Bob Bauer, senior adviser to the Biden campaign and former White House counsel under Obama, joins Andrea Mitchell to discuss President Trump's false claims of fraud and attempts to overturn the results of election. On the Trump team's thus far largely unsuccessful legal challenges, Bauer says, "It's not clear what they hope to about accomplish. I think they're embarrassing themselves. The courts are dismissing these cases as rapidly as they're filing them. They're really setting records for failures in this area." Aired on 12/7/2020.
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About Andrea Mitchell: Andrea Mitchell is NBC News’ chief foreign affairs correspondent and host of MSNBC's "Andrea Mitchell Reports," an hour of political news and interviews with top newsmakers that airs each weekday at 12 p.m. ET on MSNBC.
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#BobBauer #Trump #MSNBC
Bob Bauer: Trump Legal Team Is 'Embarrassing Themselves' | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC
As if it’s not embarrassing enough to even be associated with this clown.
Looks like Pelosi was letting all those small businesses suffer for only political reasons…Dems are pathetic
@Think about it McConAll is the one holding up aid, always has been. Ignorant electorate doesn’t know the difference between the House and the Senate or how it actually is supposed to function. Just listen to your right wing propaganda and leave the heavy lifting to your superiors like you’re used to.
@Think about it The House passed a bill back in May that would have covered the rest of the year. Instead, Republicans said “no” and there’s been no relief for six months. The small businesses are suffering because of the Trump administration’s miserable, catastrophic failure of planning and leadership. _That_ is pathetic and so is your ignorance.
Biden destroyed the country of Ukraine with his son, there were 52 million people in 2014, now 30 million, the war is 6 years, the entire economy is destroyed, medicine !!!
@Elena Lit How about explaining this clearer with references? Trump bribed Ukraine and was caught doing so, seems you may have been conned.
Abject failure in EVERY endeavor! Why would their legal defence be any different?
@Jan Verboven
If they’re too simple-minded to decipher that comment, then it wasn’t intended for them anyway.
We the People are fighting election fraud, not just Trump’s legal team.
Dominion Software Issue in Michigan Should Raise Concerns About Usage in Other States
Judicial Watch
Bikers for Trump, Military for Trump, Patriots for Trump…
Brainwashed, MSM Propaganda snowflakes don’t stand a chance – too unhinged…even at the sight of a MAGA hat…TDS is recipe for leftist disaster and defeat.
@Kevin Bedard you mean “we the minions”
@Kevin Bedard I’m convinced most people will put you in a category of extreme foolish people
Kevin Datard-
Dry your eyes and try again in 2024.
Legal team? You mean hands down his pants Borat Star?
Relax Good: Pooty Rudy is an expert shirt tucker inner.
@Trumpocalypse oh come on… he was looking for hunters laptop.
And a sure enough viral petri dish. American Citizens just want this foolishness to end. I’m getting too old to be this frustrated
Goh wow
oh yes
Are any of these alleged voter fraud cases being filed in districts of majority white voters? Doesn’t seem so…
@michael boultinghouse : Ooo. You scawy.
@michael boultinghouse because you are dishonest and your motives are unsound.
@michael boultinghouse you’d cower like a coward the instant things went loud. Ain’t that right snowflake? Tough guy keyboard warrior ain’t ya?
@You’re Not Forgotten very tough. and keyboard general,. i give out targets. others take action. call me john connor you marxist traitor
Hoh wow
oh yes
Last night, in my basement i said i am president, so I AM…
(just as legit as Trumps claims, if not more so)
Congrats, you are on your way to being a solid member of the prosperity cults!
I approve of your message,
Mr. President!
the fraud is to get money by claiming fraud just like trump u
lt’s so obvious, unless you’re drunk on the kool-aid. trumpers are like teens at a kegger. They think they are awesome, when everyone looks on in disgust.
And their charities.
Goh wow
oh yes
Rudy has been taken to the Medstar Georgetown Plumbing and Landscaping University Hospital

That is funny Fred
It is What it is.
Get places to send this sick man!!!
For hair treatment

Hoh wow
oh yes
You’re missing the point… this is a PR campaign… Trump is shouting as often as he can… it’s not about winning in court, but about Trump being robbed… It’s also about Trump avoiding or trying to avoid the outcome of civil suits, some of which may be criminal…
It is also about him collecting money from his followers for his “legal fund”. So sad they don’t realize they are being duped.
Trump is, and always has been, a con man… everything… his whole carrier has been about putting up weird deals, loosing millions, or duping people out of millions, and running away… He is doing business exactly the same way he has always done business. Now he is using this situation to do the same… grasping for as much as he can get away with and then running for the door. This time I hope he says gone, but I doubt he will…
Most important Trump continues his unconstitutional Coo, for one reason. MONEY ! MONEY! MONEY! Trumps droids continually contact Trump supporters for donations. Already over 170 million. This is Trumps LAST SCAM! & YOU TRUMP SUPPORTERS ARE HIS LAST VICTIMS!!!!!!
after Trump ascends his lofty perch atop a company he built, away from the harpies in the press, Hollywood, academia, social media, Silicon Valley, et al., he’ll probably rejoice. Plus, he won’t have to wince at the stupidity of Schumer and Pelosi any longer.
@rockyteeth 72 I hope he enjoys his solitude and relaxation… only trouble is he’s tricked you out of the money it will take for him to ascend to that lofty perch… Trump is more of a vulture than an eagle…
Embarrassment hints at the ability to feel shame. That is not the case here. It is a brutal money making venture that relies on maintaining a pretence of challenging the result.
Looks like Pelosi was letting all those small businesses suffer for only political reasons…Dems are pathetic
@Think about it your stupid comment has nothing to do with this article.
Goh wow
oh yes
Social unrest, that’s what they are doing splitting the country.
@Jim Doe real Americans have already begun to reject any puppet your former AMericans, now marxist traitors, have installed, more importantly the POLICE which have begun to refuse to enforece Covid lockdown laws. Half the population doesnt consider Biden to be legitimately elected, and soon a NATIONAL TAX BOYCOTT REVOLT will start, which will shutdown your regime thru fiscal insolvency. the deplorables make up the majority of the military and the police, so its easy to see who the victors will be. Se you in the the streets next year, and I hope you are well versed in urban guerrilla warfare.. the deplorables cleared Fallujah
One last xmas to Putin before he goes.
Light the fuse he’s spent 4 years preparing and watch america go to up in flames.
@mad-baby IMPOTUS i heard netanyahu decided the president of Iran, too!
America needs Trump to impose martial law coz Demon-rats have caused the whole country gone loonies & lunatic with lawlessness & corruption . Make America Great Forever. Trump Forever.
that only comes from the left…your people love to destroy things
The republican elephants are terrified of the little Trump mouse.

@joseph ka that sounds like Trump. I hope Christians read this.
@Russell Berwick
Have a great week!
The little donald the lame duck!
ugh. that darned trump just can’t do anything right. anything. except create the strongest economy in US history, restore a decimated military to it’s strongest in US history, eliminate ISIS which his predecessor created and then couldn’t control, and move the US embassy to Jerusalem after 70 years of promises to do so. So, what’s too tough for everyone else seems just right for Trump.
After watching your 401K’s sink, you’ll wish for Trump back.
I can’t imagine his ppl still standing with him after he said they found ballots under rocks!! THAT took the cake!!
Trump won by a landslide, mass voter fraud proven in all swing states.
Hoh wow
oh yes
@Darrin Rentruc Whatever Darrin
And in rivers

@Darrin Rentruc

Trump’s move into Republican party: He was offered access to the franchise. He thought he heard french fries.
Muy bien dicho Victor
“He huffed and he puffed but he could not blow the house down.” Well said. Perfect
Side effects of post-covid

@Michael Wuj you reported it on CNN which even it it was true…. just made it
by your own logic
See how that works. ft
You’re in a cult.
Look up what a cult is and do a comparison.
I’m an independent
Great way to end this discussion!

Wanna bet
@Random Internet User Your a dimwit with 2 brain cells left – congratulations

Video: Suitcases Filled With Ballots; Hidden Under Table; Counted Without Oversight | Facts Matter
Dump has got to go. He’s wrecking too many lives. Firing firing What a jerk
@drumtwo4seven Perfect response.
LIVE: Arizona Republicans call for decertification of election results (Dec. 7) | NTD
He’s name is not Dump, it’s tRUMP
Resources being employed in this manner when there is a raging pandemic.
@jimbo43 O’hara Video: Suitcases Filled With Ballots; Hidden Under Table; Counted Without Oversight | Facts Matter
You can’t embarrass someone who has no pride or shame.
@You’re Not Forgotten You new at reading
@Brandi Kolasa You new at video
@Michael Wuj Have you cited specific policies? No you have not. Ever ponder why Trump lost the votes of the military this election? Research why.
@Michael Wuj no, and by the way unlike millions of Americans I’m very fortunate and i dont need government help, government phones or any government handouts. Im lucky to have a husband who hasnt lost his job due to covid, i didnt vote for Biden for handouts i voted for Biden because just like 80 million Americans, we are tired of that orange umpa lumpa
He’s making money off The Conspiracy Theory come on now get real he has loans that are coming due
To Russia China,you name the country.he owes.
Goh wow
oh yes
“He huffed and he puffed but he couldn’t blow the house in”
“He huffed and he puffed, but he couldn’t blow the house down”. But he sure is trying!
Looks like another Dem politician is on the take. Today’s award goes to ilhan omar and her husband
congrats guys

@Think about it dems and Republicans are on the take. Very few at the national level especially are on the same team as the working class. Corporate $ and lobbyists pull the puppet strings of reps of both colors.
Isn’t this a huge lost of tax payer’s money that could be used to save lives during a pandemic… SAD SAD SAD !!!!
Yes, sad
It’s paid by Trumpturds I believe
Goh wow
oh yes
@MVE Chump’s supporters.