The man Alberta is paying $253,000 to find out what went right – and wrong – with the province's pandemic response has already come to his own conclusions in a report published online last spring.
The report, posted online by the Frontier Centre for Public Policy, a think tank that has been tied to controversies involving Canada's residential school system and climate change denial, contains a fictional account of a review of the federal government's COVID-19 response.
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Doesn’t sound like fiction to me?
Fictional eh ?
fictional or foreshadowing???
Pre determined due to being a non partial separatist.
Oh what the hell…..we have plenty of money to fork over for this bit of fiction.
That sounds like the most rational assessment I’ve heard from anyone that’s ever been in govt. Concern that public health bureaucrats have grossly overstepped their mandate and abused the rights of Canadians? Absolutely right! No need for an extra $250k report. Oh, and real journalists are supposed to question authority, not do PR for the govt.
I guess L. Ron Hubbard wasn’t answering the phone. Maybe they should get a vegan to pen a report on the Alberta beef industry?
Have you looked at Italy’s long-running ISS extended reports yet? They’re freely and publicly available.
It’s your reporting that is truly fictional!
Lol awe newstriggers you lol
@Jumbo Me Hi Neo!
@Primmakin Sofis ?
@Jumbo Me Come now, you can admit Jumbo Me is just one of your sock accounts, Neo.
Safe and effective was your cults slogan
And now the headlines are Suddenly and Unexpected.
Just two weeks to flatten the curve
Sounds like they got the right guy to do the job to me.
it’s only ok if Trudeau does stuff like this apparently
He didn’t, so what’s your point?
Manning is 100% correct !
“Fictional” ….rrriiiiggghhht(Dr. Evil Voice)
lol freedumbers got caught
Hi Neo! Signed back in to your Neo account after posting as Jumbo Me?
@Primmakin Sofis going through another hallucination and paranoia episode Ahab?
Just like these news reports.
Doesn’t sound very fictional.
I find it hilarious that freedumbers have a problem with old Biden but no issue with old Manning.
agree with mr. manning 100%!
So corrupt
Controversial because says some true?