Reporter Kim Ghattas joins Morning Joe to discuss 'Black Wave,' her new book on Saudi Arabia and Iran. Aired on 02/17/20.
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'Black Wave' Looks At Iran, Saudi Arabia's Fractured Relationship | Morning Joe | MSNBC
When Donocchio Trump eats his last “hamberder”, after his failing wind cancer …..drinking his last cup of coveffe…they ‘ll be forced to hide his grave site to keep it from turning into a spit and urine filled swamp. WHAT A LEGACY.
White Jesus….Obama/Clinton/Bush turned the Goat Herder against the US. Al Qaeda became ISIS and President Trump in his 2nd TERM will leave the Goat Herder and the Middle East.
@Mike Fernandez You are a fool.
@D J Plans need to be made for the contingency of him refusing to leave office. Also, we shouldn’t use Ivanka’s voting machines.
@David Hale He IS the current POTUS, why not mention him? You guys have made a career out of dissing Obama. Those in glass houses should not throw stones.
After one of the closest , most highly contested elections in U.S. history , narcissistic trolls revel in overconfidence. I adore such a ludacris attempt at DESPERATION!! Clinging to corruption because…..its all ya got ! Don’t forget trumph supporters , you haven’t successfully won a popular vote election in 20 YEARS ! Without the effects of gerrymandered, redistricted , suppressed , and corrupted results… YOU ARE FINISHED AND YOU KNOW IT ! TIC , TOC , TIC , TOC….2020 IS ON YOUR DOORSTEP ! HOPE IT WAS WORTH IT ! HOPE YOU GOT ALL YOU’LL NEED TO KEEP YOUR MILLIONS AND BILLIONS ! WE’RE COMIN FOR YA ! YOU WILL PAY ! TIME TO REDISTRIBUTE WEALTH ! After all , WE’RE THE ONES THAT SUFFERED ! VOTE BLUE NO MATTER WHO !

Kia Ora from Aotearoa New Zealand

Having lived and worked in the region for over a decade teaching kids…

it’s the book I didn’t know I wanted, but it’s something that I hope can change conversations.
Wahine Toa 
I’m getting this book!
Thank you Kim Ghattas.
Kia Kaha
Kia ora Angela. Just wanted to say thank you for this message imbued with positive thoughts. It is a rare thing in political comment sections. Ngā manaakitanga
The US is supporting Saudi Arabia, that is worse than Iran, for no other reason than money.
saudi arabia is and always be worse than iran
iranian people are more realistic and pragmatic and they have 2000 year culture behind them with 80 millions people where over 60% of them vote during election
usa problem with iran is israel forign policy and security
saudi arabia is only 80 year old country run by kings and religous men who still believe is earth is not round and the sun circle around it
@Non SJW Progressive I searched for DOCUMENTED (not accusations) charges by Iran and only found Human rights violations against women/dress code, minor divorce rights, and high execution numbers
Here is Saudi Arabia;
911, florida shooting, bin laden, al nusra, isis, slaughter of syrians- iraqis- yemenis, bombing yemeni schools and hospitals, beheading their own people, khashoggi, banning freedom of speech – association and belief, women’s rights, beating of migrant workers, a car bomb that killed British national Christopher Rodway, attempted to shoot down of U.S. fighter jet taking off from the Prince Sultan Air Base with an SA-7 missile, saudi gunman fired at an Australian expatriate in Khamis Mushay, the Muhaya bombing, Saudi security forces and Al-Qaeda cell members waged a three-day gunfight starting 3 April in the town of Al-Ras in the Qassim region. world’s largest source of funds and promoter of Salafist jihadism, al-Qaeda, Taliban, Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant,…………… Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba, which carried out the 2008 Mumbai attacks, used a Saudi-based front company to fund its activities in 2005, ………….Fifteen of the 19 hijackers of the four airliners who were responsible for 9/11 originated from Saudi Arabia, two from the United Arab Emirates, one from Egypt, and one from Lebanon. Saudi Arabia supporting extremist Islamist groups in the Syrian Civil War, writing: “In Syria, in early 2015, it supported the creation of the Army of Conquest, primarily made up of the al-Qaeda affiliate the al-Nusra Front and the ideologically similar Ahrar al-Sham, which won a series of victories against the Syrian Army in Idlib province, former Prime Minister of Iraq Nouri al-Maliki stated that Saudi Arabia and Qatar started the civil wars in Iraq and Syria, 2017 Tehran attacks
@Non SJW Progressive You asked. What did your question have to do with Iran?
Meanwhile China already controls half of the world alongside with the Russians!
Jordan Carpenter Who knows what will happen inside of China – as regards the conditions inside China for the people suffering from Corona Virus. Kinda interesting to see if big changes on the horizon?
the russians gas and oil, the chinese manufacture…………….GOOD NIGHT AND GOOD LUCK.
The dynamics and complexities of this conversation is something that a mentally inferior human being like Trump could ever begin to understand.
@AP AS 45 is your hero as he is to all of you misinformed liers
@Non SJW Progressive what are you going to do when they start hitting US
@AP AS There is a genocide and mass starvation in Yemen. Trump is sending the Saudis weapons to do it. He is aiding and abetting a genocide.
@AP AS “If you are going to hold the President of the United State responsible for our current unemployment rate, you must go back to when the unemployment rate began its descent under Obama. Obama did what few presidents in the past have been able to do when it comes to cutting unemployment. The drops in unemployment under President Obama are significantly greater and have happened at a faster rate than the drops under President Trump.
The argument by Republicans that Obama has nothing to do with our current economy is both outlandish and completely ridiculous. Obama brought us out of one of America’s greatest recessions and to an economy that had saw a healthy unemployment rate. Trump has taken over and the economy has continued to improve, but based on the unemployment rate alone, at a slower pace than under his predecessor.
We must keep in mind that the unemployment rate is just one of numerous economic indicators, but numbers don’t lie. People do.”
Manufacturing is moving overseas. Carrier, Harley Davidson, Morgan Stanley, IBM, Lowes, GE, AT & T, Verizon, John Deere, Microsoft, are just a few.
Farmers are going bankrupt in record numbers, bankruptcies have risen 24%.
Yeah, when they said they needed to get her book to the WH ASAP and she said she’d personally send a copy, instantly I thought about how he famously DOESN’T read, and has ZERO INTEREST in learning anything about anywhere in the world – not even the USA.
DOESN’T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT PEARL HARBOR?? CAN’T READ ALOUD A SENTENCE OR TWO FROM THE US CONSTITUTION WITHOUT MESSING UP SO MANY TIMES, HE KEPT SAYING TO THE FILMING CREW THAT IT WAS LIKE SPEAKING A DIFFERENT LANGUAGE?!? All of the other living presidents also participated in this and they likely could have read those words forward and backward and then explained exactly what those words mean. Seriously, if you want to be president, you really need to read AND UNDERSTAND the constitution first. I don’t claim to be a constitutional scholar, but I’m not applying for the job of POTUS
Thank you MSNBC talking about this. A lot of people don’t know much about the history of the region.
And no one cares
@Jasen Idiots don’t care.
@MyrnaMinkoff illegal alien watch your mouth before I deport you.
Well, at least we sold them our nuclear tech before our relationship fractured. I wonder who profited off of that?
The people who developed and inserted stuxnet profeted hugely.
This is an incredibly interesting and enlightening interview, we are so unaware of who the Iranian people are and what they have gone through.
If you need to know Iranian know them from themselves not Kim who is really have not a correct idea about Iranian.
LOL. Sunnis and Shiites have Probably killed each other less than Catholics and Protestants.
Excellent relativistic morality and justification of jihad!
So come on with your jihad please please come on with it !!!
Sounds divisive…
@scoldsore On Twitter
Current Location : Miami, FL – Earth
What? I thought it was taboo in the U.S. to tell the truth of what is going on in the Middle East.
They have a lot of oil
Depopulation of the world. NWO
Iran – Saudi Arabia – US.
The triangle of failure
The key for eternal peace in west asia and even world is b0mbing Tel Aviv

Let’s just b0mb Tel for the global peace


US regime must stop supporting wahhabi jihadists

Israel must be raze into ground

They’re the reason US regime’s supporting wahhabi jihadists in Syria/iraq.
Everything you need to know of the USA interest in the middle east in 1 word, OIL
They say: “Follow the money”. In this case, to understand the politics and the whole situation in the Middle East, is — “Follow the oil”. The USA is supporting Saudi Arabia, ONLY, because of its oil and NOTHING else. They gave the Saudi Royal family an offer they couldn’t refuse: “You can only stay in power, if you do everything that we tell you to do, (robbing them of their oil, etc… Iran is the enemy, because they think, that they are strong enough not to be bullied, and with the support of Russia and China, they are probably right. Of course there’s also Israel in that area, which is using the USA to achieve their own goals, but oil is, what it is all about. USA’s worthless fiat, paper money and the whole American economy is completely dependent on Arab’s oil. That’s why Americans are in Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Libya and against the wish of Syria, and uninvited, are still “guarding” Syrian oil producing fields from Syrians, etc, etc…
I recently decided on my favorite early morning news programs, I had to pick between the two with the trashiest looking, greasy lipped, blond hair dyed ones, you see, I found that it’s the trampy lookers that can deliver the news best, and oh, there are some wigged ones that can deliver too, one station even boasted to expect more than any other…