At a United Nations Security Council meeting Thursday, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said “the very international order we’ve gathered here to uphold is being shredded before our eyes” by Russia’s war on Ukraine. #CNN #news
Blinken says Russia ‘shredded’ international order

Well spoken, I would like to see him run for president.
@elena elena Right, but thank God we have Bozo Biden!
@Potato Joe give it a rest already.
I thought the same – greetings from Germany
Me too!
@George Beier I will give Mrs. Beier a rest tonight.
Thank You Antony Blinken. Fantastic speech.
@MANUEL ROBLEDO Are you a Putler Fan?
blinken is a war monger responsible for failed policies in afghanistan, pakistan, and iran. he supported intervention and regime change in libya, and don’t forget joe biden and blinken didn’t stand up to putin at all, he told putin that a small incursion was fine, all while knowing months in advance that putin intended to take all of ukraine. he totally lied and flubbed it, exactly as we’ve come to expect from joe biden
@Golf Fanatic
Last fight
@know one Orc, nobody cares what you think. Your economy is on its last breath and soon you will be to busy scrounging for food to troll comments.
Not American, but I really like Bliken. Professional and well spoken.
blinken is a war monger responsible for failed policies in afghanistan, pakistan, and iran. he supported intervention and regime change in libya, and don’t forget joe biden and blinken didn’t stand up to putin at all, he told putin that a small incursion was fine, all while knowing months in advance that putin intended to take all of ukraine. he totally lied and flubbed it, exactly as we’ve come to expect from joe biden
@Robert Fontaine who Biden. He couldn’t even find his way off the stage.
@Ken Baker This is about Ukraine. You didn’t hear Blinken use any tiresome ad hominem attacks. Try to follow his example.
Yes, I’m American. He’s excellent. He is a bright guy and has built a great reputation. A bit of an intellectual but practical.
@Kirsten Kristen he got the war he wanted he’s happy.
Wonderful speech mr. Blinken, this is truly a powerful speech, but also a very big scream for peace in Ukraine. As Zelensky said before ”nobody have wanted this war” and we don’t want this conflict to continue for the next winter. The man who started all of this, have to stop all of this. It can’t last forever.
@M Ewing hahaha ur actually pretty funny. Read all your comments. No chance you’re over 18, no shot.
Just a child trying to bait people into arguments, and you’re not even good at it.
Not smart, not clever, not well spoken. Just some angry kid, funny stuff
@Ngobi Robert sorry? And why did Nato expansion matter? Does Mario annex other countries by any chance? “Oh, you move close to me, sorry I have to invade all my neighbors houses and flats by force?“ Wtf is wrong in your head?
@Stamboli and that has exactly nothing to do with the speech nor with the war of Russia against Ukraine. It’s a VERY different story what you are talking about. NO connection to what Russia is doing here.
remember IRAQ?
Remember two wrongs don’t make it right no one wins in war Vietnam veteran
The lesson from history is that Dictators do not resign, they are either forcibly removed or die. Stepping down or resigning is never an option for Putin.
I like those first two choices.
In that situation both Putin and Trump are going down.
The CIA should make a public statement that Putin is a CIA mole and has been tasked with demilitarizing Russia and destroying its economy and is doing it exactly to script. Spread it everywhere in Russia and then sit back and enjoy the uprising.
@Azjeep How? Even if the mobilization did not bring down support? Plus, after him, Kadyrov and Medvedev enjoy the biggest support… which do you like better?
You just described Joe Biden
one is no longer used to such a speech these days…bravo mr. blinken from austria
He is American first and always silly
@Vicente Guerrero i am pretty sure he meant bravo mr. Blinken. While he is from Austria
@Vicente Guerrero at least he can read whole sentences without errors that’s quite something
Brilliant speech.
Excellent speach Mr. Blinken!!
You said it right : excellent speech or only words if better said.
Incredible speech! The UN has taken a great stand on the side of humanity. I think we all have been touched by the level countries around the world have banned together to send the message that by working together we can accomplish great things. I have so much admiration for the UN and the great countries and their leaders around the world who have shown how much can be accomplished when we put humanity and what is the courageous thing to do..
Thank you all
Very bad stand, where was the un when America was destroying Libya
Yes they keep say they are working together but now putin has threatening nuclear very clearly which threatens the entire western world, i really think its time to stand up to him directly
Lies Lies Lies. I want stop till the truth is told about UN THE EU and NATO.. Yall bullying is over. Face it
@mash2vhK So the US does not have a moral standing to criticize Russia.
@Elima Blay Gee Add Afghanistan to taht. And also iraq, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Haiti, Libya, Venezuela, Somalia, Uganda…the list goes on and on.
Another speech this week that makes me proud of our country.
WOW!! You get impressed really easy !!
Any lessons from the USA on imperialism, starting wars and war crimes are laughable honestly. And I’m being gentle here.
Blinken is very educated person with good heart
You need to seriously consider raising your expectations!
Be proud F W
, is the only right thing to do.
What US is, and what US do, is of greatest importance to this world
Standing up to – together with friends & partners – to help
Blinken even looks into the camera when he speaks. True pro.
True pro liar.
@Rap Back at you
@Rap He lies about what?
@Flornmonk You have no idea of what he lies about? That is the danger of consuming only western media, it makes you ignorant and ill-informed. Try to listen or read alternative media too to get all the perspectives and get the whole picture. Damn! Please educate yourself.
@Rap every word Blinken said here is true. Russia can’t win and will get stomped by the west.
A most wonderful speech, Antony Blinken!
Weak speech kinda like China Joe
Excellent hard hitting speech.
Thank you Mr. Blinken for trying to ensure the world is a safer and better place for all of us.
Let’s continue to support Ukraine and its people and their war effort to defeat Russia and Putin. his people will replace him
and bring him to justice in the long run. his military will eventually turn against him for costing them 10s of 100s of lives.
1 DjCole100 Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
USA is evli
Antony Blinkin is Presidential. He’s always to the point and correct. He says it as it is so we can all understand what’s happening.
1 Kitchguy Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
@Kristy Campbell @kristy Campbell

Much like Joe Biden.
“If Russia stops fighting, the war ends. If Ukraine stops fighting, Ukraine ends.” very well said Blinken. Very good statement.
@jano macky

NATO expansion seeks to strangle Russia. The U.S. very cleverly obscures the issue. The U.S. sucks.
Yeah, like 150 IQ…
Yes. Like Palestine ended.
@Ngobi Robert
lol!! Since Russia invaded and bombed their country without any negotiation, UKraine is not obliged to let Russia roll over them while they wait for negotiations. They can negotiate when Russia has left their borders.
Blinken is a masterful politician.
This is exactly how I expect to see this great nation represented before the world
Well mannered, concise, and firm.
Putin seems to have forgotten that almost all high ranking military and government officials in this nation were young adults during the Cold War
1 Liquid Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
As American Ukrainian I thank Mr. Blinken for this.
A man I’m service to the people through and through; even as his father (another proud American diplomat) passed Mr.Blinken attended the U.N General Assembly. Thank you for your poised demeanor measured words to the world. A true AMERICAN servicemen!