Bloomberg Campaign Previews Debate: Trump Is ‘Real Winner’ Of Democratic Chaos | MTP Daily | MSNBC

Campaign Manager Keven Sheekey previews how Mike Bloomberg will respond when he is attacked on the Democratic debate stage. Aired on 02/19/20.
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Bloomberg Campaign Previews Debate: Trump Is 'Real Winner' Of Democratic Chaos | MTP Daily | MSNBC


  1. Bloomberg: Trump is the real winner of democratic chaos.

    Also Bloomberg: Imma add to the chaos and head right out.

  2. Bernie won Iowa and New Hampshire 💗 can’t wait for him to win the primary nomination and see your sour faces

    1. @Deborah Freedman Yep, by comparison — Klobuchar passed 100 bills that she wrote — and has only been in the Senate a 1/3rd of the time that Sanders has been there.

    2. @MoppyPuppy It’s a fact that Sanders is the least successful Senator in US History based on the number of bills he’s actually passed. Most Senators pass 50 to 80 of their bills during their career — he’s passed 7 (and failed to pass the other 361 that he wrote). He’s completely incompetent.

    3. @Mister G and that 74% is larger for each of other candidates by the very metric you presented.

      “Winning is losing”

      Here a quote from a cnn smear video

      “Online Supporters for bernie sanders outnumber all other candidates combined”

      Love it.

      Dems crying bout bernie bros, because facts hurt their feelings.

    4. @Mister G Senators do more than pass bills, the Senator you’re referring to earned the name “Amendment King” for how many amendments he got through.
      Senators are judged by what legislation they get passed not _how many,_ otherwise you and I could be the most _”successful”_ Senators in US history simply by having no principles and voting in whatever direction the political winds were blowing that day.
      Democrats pass legislation to enact Obamacare, Republicans pass legislation to dismantle it and I vote for both because that makes me 2 for 2!
      *I’m **_sooo_** successful.*

    1. Only one small difference: Trump will remain your president through January 19th, 2025. I wouldn’t be too discomfited about it all, though; seeing as how fast time flies right by nowadays, it’ll be here before ya know it….carry on…..your ‘ol Uncle Hans in….The Bronx.

    2. @Tim Smith An alien force has taken over the frontal cortex of your brain….seek immediate refuge on another planet…

    3. @Tim Smith An alien force has taken over the frontal cortex of your brain….seek immediate refuge on another planet…..

    1. @Richard Jansen not if a minoriry of rich dems have anything to do with it.

      Middle to top,
      Afraid to pay tax they can easily afford.

    1. Same goes for the Republican Party. Both parties are falling apart all because, we allowed one man to have too much power in the White Office. Now the president is lawless and he his practically alone at this point. He is close to be the only man in the office to hold his presidency for a party that isn’t even a political party and that is: Trump Supporters.

  3. If Bloomer buys himself the Dem nomination the Bernie bros won’t even bother voting in November, and if Bernie wins the nomination the Bloomer-Biden crowd won’t even bother voting in November. Either way, Four More Years

    1. Okay, you might just be trolling, however, this is about as close to accurate, that people are missing. Except, it appears, once again, the Bernie bros are MUCH MORE dug in, and resistant to vote for another candidate, then other supporters BY FAR. However, I am (or soon to be former) Democrat “loyalist”, but, NOT a socialist…and if it’s a choice b/w Bernie, Trump and NOT voting…well, thats going to be a tough choice for me. So, you got a point.

      And to be devils advocate, the best opponent for Trump is Bernie. No matter what happens, even if Bernie wins the presidency, he will go on to have a FAILED presidency, and the GOP can chant “failed socialism” against the “democrats” for years to come. And it just might be Don Jr 2024. Who knows?

    2. @Zeno of Citium The DNC might so fix it as to avoid both Bernie and Boomer and give the nomination to the Goldman Sachs’ choice Buttigiggig, Let’s at least recognize that Pete has youth, while Bloomer, Bernie and Biden are 78.

    3. @Tavuzzi Pust – Absolutely! Another great point. I’m tired of seeing these ANCIENT, OLD AS DIRT politicians. And I find it ironic, one of them, Bernie, is the toast of immature voters. We are in VERY weird times, I never thought I would see. But, bottomline…no matter who wins…democracy dies in inches every day. 2021 is going to be harsh, and I will NOT be tuning in for any of it. I’m going to ignore it, as much as possible. And will most likely register as an Independent.

    4. @Zeno of Citium I wouldn’t be too concerned about your present state of discomfiture, and even though your current president shall remain same through January 19th, 2025, time just flies right by nowadays, and it’ll be here before ya know it…your ‘ol Uncle Hans in the Bronx….

    5. @Zeno of Citium Your current state of discomfiture is only temporary; even though your current president shall remain same through January 19th, 2025, time really flies right by nowadays, and it’ll be here before ya know it…your ‘ol Uncle Hans in…The Bronx….

  4. Yeah, my guess is the Pelosi potty training is getting to some guy’s over at the DNC not all guy’s like to precious piddle side saddle Nancy boy sit N pee. Yeah, I imagine that gets to some after a while.

  5. No one talking about age or white men anymore I see, was a huge deal until 80 year old white Bloomberg bought into the race. Nice.

  6. My dear, when you look in the mirror and see the beautiful rolls of fat on your luscious corpulent body, remember to celebrate your courage, strength and independence! Embrace your authentic self by speaking truth to power as you rage against toxic masculinity and the oppression of the patriarchy!

    1. Trump’s largest rally: 12,000 in New Hampshire. Bernie’s biggest rally: 27,000 in California. Bernie’s second biggest rally: 22,000 in New York. Facts are facts. Bernie wins.

  7. What progressive causes has Bloomberg championed ? Taking away Constitutional rights ? Stop and frisk ? Banning big gulps ?

    1. @MoppyPuppy I actually used one less letter, toots, but the point is moot. I can say that your state of discomfiture will not be permanent, as your current president shall remain same through January 19th, 2025. Seeing as how time just zooms right by nowadays, it’ll be here before ya know it. There, now doesn’t that make you feel better already? Course it does – and you’re welcome. Your ‘ol Uncle Hans in…The Bronx.

    2. @jmiogo No it isn’t. All other modern nations are able to do it, if you just want Americans to continue to die then just argue for that there’s no need to mask it with this _”free stuff”_ BS.

    3. @white lightning One, no they didn’t.
      Two, there is no plan to turn the US into Cuba and Venezuela, all of that is just scare tactics to scare weak-minded people into voting against their own interests.

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