Microsoft founder Bill Gates gives his take on the right measures the US needs to implement in order to reopen schools and his "best case" for the US economy.
#CNN #News
Bill Gates gives best-case scenario for US economy

Microsoft founder Bill Gates gives his take on the right measures the US needs to implement in order to reopen schools and his "best case" for the US economy.
#CNN #News
Here for the comments
Whole lot of crazy going on
Sometimes I miss the old days when you would read the wack conspiracy stories on the cover of the National Enquirer while waiting in line at the market…now those voices are amplified by sheep
Always smirking……
Hes EVIL..
Shining, don’t be a fucking dumbass. If having money makes you smart like this idiot, then it ain’t worth it.
My Grandmother used to say that your laugh will turn into a cry.
@Legal Fiction Natural Fact
Who is the dumbass here ?
The one with money, giving an interview, or the lowlife called legal fiction natural fact….really…
@Legal Fiction Natural Fact that sounds more like Trump.
What was his best case scenario again ?
Filip Vasilev he’s rich.
I’m surprised the comments are even allowed
Love the people decided not the 1% !
Its all about Vaccines!!
1964Loukas We have no vaccine for SARS or any corona virus. Good luck waiting 5,10 or 15 years for that.
rolback i understand….but they will try to pull a scam….saying they have some toxin to inject people with.
Where can I find some disinfectant lung spray?
Aerosolize hydrogen peroxide…
Ask Trump
I called into Fareeds show to ask Bill to help me tell me why my Surface Pro won’t recognize my keyboard and why Windows 10 has crawled up my butt

The stock market was bailed out, Main Street, as usual, was thrown overboard
Why is Bill transitioning into Mrs. Doubtfire?
Maybe his husband Melinda has a Doubtfire fetish?
He is a nerd, leave him alone lol
1964Loukas Bill Gates Owns CNN and BBC
If you’re the type of conspiracy theorist that needs there to be a profit motive for everything, COVID was clearly invented by Zoom.

So this has nothing to do with money then ?
Well, the founder and CEO was born and educate in China so…… _dum dum dummmmmmmm_
Oh we can reopen.. once you take my digital certificates
Every time I hear bill gates and vaccines. I think about dave chappelle speaking on ja Rule and 9/11!

Bill looks more Jewish every day like alan Greenspan
The interviewer talks too much
Agenda 21 agenda 2030 look it up
Since you can look into the future, do you see yourself taking a shower anytime soon?
Go watch Dr. Rashid and Brian Rose on London Real! Thank me later
Quarter of a billion dollars to fighting covid-19 or causing it??
He’s just so creepy.