On a special show before a live studio audience, Bill Nye the science guy discusses the climate crisis with Chris Hayes.
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Bill Nye And The Climate Crisis | All In | MSNBC
Bill Nye knows a helluva lot more than a bloated mango.

especially about diddling babies
what shame you bring to Russia….
@Aussie Jim Russians don’t even know Trump is a half sucked mango.
@bUH sNUH Nyet problemy Tovarisch.
@Jack Richardson most decent Russians (and most Russians are a decent people) would be shocked at what these Putin paid operatives get up to…. Shamefully cringey stuff.
I always think of Batmans ( The Riddler) when I see Bill Nye. Lol, like that is a bad thing.
I love Bill Nye “The Science Guy.” he makes so much sense compared to nonsensical Spankypants who is the anti-thesis to Mr. Nye! Who here would prefer Bill Nye the Science Guy as POTUS? Instead of SpankyPants tRump the Dotard & sexual deviate, traitor, coward, con artist & failed business man?
@Jeff Woods the science guy says it as it is.
wait till florida cities go under water then people will listen
When New York City starts to get submerged they will act. “We don’t want that Florida stuff to happen here.”
You know how long they’ve been threatening that…and it never happens
How does Climate put all the water in one state?
6:36 I love you Bill Nye, but I think we need to offset the jobs that get displaced by these new and possibly less human labor intensive forms of energy/transportation… I feel some people may have those answers but withhold them out of fear their tech can make tens of thousands jobs completely redundant…
I wonder how many jobs we could add, if we opened numerous factories producing solar and wind technology all over America.
@Tessmage Tessera I wonder how many jobs could be lost if someone figured out a way to power society without those or current means of energy and travel.
@IR_Dankenstein Your statement is nonsensical. At any rate, do you know what happened when automobiles were invented..? People like you whined that cars would put thousands of blacksmiths out of business. So guess what happened next..? Lots of blacksmiths became auto mechanics and made even more money than they did shoeing horses. We call that “progress.”
@Tessmage Tessera ;D
Bill Nye and Bernie need to team up!!! Educate the people.
Not a bad idea. Bernie has the most comprehensive and well-documented energy proposal of any candidate right now.
I just love Bill nye, thanks for teaching me science and logic at such a young age bill
He may know some very basic science but, has no clue about “climate change..”
Somebody should have taught Bill Nye science and logic.
Fake Science Fake News “climate change” = cradle to grave mandated control
@Tessmage Tessera Actually you lose. That’s why you’re here ranting and raving about russian robots controlling the world.
Of course.
The planet was never intended for industrialization in the first place.
Humanity messed it up in the first place so we have no other choice but to pay the price and make every sacrifice on our current lifestyle imaginable in order to ensure that the planet still can substain life after humanity’s existence has been snuffed out by its own mistakes.
Our current way of life is killing the earth. That’s a fact.
Now, what are we going to do about it?
Could you imagine a conversation between Bill Nye and Trump?
Trump would react to Bill Nye’s words of logic and reasoning like someone under a demonic possession being splashed with holy water….hissing, howling and head spinning.
David J
But when will the name calling start? From the get-go or 1 minute in when trump realizes he looks and sounds like a caveman in a oversize suit next to Bill?
Bill Nye is a child tv program ACTOR you moron! LMAO.
Climate Deniers are as intelligent as Flat Earthers.
If climate was the truth you wouldn’t have to believe it.
Peter George
There is a large overlap between these groups anyway
Nailed it. If we could go to the moon 50 years ago, then we can do the Green New Deal today.
Tessmage Tessera : And, it would MAKE MONEY! Trump’s Trolls spread the Propaganda that it would, “cost,” us money, and even their opponents fall for it, sometimes. Green Energy is one of the fasted growing industries, the highest tech, most cutting edge. It’s a no brainer, like Gun Control. The vested interests use hysteria and childishness, because it WORKS . . .
. . . 
Here is some Independent Real News for you Zombies
Climate change hoax collapses as Michael Mann’s bogus “hockey stick” graph defamation lawsuit dismissed by the Supreme Court of British Columbia
@Si ms https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2019/8/28/1881956/-Tim-Ball-Pleads-For-Mercy-As-An-Irrelevant-Sick-Old-Man-Gets-It-Declares-Victory…the case was ended due to speed not subject, the graph and it’s working math were already posted on a website since 2003. Tim was born in 1938, recently had a coronary heart attack and has type 2 diabetes. Basically the case could have been the death of him.
Bamboo straws work well!
WA state loves Bill Nye!!!
It’s very nice to hear positive things, hopeful things, sane things. Imagine how much could be accomplished if Bill Nye were president, all that could be discovered under his leadership. Science rules!!!
The Science guy says it as it is.
How could it have gotten so hot with so few cars and people around in the 1930’s?
He looks like Charlton Heston with the ten commandments with the volume off.
Plastic straws are killing turtles and marine life. I don’t find that funny at all. The level of human enlightenment is too low and the ego too high. You can invent all the new things you want, but unless human behavior and mindset and level of greed and consumption don’t change, you will just continue to create new problems and new obstacles along with all your new inventions. You have to change what is on the inside before change can exist on the outside. Nature is logical and sustainable. Humans are just lazy and greedy, that isn’t sustainable in any capacity, anywhere, no matter how new and shiny the invention is, period!