1. I don’t know what opposition parties there are (other then the crazy red shirt people), but south africa could really use a non-ANC government for a change. the ANC has gotten incredibly comfortable with governing terribly and still being reelected. I don’t see them changing if they just continue to be reelected anyways.

    1. More than 50% of SA is on welfare, this is no exaggeration. The ANC ones claimed: “We will rule until Jesus returns.” Before every election the buy the impoverished masses KFC, tell them horror stories about how apartheid will return if they do not vote ANC. This cycle is not going to break before the country breaks…

    2. 😅 crazy red shirt people….
      Aaahhh yeah, they are our favourite, they’re like lil firecrackers, you know, just starting stuff up all over the place. 🤣
      Hhhhhheeeeeelllllpppppp ussssss ( in creepy whisper voice )

    3. @J M 🤣 whoo!
      I think I will stick with my South African problems my dear, simply because I don’t know much about Americans and their political views best I keep my peace. Especially, especially when we ALL have our mainstream media telling us Tall Tales. But personally, I think most if not all governments are forgetting that they are employed by US. I think even we forget that sometimes, they should be doing what’s in our best interest but sadly, this is not the case.
      But from me in South Africa to you, stay safe, stay blessed and healthy. Remember! God is still on the throne, weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning.❣️

    1. @scott denoncour americans attributing petroleum prices to the US president is an ancient tradition. whenever the gasoline price rises, they talk themselves into a frenzy and make it the number one reason to not reelect the guy.

    2. In this guy’s case, why doesn’t he just let the chickens out to run free. That’s how chickens are SUPPOSED to be raised anyway. There’s no excuse for leaving them stuffed up inside that small space when you know the power went out. If they had a PETA, they would likely be all over him.

  2. NOW South Africa is just another African Country with inefficiencies. While I was in Cape Town in 2001 /2003 there was never any electricity outages for even an entire year.

  3. If you stop the corruption and all stakeholders work together it will take 10 years to fix. In other words, realistically, it will not be fixed. South Africa will continue it’s decline until it reaches the level of almost every other African country.

    1. In 2009, 1 Rand was equivalent to 12 Kenyan Shillings, now it’s 6 Kenyan Shillings. Corruption is ruining South African. White people manage things better than black people.

  4. The chickens 🐔have come home to roost for South Africa now that they have aligned themselves with Russia and Putin.

  5. The level of corruption is staggering. Politicians and civil servants use the state income from taxes as their own petty cash box. South Africa is going down the road of Zimbabwe. Black family members are given well-paid government jobs with no experience whatsoever. It’s just a jobs for the boys scheme. So sad.

    1. @Wilma Dikfit IN fact, the government does run many, many programs better than me, or YOU because the government is comprised of many, many individuals (direct representation ‘OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE’) with backgrounds far more diverse than YOU could ever imagine.😉!!!

    2. @jntj  You wouldn’t trust your accountant if you went into debt 32 Trillion…..Why trust the government to control your savings and retirement when you could just fo it yourself. Social Security should be optional.

    3. When ranting you forget to mention the role played by your race in the failure of South Africa. Your cushy deals between your white race and the ANC, mainly the Evergreen contracts white companies have at Eskom supplying coal at exorbitant prices. You whites share the same desire with the ANC to keep the majority black race of the economy, your symbiotic relationship with the ANC is what keeps South Africa backwards. Next time don’t forget the role your racism play in the problems SA face today.

    1. @Something Something Dark Side 🤣😅 oh my hat, I’m sorry dear but your comments to me make no sense at all.

      My original comment was that I’m praying for the world until Jesus comes.

      You replied: I’ve been here all along and then some other incoherent stuff.
      So…are you mistaking my comment for another users?
      Or are you trying to tell me that you are Jesus? 😊 That can’t be it though, I doubt you would take it there?

    2. There’s no such thing as a female pastor, go wash dishes and scrub the floors, free your slaves before Jesus send you to hell.

    3. @Joseph Menezes I am glad you felt the need to reply. I must be doing something right . I got your attention, didn’t I? Have a good time reading the New Testament.

    4. @Pastor Denise Earley Just in case someone believe your lies and their blood be in my hands…carry on,

    5. @Joseph Menezes if you’re saying that someone’s blood is going to be on your hands ( “and their blood be in my hands”) I think you meant to say that the blood will be on my hands.
      Please don’t worry nobody has died . No need to reply back.

  6. Thank you CNN. This is a disaster of massive proportions. We need answers and we need the ANC to step up to the plate. Take accountability and get help. But I doubt it will happen😢

  7. I hope with this coverage the lack of urgency is fixed. The fact that this man cant even enjoy his business being a hit is sad. Sending prayers.

  8. Corruption? Arrest them all.. seize their assets.. and hire outside companies to really fix the problems. They must also focus on training and educating their youth now, to have the skills to run their systems.

  9. The nuclear reactor program needs to be speed up immediately The Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) envisaged building 9,600 MWe of new nuclear power capacity by building between six and eight new nuclear reactors by 2030, which would cost about R1 trillion

  10. If you can’t have power for over half the year, then at that point I would start doing things the old fashioned way.

  11. Not an expert but doesnt south Africa have an abundance of sun. This country could benefit from solar. As an Aussie we have solar farms and batteries on houses and even supermarkets. Cant see why it couldn’t work in south Africa. There is set up cost of course but it could be done to alleviate some of the blackouts with farms becoming self sufficient.

  12. As a Nigerian, most of us haven’t experienced a straight week of power.,…Nigeria is a total mess, but I know with the possible emergence of a futuristic president like Peter Obi Nigeria would be sane…

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