Blows on the Opposition

The series “Blows on the Opposition” that has been going on this week on Matt’s program is proving to be very interesting and revealing. Much focus have been placed on the DUDE from Chicago, who subscribes to the “Politics of Personality” First he wants to shut up about all the corruption that is taking place within this Bo regime lead by Frenchman Skerrit , that Evil Little Arab worm and Bagan Hartley Henry! He refers to the challenge of the malfeasance in PUBLIC office as “PERSONAL”attacks on Skerrit, he also subscribes to the notion or I the “Talking Points” of the cabal, that if you challenge what is wrong about this regime, you somehow “Hate” them.

This Chicago DUDE opened a window into the thinking, the mentality, the attitude, and the values of too many people in Dominica, sadly.
He first spoke on the premise that the opposition was not presenting another alternative, some people believed initially that he meant alternative plans and strategies for Dominican’s development and responded to him accordingly, proving to him that there is much from the opposition out there in terms of plans and strategies for Dominica’s development, so this morning he had to come back to clarify his politics of personality.. Thanks Ronnie for making the connection to the Chicago style politics and what this Dude is trying to suggest that Dominica should adopt or continue to adopt.

Of concern to many including myself is the fact that while the opposition is willing to “SUBJECT” (to borrow a term from Dumb, dumb)itself to the tough questions of Matt and the people, the sitting Government will not, so it is only the opposition once again who will be in that corner while the sitting Government goes scott free!! To be fair to Matt however, he did say that he has invited them on several occasions and they have refused to make themselves available to face the tough question as the opposition so gracefully does and did..

Folks on the cult of personality:

A cult of personality arises when an individual uses mass media, propaganda, or other methods, to create an idealized and heroic public image, often through unquestioning flattery and praise.[1] Cults of personality are usually associated with dictatorships. The sociologist Max Weber developed a tripartite classification of authority; the cult of personality holds parallels with what Weber defined as ‘charismatic authority’.
A cult of personality is similar to hero worship,
except that it is established by mass media and propaganda. However,
the term may be applied by analogy to refer to adulation of religious or
non-political leaders.
While the cult of personality generally applies to the enhancement
and promotion of a political or religious doctrine, it stands to reason
that it is also asserted in everyday situations where popularity is
used to advocate conformity to philosophies and lifestyles, even
products and attitudes by way of peer pressure and herd mentality.

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