldiers said “I was just following orders”. Come on Republicans…grow some balls!!!… Mostly, please stay safe

@Brian Donald don’t worry! Very strong, God fearing men are in charge, protecting you from the Chinese communists. You were not even aware until now. You’re welcome:)
@Seth Thomas if they were god fearing men then they would take a lot better care of HIS planet!
It’s not just that the president is not in control – he doesn’t want to be in control. He does’t care. ”It’s not my responsibility”. Just make sure you vote for him before you die!
Billions made – millions die!
So.right what u said trump never did care
@David Rabinowitz They are trawling the past because they are afraid of the future!
@Margaret Nicol Remember 4th July n why it’s matters from a
@Ancel Rick So you’re not interested in Truth, just the bullsh*t from the Democrats and MSM. You are being DECEIVED!
@Rose Thomson Some say, the “truth” is that that earth is flat. Just because some one tells you “this is the truth” , doesn’t mean it is. Stories about Hunter Biden IS NOT going to help Trump. It makes no difference if it’s true or not. It won’t make a difference in the end result.
For Trumpers those risky superspreader rallies are not about covid 19 or the economy its about supporting white supremacy making racial segregation and descrimination appear greatly legal again
@Rose Thomson if having a boat rally, swamping boats and not wearing life jackets is indeed having so much fun, i’ll pass, what a bunch of yahoos.
Totally agree Dennis. Today I saw Trump signs in a yard with a US flag and Confederate flags. That says it all.
@Golden Shine Bet you saw no Biden flags, that says it all! TRUMP 2020
@Rose Thomson, I’ve been watching those rallies too. Minorities are rare, but there are plenty of Confederate flags. Now there are even QAnon flags.
@MGMCB2012able You asked for one Here you go TRUMP ORDERED AND HAD INSTALLED THE PROTOTYPES AS SYMBOLS OF WHITE SUPREMACY WHILE FALSELY CLAIMING BORDER SECURITY but no plans to wall up the northern border because thats white people crossing up there. Those prototypes signaled mexican and south american people they were all considered undesirables in Trumps mind Prototypes also signaled mexican americans that Trump will target birthright citizenship Some mexican american voters vote for Trump It sickens me but UNLIKE Trump I do respect all others voting rights I already proudly voted4BidenHarris last week
Bob Woodward: We are in one of the most dangerous periods in -American- World history. Sorted
@Joe Meza
exactly, and Biden splayed at his town hall, Trufmp? He was busy splainin away “who do you owe 400 million dollars? 

God knows the wicked left hate the foundations of America. They are driven by Satan like all satanic Communists before them
When you stand before Jesus Christ he’s not going to want to hear one word out of your mouth about Trump.
when you stand before Jesus Christ it’s going to be about did you turn from your hate and sins to be saved?
Prayer for Deliverance from the Tyranny of Evil (
in battle; be our DEFENDER
against the wickedness and snares of the devil. LORD
rebuke evil leader’s and their street thugs, we humbly pray, we cry out to you, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, cast away Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the nation and world seeking the ruin of souls. LORD
BLESS AND PROTECT TRUMP and his administration from the schemes and onslaught of wayward souls. Destroy the fiery dart’s of the emmie’s.
*LET God arise; let His enemies be scattered. Let those who hate Him flee before Him. As smoke is blown away, so will they be blown away; like wax that melts before the fire, so the wicked shall shall not stand at the presence of God*
Lord, hear my prayer.
—And let my cry come unto You.
LORD Holy Father, almighty eternal God, I beseech You to deliver us by Your glorious power from the tyranny of the infernal spirits; from their snares, lies, and furious wickedness; and from the foul grip of their compulsions to irreverence, addictions, immodesty, lust, strife, hatred, and anger. Strengthen me to resist these temptations and designs of the enemy. O Lord, grant me the mighty protection of the heavenly powers. Help us to revere and serve our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son,
Deliver us From the deadly snares of the devil,
—deliver , O Lord.
That You may drive away from the legions of infernal oppression,
—I beseech You to hear me.
That we may serve You in purity, peace, and freedom from the tyranny of evil,
—grant this, O Lord. Grant victrory!;
Jesus loves you
Prayer for Deliverance from the Tyranny of Evil (
in battle; be our DEFENDER
against the wickedness and snares of the devil. LORD
rebuke evil leader’s and their street thugs, we humbly pray, we cry out to you, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, cast away Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the nation and world seeking the ruin of souls. LORD
BLESS AND PROTECT TRUMP and his administration from the schemes and onslaught of wayward souls. Destroy the fiery dart’s of the emmie’s.
*LET God arise; let His enemies be scattered. Let those who hate Him flee before Him. As smoke is blown away, so will they be blown away; like wax that melts before the fire, so the wicked shall shall not stand at the presence of God*
Lord, hear my prayer.
—And let my cry come unto You.
LORD Holy Father, almighty eternal God, I beseech You to deliver us by Your glorious power from the tyranny of the infernal spirits; from their snares, lies, and furious wickedness; and from the foul grip of their compulsions to irreverence, addictions, immodesty, lust, strife, hatred, and anger. Strengthen me to resist these temptations and designs of the enemy. O Lord, grant me the mighty protection of the heavenly powers. Help us to revere and serve our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son,
Deliver us From the deadly snares of the devil,
—deliver , O Lord.
That You may drive away from the legions of infernal oppression,
—I beseech You to hear me.
That we may serve You in purity, peace, and freedom from the tyranny of evil,
—grant this, O Lord. Grant victrory!;
Jesus loves you
@Jonathan Jollimore liberals and pedophilia . why ? oh right . the party of debauchery . that’s why soy boys snowflakes like them . men in dresses ,in women’s and kiddies private areas ,drag queen hour @ kids . attck chick fila attck prayer in school ,attck going to church .etc etc . thep arty of satans minions . hell is hot .
@Jonathan Jollimore liberals and pedophilia . why ? oh right . the party of debauchery . that’s why soy boys snowflakes like them . men in dresses ,in women’s and kiddies private areas ,drag queen hour @ kids . attck chick fila attck prayer in school ,attck going to church .etc etc . thep arty of satans minions . hell is hot .
@Jonathan Jollimore rudy giuliani has the material from hunter crack head biden lap top . waa waaaaa. its not going to be buried its going public . killerys was hidden by the fbi after new york plaice where absolutely shocked and sickened by what they saw .
liberals . satans nasty minions
Yeah, I’d say that having an unhinged madman as your President just might put the country in a “dangerous period.”
@Wado Waleli Country was doing great before COVID. I know you wouldn’t know that because you watch cnn. But do some research.
If Trump was so unhinged he would be going after these lawless Street Parks Bernie looting and murdering!!
God knows the wicked left hate the foundations of America. They are driven by Satan like all satanic Communists before them
When you stand before Jesus Christ he’s not going to want to hear one word out of your mouth about Trump.
when you stand before Jesus Christ it’s going to be about did you turn from your hate and sins to be saved?
Prayer for Deliverance from the Tyranny of Evil (
in battle; be our DEFENDER
against the wickedness and snares of the devil. LORD
rebuke evil leader’s and their street thugs, we humbly pray, we cry out to you, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, cast away Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the nation and world seeking the ruin of souls. LORD
BLESS AND PROTECT TRUMP and his administration from the schemes and onslaught of wayward souls. Destroy the fiery dart’s of the emmie’s.
*LET God arise; let His enemies be scattered. Let those who hate Him flee before Him. As smoke is blown away, so will they be blown away; like wax that melts before the fire, so the wicked shall shall not stand at the presence of God*
Lord, hear my prayer.
—And let my cry come unto You.
LORD Holy Father, almighty eternal God, I beseech You to deliver us by Your glorious power from the tyranny of the infernal spirits; from their snares, lies, and furious wickedness; and from the foul grip of their compulsions to irreverence, addictions, immodesty, lust, strife, hatred, and anger. Strengthen me to resist these temptations and designs of the enemy. O Lord, grant me the mighty protection of the heavenly powers. Help us to revere and serve our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son,
Deliver us From the deadly snares of the devil,
—deliver , O Lord.
That You may drive away from the legions of infernal oppression,
—I beseech You to hear me.
That we may serve You in purity, peace, and freedom from the tyranny of evil,
—grant this, O Lord. Grant victrory!;
Jesus loves you
Prayer for Deliverance from the Tyranny of Evil (
in battle; be our DEFENDER
against the wickedness and snares of the devil. LORD
rebuke evil leader’s and their street thugs, we humbly pray, we cry out to you, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, cast away Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the nation and world seeking the ruin of souls. LORD
BLESS AND PROTECT TRUMP and his administration from the schemes and onslaught of wayward souls. Destroy the fiery dart’s of the emmie’s.
*LET God arise; let His enemies be scattered. Let those who hate Him flee before Him. As smoke is blown away, so will they be blown away; like wax that melts before the fire, so the wicked shall shall not stand at the presence of God*
Lord, hear my prayer.
—And let my cry come unto You.
LORD Holy Father, almighty eternal God, I beseech You to deliver us by Your glorious power from the tyranny of the infernal spirits; from their snares, lies, and furious wickedness; and from the foul grip of their compulsions to irreverence, addictions, immodesty, lust, strife, hatred, and anger. Strengthen me to resist these temptations and designs of the enemy. O Lord, grant me the mighty protection of the heavenly powers. Help us to revere and serve our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son,
Deliver us From the deadly snares of the devil,
—deliver , O Lord.
That You may drive away from the legions of infernal oppression,
—I beseech You to hear me.
That we may serve You in purity, peace, and freedom from the tyranny of evil,
—grant this, O Lord. Grant victrory!;
Jesus loves you
@santa fe, bantayan island life I imagine that’s from the “The Autobiography of Malcolm X,” an excellent book I read years ago and would recommend to anyone, but I’m an independent, but I’m not sure I completely agree with the Malcolm X statement you quote, which is a bit different from what it probably would be today, not only because I understand the perspective of Malcolm X when he wrote the book, but because white liberals, and whites themselves, have evolved and grown over the decades as the black experience has broadened and enlightened them (whites). I can understand why blacks in this country could be hugely cynical, much more than they actually are, but I believe that they have been enriched by a spiritual maturity that far fewer whites have had to adopt, not just as spiritual sustenance, but for actual survival through some pretty brutal times. I think it’s a mistake to assume that a white from either party would be more sincerely welcoming to blacks, but from a practical standpoint, I suspect that the party that would actually be more constructive for blacks, i.e., more capable of helping them achieve their own individual fulfillment, would be the Democratic Party, simply because it’s more aligned with the needs and aspirations of individuals and families than the Republican Party, but that’s only a generalization. In the long run, I think blacks, like whites, will join ranks with other individuals and their parties based on how they’re received and treated by others at the most basic level, which is I think is all anyone could expect.
@Pacino Heat That’s why I don’t depend on any of them. Thanks for your comment.
To say this is a blessing from God does sound like a deranged cult leader.
But, he’s the Chosen One! He said so, so surely, it must be true?
He’s the King of Israel too, but only when he’s not busy playing golf.
Instead of a comet and track suits with nikes its redhats and orange koolaid with covid.
Every statement from Trump is targeted at a voting block. That statement is aimed at Evangelicals.
@Andrew Brent As was saying “I am The Chosen One!”, while turning to face the heavens, in the middle of a White House lawn interview about something totally mundane, like trade agreements.
Not “ONE OF”….”THE” most dangerous
Well idk he’s pretty much on par with Hitler isn’t he?
@Will Terri Gaetz He is actually on par with Mussolini. Both got in power by the will of the people and then things got ugly. As they are here. I pray for peace and sanity in Nov.
What about our Civil War?
@Natalie Arter tbh I’m Canadian and I did learn about your civil war. And the Boston Tea Party. And the war of 1812. But that was a loooong time ago. Details are fuzzy. My understanding of it was it had to do with ending slavery and the underground railroad. Which, Canada had a hand in, freed and escaped slaves came to Canada so they could be free
The civil war, ww2, war of 1812, cuban missile crisis, independence war were all more dangerous. Lets not get ahead of ourselves
This man sure knows what he’s talking about. Read his book “RAGE”. Eye opener. So glad you shared that information!
Amazing that you congratulate greed, and ego. Bob held out for the almighty dollar he is no better than moustache man.
The 25 amendment is rhetoric if the ,
“ Procedure is not initiated “.
@Satya Richburg Ju The 25th Amendment IS a procedure. Just read it yourself. it’s not a law. Its not rocket science. You enforce LAWS. You don’t enforce a procedure. wow.
@Ancel Rick The 25 amendment is rhetoric if the procedure is not initiated during a obvious mental crisis for the President.
@Ancel Rick obviously I did learn something from you.
@Satya Richburg Ju I guess it’s not obvious to his cabinet then. Since they would have to begin the process.
@Ancel Rick I’m familiar with the power of Mitch McConnell.
That’s actually a really good point.
It could happen so easily – look at other countries. Dictatorship is not a thing of the past.
Only a sociopath is capable of believing his own lies and deception. I can’t believe our beloved country has slid into this vulnerability from such an evil man and the global political, social, and financial chaos he has created and/or endorsed. I just never expected to witness it.
I always thought Trump could kill alot of people but I never thought it would be Americans.
Well said!
Add narcissistic fascist and we have “a clear and present danger” in Our White House ! Vote!
Biden/Harris Blue Down the Line, FLIP THAT SENATE!
God knows the wicked left hate the foundations of America. They are driven by Satan like all satanic Communists before them
When you stand before Jesus Christ he’s not going to want to hear one word out of your mouth about Trump.
when you stand before Jesus Christ it’s going to be about did you turn from your hate and sins to be saved?
Prayer for Deliverance from the Tyranny of Evil (
in battle; be our DEFENDER
against the wickedness and snares of the devil. LORD
rebuke evil leader’s and their street thugs, we humbly pray, we cry out to you, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, cast away Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the nation and world seeking the ruin of souls. LORD
BLESS AND PROTECT TRUMP and his administration from the schemes and onslaught of wayward souls. Destroy the fiery dart’s of the emmie’s.
*LET God arise; let His enemies be scattered. Let those who hate Him flee before Him. As smoke is blown away, so will they be blown away; like wax that melts before the fire, so the wicked shall shall not stand at the presence of God*
Lord, hear my prayer.
—And let my cry come unto You.
LORD Holy Father, almighty eternal God, I beseech You to deliver us by Your glorious power from the tyranny of the infernal spirits; from their snares, lies, and furious wickedness; and from the foul grip of their compulsions to irreverence, addictions, immodesty, lust, strife, hatred, and anger. Strengthen me to resist these temptations and designs of the enemy. O Lord, grant me the mighty protection of the heavenly powers. Help us to revere and serve our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son,
Deliver us From the deadly snares of the devil,
—deliver , O Lord.
That You may drive away from the legions of infernal oppression,
—I beseech You to hear me.
That we may serve You in purity, peace, and freedom from the tyranny of evil,
—grant this, O Lord. Grant victrory!;
Jesus loves you
Prayer for Deliverance from the Tyranny of Evil (
in battle; be our DEFENDER
against the wickedness and snares of the devil. LORD
rebuke evil leader’s and their street thugs, we humbly pray, we cry out to you, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, cast away Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the nation and world seeking the ruin of souls. LORD
BLESS AND PROTECT TRUMP and his administration from the schemes and onslaught of wayward souls. Destroy the fiery dart’s of the emmie’s.
*LET God arise; let His enemies be scattered. Let those who hate Him flee before Him. As smoke is blown away, so will they be blown away; like wax that melts before the fire, so the wicked shall shall not stand at the presence of God*
Lord, hear my prayer.
—And let my cry come unto You.
LORD Holy Father, almighty eternal God, I beseech You to deliver us by Your glorious power from the tyranny of the infernal spirits; from their snares, lies, and furious wickedness; and from the foul grip of their compulsions to irreverence, addictions, immodesty, lust, strife, hatred, and anger. Strengthen me to resist these temptations and designs of the enemy. O Lord, grant me the mighty protection of the heavenly powers. Help us to revere and serve our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son,
Deliver us From the deadly snares of the devil,
—deliver , O Lord.
That You may drive away from the legions of infernal oppression,
—I beseech You to hear me.
That we may serve You in purity, peace, and freedom from the tyranny of evil,
—grant this, O Lord. Grant victrory!;
Jesus loves you
only a sociopaths will turn a blind eye to the burning looting and murdering in the democratic Streets. Strong arm tactics
the Democratic party is the party of the devil they push Satan’s lies they justify others being hurt so long as they get their satanic political way
there’s no way you can love Jesus Christ and be a Democrat the Democratic party is the party that is on its way to hell it’s ideology is from hell and leading its believers straight to hell.
Americans voted Trump in to run the country like a business. That’s exactly what he’s doing. Businesses don’t care about people as collateral damage. And for those who say that “the popular vote went to Hillary, I didn’t vote for him”, well you kind of did. If your electoral system is so warped that the least popular person gets to run the country, and you’ve done nothing about it, this is what you get.
… when you’re right, you’re right…
no argument from me on that.
Americans did not vote Trump into office. The Repubs and the EC did this to us.
Well time to vote him out. By trump. Before America goes bankrupt like he has done 5/6 times before.
He’s only $400 million in debt, but will leave office with a $10 trillion debt.
When Congressmen are afraid of a President, democracy has failed.
Not only does democracy fail, people die. These Republican congressman and Senators should have done something but they were afraid of Trump and people died. We had 1000 deaths yesterday. Vote for the entire Democratic ticket. Get these cowards and scumbags out of Washington.
@Jo ann Green yeah they should.. search YouTube for the CIA whistle blower Alan Parrot.. see what he just released.
@Sandi Brown search YouTube for the CIA whistle blower Alan Parrot.
God knows the wicked left hate the foundations of America. They are driven by Satan like all satanic Communists before them
When you stand before Jesus Christ he’s not going to want to hear one word out of your mouth about Trump.
when you stand before Jesus Christ it’s going to be about did you turn from your hate and sins to be saved?
Prayer for Deliverance from the Tyranny of Evil (
in battle; be our DEFENDER
against the wickedness and snares of the devil. LORD
rebuke evil leader’s and their street thugs, we humbly pray, we cry out to you, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, cast away Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the nation and world seeking the ruin of souls. LORD
BLESS AND PROTECT TRUMP and his administration from the schemes and onslaught of wayward souls. Destroy the fiery dart’s of the emmie’s.
*LET God arise; let His enemies be scattered. Let those who hate Him flee before Him. As smoke is blown away, so will they be blown away; like wax that melts before the fire, so the wicked shall shall not stand at the presence of God*
Lord, hear my prayer.
—And let my cry come unto You.
LORD Holy Father, almighty eternal God, I beseech You to deliver us by Your glorious power from the tyranny of the infernal spirits; from their snares, lies, and furious wickedness; and from the foul grip of their compulsions to irreverence, addictions, immodesty, lust, strife, hatred, and anger. Strengthen me to resist these temptations and designs of the enemy. O Lord, grant me the mighty protection of the heavenly powers. Help us to revere and serve our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son,
Deliver us From the deadly snares of the devil,
—deliver , O Lord.
That You may drive away from the legions of infernal oppression,
—I beseech You to hear me.
That we may serve You in purity, peace, and freedom from the tyranny of evil,
—grant this, O Lord. Grant victrory!;
Jesus loves you
Prayer for Deliverance from the Tyranny of Evil (
in battle; be our DEFENDER
against the wickedness and snares of the devil. LORD
rebuke evil leader’s and their street thugs, we humbly pray, we cry out to you, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, cast away Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the nation and world seeking the ruin of souls. LORD
BLESS AND PROTECT TRUMP and his administration from the schemes and onslaught of wayward souls. Destroy the fiery dart’s of the emmie’s.
*LET God arise; let His enemies be scattered. Let those who hate Him flee before Him. As smoke is blown away, so will they be blown away; like wax that melts before the fire, so the wicked shall shall not stand at the presence of God*
Lord, hear my prayer.
—And let my cry come unto You.
LORD Holy Father, almighty eternal God, I beseech You to deliver us by Your glorious power from the tyranny of the infernal spirits; from their snares, lies, and furious wickedness; and from the foul grip of their compulsions to irreverence, addictions, immodesty, lust, strife, hatred, and anger. Strengthen me to resist these temptations and designs of the enemy. O Lord, grant me the mighty protection of the heavenly powers. Help us to revere and serve our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son,
Deliver us From the deadly snares of the devil,
—deliver , O Lord.
That You may drive away from the legions of infernal oppression,
—I beseech You to hear me.
That we may serve You in purity, peace, and freedom from the tyranny of evil,
—grant this, O Lord. Grant victrory!;
Jesus loves you
many are afraid of the Biden crime family…obviously