A new U.K. study suggests COVID-19 patients face a much higher risk of developing blood clots than those vaccinated with AstraZeneca or Pfizer shots.
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This is why I choose not to get it
not touching either of them.
And if you get sick from covid I hope you double down and stay far away from any hospital
@Clive Evans we will visit your family right away.
@RS Lol
. I need that 
Ask how much money this school received from Big Pharm!
Makes sense, since blood clots come from an immune overresponse.
I did a litt chuckle too

No thanks.
polite, stupid but polite.
It’s the opposite tsk tsk
Moderna ad… Conveniently setting up factory in Canada
Indeed. We need to be able to manufacture what we need in Canada.
That’s why you should take aspirin if you have covid.
Says Dr. Lily? No sane person takes medical advice from the YouTube experts.
then google it, type “O” blood has less von willebrand’s factor and clots less, vitamin sticks to blood platelets just as aspirin does and lessens the clotting also. I was told to take 800 mgs. of vit. E for breast cysts and it worked.
@anne marie andrews You, my dear, are not a doctor.
report for misinformation
Oh, another portion of fears served. Bon appetit folks!
Last time I checked children are least likely to have problems. Stop trying to scare everyone.
they’re not trying to scare you, they are trying to prepare you. please calm down.
How wrong you are.
@GO OlSEN there is no data on children getting covid because…they don’t get severe illness simple
That was before they were about to release the vax for 6 months +.
Studys???? They call 1year and 6 months… studys on v? I just rolled my eyes so hard that i lost them

Yes, take one cherry picked study and ignore all the other studies that say otherwise.
I hope you reporters have said your ‘goodbyes’ to your families. Justice is coming.
Lol hurry up go get you’re shots sheepeople why the fawk anyone would trust this stuff
Brrrrrrrrrrrrr !
Anyone else get the impression this doctor had a few drinks before going live…? lol!
At 2 minutes he slips. What a ghoul.
You reporters can’t escape what is coming