Mike Bloomberg is dropping out of the 2020 presidential race, giving his support to former Vice President Joe Biden. NBC's Josh Lederman and Mike Memoli have details. Aired on 03/04/20.
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Bloomberg Drops Out Of Presidential Race, Backing Biden | MSNBC"
What a waste of money. But it was about not having Warren or Sanders so he doesn’t have to pay wealth tax.
@Jeff Hickey
Pretty much.
He has literally offered Bernie and Warren as much money as they need to defeat Trump.
If he doesn’t want them to win, he’s going about it the wrong way.
That money would have been used with much success in combating homelessness. This is absolutely disgusting.
@Michael Luccketta if you think him spending all his money combatting homelessness, would solve homelessness forever, you really don’t understand how the economy works.
Money ain’t everything, substance fulfills and stop and frisk didn’t help either!
Eleanore K. Leslie Holidays is the fact that the Democrats leech onto anything and anyone that is weak that they can control and Joe Biden is weak and they know that and his mind is weak and they know that but if they could push him to be president they can control and manipulate him like they like to do
patricia lafountain Well Bernie statistically has absolutely no way of beating bite and so Bernie instead of walking away will wither down and bow down and support by then because that’s the thing that the Democrats do. They get behind by then because he’s simple minded and they can manipulate and control him that’s why Bloomberg and everyone else is getting behind him
U Tube “Trump Chicago stop and frisk”. It must not be that detrimental.
All 200 of those voters in American Samoa will be really disappointed
Mini Mike Bloomberg: Looks like I came up a little short.
Sad about what, if they aren’t in this too remove Trump, then I’m sad at them . Mike did what’s right
But he won American Samoa!
@Dave Gr.P

LOL…So long MINI MIDGET Mike! LOL…..
He needed Samoan that!
Bloomy can buy Samoa, secede it from the USA, and become the Emperor of Samoa. tRumpo has less money, but enough to buy Guantanamo, and become the King of Guantanamos´s kings !
As I remember Tulsi was born in Samoa, and if she can’t get any votes on her home ground, I think we can write her off.
Imagine the good he could have done with that 500 million instead of running?
@Leo Biden ain’t up to the job.
@J Gilmo That’s a great point
Just because Bloomberg is mega wealthy people assume he is evil
Many wealth people want & support progressive causes .
I think we owe him a round of applause for his efforts.
That would be someone doing the right thing AND would actually have Blacks believing him. O no…..No one wants to ACTUALLY see Blacks thrive. Let’s just see if he does it now to prepare for 2024. That’s how we will tell if he’s REALLY sorry for stop-and-frisk.
Mike dropping out this made me smile this is a very happy moment
LT1HILLINGHOE It definitely matters. There are a few upcoming states that are going to be very close between Sanders and Biden such as Michigan where Bloomberg’s candidacy would take potentially decisive votes away from Biden.
He dropped out but his cash is not going to waste.
Why you happy you a Joe fan
Made me smile
I wonder if Judge Judy will endorse Biden now that Bloomberg id out?!
“Mike Will Get it Done”
and quickly … it only cost him a half a billion dollars.
He never thought he could win. Just pay attention to how things changed for all the candidates in the short time he campaigned.
If he had a sense of humour, he’d endorse Warren ~~
And if Republicans had used half a nut, they would have been able to stand up against Trump.
That’s why Trump switched parties, because he knew Democrats would have never voted for him.
Fred A: Many democrat did vote for him. That’s how we won the rust belt. Why do you hate the working class?
@Tiber Zeek lmao trump literally is just pretending to milk your vote. he doesnt care.
At least we don’t have to keep seeing those YouTube ads in every video now
He has a reptilian visage, too. bloomie could star as a villain vs Spider Man. Guy saves $ on Halloween masks.
So true though
He might still be buying ads, but they won’t be wasting money trying to get us to vote for HIM(
He knew he didn’t have the black votes. He did the right thing by dropping out.
Thank Goodness, so long, farewell, good fkn bye!!
This is the 3rd candidate this has been said about. They’re all so transparent. Maybe if they saw black people as more than a vote
He should have stayed in, as any votes for him will now go to Biden in further primaries. Warren and the others need to drop out, so as not to dilute the voting for Sanders.
Sharon Schubert He should have always just Stood in the Back and Operated as a SuperPac Attacking Trump in Politics ads.
Trump: Man, half billion, that’s actually more than what I have.
@Tiber Zeek You really don’t see the irony that you’re trying to use that argument to defend a guy who campaigned with the claim that he’s the best candidate because ”I’m really rich”. LOL
That’s a page out of the Donald Junior stupid playbook.
Troll Hunter That’s true but I don’t want a president that pays no federal taxes. I’m sorry, but I won’t accept that. If he has nothing to hide, release them.
@Troll Hunter because he promised to release them.
So nice of the democrat establishment to change the rules and allow a republican billionaire to enter the primary at the halfway point. Nothing shady there at all.
I’ll vote for Biden, but you fools are kidding yourself if you don’t think this will be an insane uphill battle. Burisma will be her emails 2.0
Makes u think beating burnie is more important than beating trump
Let’s hope he puts as much money behind the eventual nominee and dems contesting house/senate seats as he did attempting to get himself elected.
Bloomberg blew a half a billie and just struts away like George Jefferson. Now that’s wealth.
He did what he said he would do so he definitely got into the race for the right reasons
Cheers to Bloomberg !!!
Let’s all hope he continues to use his wealth & power to help rid our nation of Trump & his GOP ENABLERS !
Thank you sir !
Can you imagine how far that half billion dollars would have gone in combating homelessness. Even in just New York City where he mayor. This is offensive and vulgar. Especially when he is a Republican that was running for the nomination from the democratic party. SMH
@Michael Luccketta He is not a member of the GOP as
they support Oligarchy & just because he is wealth does not make him evil.
He is using his own $$$ to support progressive candidates & that says a lot.
Not all successful people are Oligarcs , some actually care about the state of our government.
The very fact that he has choosen public service ( a thankless task) says a lot about the man.
Give him a break.