University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Biology Professor Erin Bromage shares tips on how to safely celebrate this Memorial Day weekend to reduce coronavirus spread. #CNN #News
Biologist explains how to safely celebrate Memorial Day

University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Biology Professor Erin Bromage shares tips on how to safely celebrate this Memorial Day weekend to reduce coronavirus spread. #CNN #News
The safest way to celebrate is to not listed to our Idiot President!!
Warning :derp squad ahead.
I’m just going to stay home

Good, nobody wants to see you anyways
Ra H Yep be compliant with the idiocy and defy common sense which of course is to do exactly the opposite of what is being recommended . The best possible place is outdoors basking in the sun without a F… mask so that viricidal UV can inactivate whatever viruses you might have on your face and lips hands arms hair etc. None of this public health advice has been proven to be effective in formal real world studies, maybe in some rodent models, but not humans and as far as i know rodents are not the standard of proof for human medical recommendations. Most of this governmental draconian fiats like no beaches , no pools, no sports, no haircuts are pure ignorant fascist garbage. The best antidote is staying fit and healthy, being outdoors or large ventilated spaces, and stop the stupid worrying especially if young b/c the vast majority of the fit and healthy either have ZERO symptoms or only a mild cold from covid exposure. If you are a diseased fat geezer in a nursing home thats where there is greater risk but even so most of them have survived to be returned to their facilities. The best thing is be outdoors and hope you eventually are exposed so you can be immune and protected from accidental larger more hazardous exposures. Do you understand or not ?
Ra H
Why inmate ? Are you trapped in a blue state ?
Right. Staying home!
Everyone is going to be chillin by the fire just to be safe lol.
Safely celebrate!!?? No change in my routine. Wash hands and social distancing.
ok sheep
@joe blow I think he agrees with you that we can all go out and live our lives. Just maybe we shouldn’t be double-dipping is all
@joe blow Sheep?? Let me guess, you’re bigly intelligent from the standpoint of respect, and you have the highliest IQ in terms of books, just like Trump?
*MEMORIAL DAY* Never forget that Obama said that Trump would never be president!
@IVTEC no, I’m taking about the virus death toll so far in the USA .
I ROFL so hard watching all the fake news media after the election day. can’t wait to vote again
is a puppet for the greedy not a president.
@Willie White he is. so keep dreaming.
Matrix move 1 already informed us!
Welcome to the New reality, for your safety and protection of course! Life in your new biomechanical uterus simulated life is far richer than actual reality, copper top!
Think of the children
Why isn’t CNN reporting the shooting in Arizona? Oh wait I know why……..
Jinsu Hawng not on YouTube where the majority of their base goes.
Let me guess. It wasn’t a huwhite male who did the shooting?
Robber Barons of the Red Shield
Rothschild, Zionism, Palestinian Land Theft, Criminal Financiers, Money Launderers, Embezzlers, Edmund de Rothchild Group, E.L Rothschild, Rothschild & Co Bank, Rothschild and the Italian Connection, Guardians of the Papal Treasure, ERANDA Charity Racket, Rothschild and Clinton, Foreign Political Backers of American Politicians, Brit Mila and Blood Drinking and Cannibalism
@America First they dont go straight from air to YouTube. There’s a huge delay.
Shootings in Arizona aren’t major news , it’s every other day. The second terrorist shooting in 6 months at a us naval base is.
Step 1: Turn off CNN and Fox News.
Step 2: Wash your hands like an adult.
Step 3: Enjoy
atfinn;If you turn off FOX News you will be left with only FAKE NEWS.




Good thinking
Well guess l need to drop my doctor and make my next app with a scientist or biologist
@DOUGLAS HOTCHKISS stop acting stupid, even tho it suits you well, you know better then that. Shame on you NPC
@Supermarket Creeper I’ve been smarter than you since 1965 kid.
@DOUGLAS HOTCHKISS ok listen to scientist lets pick a yr
will stay above 2000
2002 west nile kill us all
@DOUGLAS HOTCHKISS 2005 bird flu kill us all
best thing to do is turn off CNN and go back to living your life. the SCAMdemic has been over for a long time
Hmm that’s strange. I could have sworn that we still have patients coming in to the emergency department with respiratory distress syndrome.
unpaid troll Tell that to the governors still imposing lock down for the coof
Ya’ll stay locked up , the rest of us are going to the beach!
@Dale Anderson It does in a lab setting, but that doesn’t translate to the beach. Also the humidity must be at 80%, and the surface the virus is on, also matters. Even the type of UV ray comes into play.
So you’re not safe just because the sun is out..
Btw, why do you people still use the term snowflake? I mean, Trump is the biggliest snowflake on the planet.. You actually look like imbeciles when you defend him, and then call others snowflakes.
And yes, I’m just assuming you’re a Trump follower. Your comment is just like so many other Trumpist comments.
Stay home democrats. We are all going to party with out you . Don’t worry about it . It is going to be better with out ya .

@Damn Yankee *That’s cute, Trumpanzee. We’ll party in Nov while you all cry*
Post holiday surge in cases.
Bet on it.
Yellow Flash- who cried in 2016
The cases are going to skyrocket
Fake newsss
That’s simple turn off cnn & enjoy your life.
michael ryder
But where would we get our “daily beliefs” from ?
Yeah I wear my mask and gloves 24/7 I even wear them to bed and in the shower too that’s how I clean my one and only mask and I live alone !!!
Stay in your own back yard or visit, family only, a big park.
*Cable news sets record for month of April.*
And you wonder why CNN is pushing for the lockdown to continue? They just care about ratings. They don’t want you to leave your house so you can give them a ratings boost. This should be obvious to you, but you get your news from CNN so maybe it’s not that obvious…
Well, the lockdown is over now. Good luck. Come back in 6weeks and let me know how it went for you all, eh?
Seinfeld: he’s a double dipper!