Facing criticism for the use of stop-and-frisk during his time as mayor of New York, Mike Bloomberg apologies during an event with African-American voters in Houston. Aired on 02/13/20.
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Bloomberg: I Should've Acted Sooner On Stop-And-Frisk | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
Unfuckingbelievable people are actually considering this man
Jim Skarw — all of them Jim. ALL OF THEM.
@Richard Gordon He’s not competent. If he’s the nominee, I will vote for Trump.
Ahmed Mustafa Trump is way better, live with it for another 4 years, bahaha
If they do, history will repeat itself. In 2016 Trump won Wisconsin with fewer votes (1,405k) then Romney had (1,407k) when he lost it in 2012. How was this possible! Because the Democratic base was so unmotivated to vote for Hillary that nearly a quarter million of them stayed home (238k).
Trumpsexuals got ZERO credibility when it comes to judging moral character.They picked a corrupt lying bigot misogynistic adulter FAKE Billionaire carnival barker for president. Whom Putin has a great amount of interest in making sure he stays in office. The other one is Bibi. Who’s under indictment now. Those are his strongest foreign leader supporters.
MSNBC found their new Biden?
Fabulous, right???
Bjorn Doherty Dude is rich, but he can’t afford a personality.
MSNBC is setting the stage for an election that is exactly the same as 2016: An election between two of the most unpopular candidates in US history.
Shame on those who don’t GAS about policy and just want him because of his money!
Mini Mike, don’t forget your box
Can you say that Donald Trump is Putin’s Puta?
Peachy Trump dont forget your Russian golden shower.
Yeah, that’s tellin’ him!
Remember, if you dislike Bloomberg, you must be a Russian Troll!!
He has to lie and apologize.
He has no choice.
Or quit. That would be best for all.
And Trump Lies just to lie
Pandering to Leftardic garbage.
Stop and Frisk works.
@Joshua Muli I’ll still rather Trump.
Add to the callousness of racial profiling Mr Bloomberg’s glib arrogance in manipulating the NY City Council to change tenure laws for the Mayor from two terms to three and then changing that law back to two. He burnished his political resume in making himself the only three term Mayor of the city
Additionally, his stubborn refusal to acknowledge that government is not run like a business and must work with the legislature in Albany to realize the Mayor’s agenda that required his acceptance that three men in Albany held power over his plans to build a new NY Jets sports stadium above the west side railyard.
He alienated two of those men, the majority and minority leaders, and in failing to build that stadium the Jets moved to New Jersey.
And let’s not forget his attempt to limit the size of soda containers.
Vote for a more experienced and less priviliged, paternalistic candidate.
Mr Bloomberg is little different from DjT*.
There is no such thing as “racial profiling”. Its a term made up by liberals to allow non Whites to get away with criminal acts.
You are a special kind of stupid
Buck Melanoma man you’re either some deadbeat troll, some sorry American nazi, or both. I can’t tell, and if you think I’m getting “triggered” or feeling any emotion towards this, you’re wrong.
I just feel bad for you that you have nothing else to do with your time but be a miserable soggy tot.
Like… That’s all you are, is a mound of mushy tater tots, soaking in a British storm drain.
So sad.
Drop out Bloomberg. Any one other than Bloomberg is ok. Never Bloomberg.
OAT Poon 1312
you must a a dumb trumper or a Bernie bro.
C J that Bernie bros term is useless. You sound like trumpers calling people liberals because they think it’s a derogatory statement.
C J or maybe someone who doesn’t want an oligarch becoming president.
As the billionaires fight it out on Facebook, the homeless population grows. Only in America
I can’t believe what money can buy. Don’t sell your souls Democrats. Is it really worth it to replace one racist with another just cause they have a (D) next to their name instead of an (R)?
You mean dont sell your soul to the demoncrats
Yes democrats dont sell your souls, thats Republicans speciality who sold their souls to #Peachy_trump and his Russian Golden shower
Yep, been doing that from the day we were allowed to vote.
You’d have to be a special kind of stupid to support Bloomberg.
Mike Bloomberg, the billionaire madman trying to buy the u.s presidential election, that in itself tells us he doesn’t respect the very founding principles of our Democracy; and I’d say to MSM News outlets they have an ethical obligation to expose what Bloomberg is doing but they’re in his pocket. Mike himself is a big media tycoon. Its fu*king awful, the corruption!
-Personally, I am voting Bernie! A real man of the people! There’s no other way to put it

@John P. KING It’s crazy to me that people are so desperate to get rid of Trump that they would sell out democracy by electing another oligarch like Bloomberg. Really sad and pathetic.
He’s rich, that money is hard to ignore for some people, LOOK AT TRUMP.
Im sure most Russians dont support him…
@Russian Troll Slayer 2 Ah so that’s where we’re going now? If you don’t support Bloomberg you’re a Russian Bot? Good to know.
In another audio, he blames the poor for the economic downturn of 2008. Seriously USA, this is the person you want as President. He is as bad or worse then Trump.
angrykulla and there goes the insult. Did I insult you? I asked a simple question which you didn’t answer. Most Trump haters didn’t know the deficit/debt issue or even what it was until they were told about it. Maybe not you but many. How long have we had the debt? We’ll still have it, we will always have some debt. How much international aid do we give? How does that affect debt? We give and give yet we’re in debt. I get it orange man bad and insults. If you can’t answer the direct question fine but insulting shows ignorance. Have a nice day.
angrykulla many complaining about debt likely never uttered the word for past presidents or even knew what it meant. It’s orange man bad because the news told me so. That’s sad. You proved my point so with that I will leave you to your hate.
@Tina J I voted for Trump in 2016 but you “Orange man can do no wrong” people are just as annoying as the other side, you asked a question and I explained it to you but you took no notice. It’s hypocritical to go on about the deficit and spending for 8 years and then when you’re in power you spend much more than those you were criticising, don’t you think?
Personally I have no problem with deficit and spending as long as there is a good return on the investment. The best way to do that is to spend on infrastructure, which results in increased productivity and well paid construction and engineering jobs. Trump hasn’t done that, he’s instead increased the already bloated military budget and gave all his friends a tax break, tax breaks for billionaires is not going to increase growth of productivity. Tax cuts for the middle class Is good because they will spend that extra income in their local economies/communities, billionaires will not, they’ll just have a few more billion they need to hide offshore. 85% of the tax cuts went to the top 1%, that’s a fact, and I’ve yet to hear any coherent or good argument as to why that’s a good government policy because it’s not.
International aid is about 0.35% of the federal budget, most of which goes to militarising our allies in the middle East, if you think that foreign aid is purely altruistic then you’re deluded. Its to secure our interested in those regions. I’m sure some does go to helping poor people in other countries, you know what those people do when they can’t get no help in their own countries? They immigrate to others, so that again helps us by reducing asylum seekers at the border.
I’m sorry for my rudeness and you have a good day sir
Tina J Trump’s presidency has never affected me negatively or positively, but they still have 7 million people off their healthcare as a result of him, and also 800,000 people off of food stamps. They have 800,000 kids now who are vulnerable to being deported even though they’ve grown up and lived in the US for 20 years. The worse thing is he cuts benefits for seniors, throws 7 million people off healthcare, 800,000 people off food stamps, and yet we still have a $1.1 trillion dollar deficit. So what happens when we can’t run a deficit anymore because of the national debt? We already spend $400 billion on interest each year. What’s gonna get cut next? More senior benefits, education which is already massively underfunded, but why don’t we cut the $738 billion dollar military budget?
Totally agreed!
Look, I have black friends! Gtfo! Bernie 2020
Buck Melanoma you’re the one who was just calling for an ethnic cleansing in America weren’t you? I’ll be following you for a little while.
I’m black and I’m not feeling Bloomberg no matter how much money he flaunts . I’m riding with Bernie.
The people in the background are only there because he paid them.
That’s a lie
@C J yeah cause Hillary came into late
You don’t need any data to know “Stop and Frisk” was unconstitutional and racist!!!
@OAT Poon 1312 you realize he probably has false data and just saying that so Trump could keep president but I do want this dude to be president so he doesn’t have to STOP THE GODAMN government to earn money for the wall
He will make it up by adding millions more immigrants from poor countries
I wonder how much he paid each of the black “supporters” to stand there behind him. Lol
Probably bought them a jungle ham and some crack.
Probably much less than Trump paid for his token blacks. Both of them are proving that America is for sale and the American people’s will don’t mean squat anymore.
@Buck Melanoma How intelligent of you. You make all Americans look so civilized and enlightened by exposing the contents of your mind. Well done sir, well done.
Bloomberg was initially worried they would throw things at him from behind. Luckily his security unconstitutionally frisked them to secure his safety.
tocororo ask Rump. I’m certain they set they going rate for a diverse background actor.
Stop and frisk, liar trying to change his stripes. Billionaires dont care he will say anything, no personality, blacks dont like him
He knew it was unconstitutional the whole time. He even appealed the court decision.
Stop pushing Bloomberg on us
it’s not going to work
If someone told me 95% of any race is any one thing. I would automatically know hey are racist. That’s the definition of racism, assigning characteristics based on race.
Look at those Energized People behind Mike…He’s got a movement behind him…Hahahaha… He’s not fooling anybody.