The president and the administration claim that crime and shootings are out of control in this country. Stephanie Ruhle is joined by former NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton to dig into the numbers and explain what they mean. Aired on 07/14/2020.
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Bill Bratton On Defunding Police: ‘Good Luck On Being More Impactful’ | Stephanie Ruhle | MSNBC
So who’s doing the shooting???
USA nra only country with so many guns it’s not rocket science get rid of guns dummies
@urbanimage yes, having 0 murders in decades is impressive if you are from a socialist area. You inbreeding cultists make me giggle
Agreed – and looking at the banal and deranged pro-gun posts in reply, it only confirms the rest of the world’s view of (much of) the US as having a totally dysfunctional/fetishistic relationship with guns. I truely hope that one day the NRA proportion of your society can pull their heads out of their arses long enough to realise the world they’re perpetuating.
the uk got rid of guns and gun violence went down but knife violence went up… maybe its not the weapons, its the people
If you get rid of guns, then people will use knives. Or bows and arrows. Or whatever. The source of most crime in America is poverty and inequality. Miserable people do miserable things. This is not hard to understand.
@Paul Wilson Yes, that is true, but it would obviously be impractical for the UK to remove access to knives, though we do have quite strict laws on the those too. You could also look at the recent terrorist incidents in the UK where knives were used s testament to how difficult it is for these people to get hold of firearms. Anyway, we have enough other problems to worry about.
We need common sense gun control!!!!!
We need to remove the single biggest causes of crime: poverty and inequality.
@Mueller Time Actually it was the police that let that happen, trying to discredit the peaceful protesters; this tactic only worked on the weak of mind. . . people like you.
@Tidbit wait, so with police standing down, and allowing you inbreds to riot and loot, it’s their fault? I blame liberals, liberal mayors and the liberal police chiefs for allowing liberals to burn down their own communities. That’s not really peaceful. Lol
You mayonnaise garglers sure are funny
@Tessmage Tessera are you talking about abortion for all liberals in and out of the womb? I support out of the womb.
@Mueller Time The you can start with me. Where would you like to meet..? You better bring your doctor — you’re gonna need him.
Wait, Baby Donnie will send Jared to solve this, just as he solved the Middle East problem, right?
Didn’t Trump defeat ISIS, pull us out of Syria and is getting us out of a 19 year war against tribesmen in flip flops?
TDS is a strange mental health illness
Ok, probably stops the shootings…
At this point you could send Tickle Me Elmo and it would be an improvement to how bad Progressives have messed this up. People are dieing for their experiment.
Why do you liberals allow the media to constantly lie and set you up for failure? Then you make dumb jokes, like the original comment, thinking you’re funny? You do realize Trump gained a ton of support the minute people started saying “defund the police”. smh. you all fell for the same old tricks.
Mayor Warren Wilhelm ruined that city
Yeah, no. We saw what happens when Democrats are on control. Keep burning down your own cities and churches. Your communities now resemble Africa. Don’t say we didn’t tell you so
Trump will obviously be re-elected.. Democracts support LGBTQ.
How TDS are you?? Leftists legal and social ideology has doubled violent crime in less than a month, so vote Trump out?? NYC, LA, Minneapolis, St. Louis, etc. are already blue zones sparky.
Apparently the former police chief never took a class in criminology.
Every major study demonstrates that his “social control” approach to deviance simply doesn’t work. Its an intellectually bankrupt theory.
@Keith Johnson – Shelby GT500 YOUR POST IS DRIVEL.
@Keith Johnson – Shelby GT500
I don’t know a single person, including Democrats, who hold the ideals or beliefs in your comment. Sounds like a bunch of conspiracy theories created by insane people who thrive on creating hatred and division. And there ARE people like that and not all are USA citizens.
@SPZ Aruba Except they haven’t gotten rid of bail. So your accusation is entirely based on fake news.
@Tidbit It’s called a search engine. I found something you’d like.
He’s ancient.
dont you worry people!!! the republicans are going to send their thought and prayers…..and then block any attempts to gun control
@SPZ Aruba, most of the guns used to commit those crimes must come from manufacturers, the problem is that the republicans oppose to background checks, anybody can get their hands on them and resell them without having to worry about the law since the republicans are the ones that let them do it, keep focus, the point of gun control is not to take guns away, the point is to make sure they dont fall in the wrong hands
Liberals are pathetic in a Utopia everyone has to be enlightened
@Noneof Yourbusiness the background database is a federal database and Democrats locally don’t want to interact and share information with the feds as in the case of illegal border jumpers. You ca t pick and choose when you will and will not cooperate with the feds
@Noneof Yourbusiness Background checks are already on the books. And when anyone starts bringing up national databases all the sudden everyone gets into identity crisis. I see nothing wrong with a 100% mandatory positive national identity database. Let’s do it.
@SPZ Aruba actually background checks are in the books, but guess what lawmakers nixed part of it when it comes to gun sales in conventions? yes, the republicans, but i agree, a 100 % mandatory database will be great, specially to weed out the crazy people that have to have a small arsenal at their homes because of delusions
Oh yeah cause the cops are doing soooo well now…
the cops right now aren’t doing their jobs cause they’re butthurt they’re getting called out.
Kevin Heintz businesses were there they burned and looted them. Who wants to put a business where there’s no law and order and gets robbed and looted. It’s a culture problem not economic.
If black communities want to live without cops they can separate themselves and patrol their own and let the real police patrol the rest. And if they come out get arrested and or shot. That’s what they want. They don’t want equality they want segregation and superiority.
That’s the hard truth. Just read the blm website.
*What is it about totalitarianism that so appeals to Democrats?*
Why do they hate the concept of individual freedom?
In the 20ith century the world has seen despots Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, etc. etc. etc. murder millions of their own people
in the name of totalitarian government and dictatorship.
Yet today’s Democrats see nothing wrong with totalitarianism and indeed seek to impose a one party dictatorship on the United States.
Why do so called Liberals support a Democrat Party that aggressively subverts the basis for democracy – the voting process?
Democrats use the executive bureaucracy to suppress opposition political activity.
Democrats regularly violate and subvert the voting process with impunity.
Democrats regularly selectively enforce the law to punish opponents while excusing their own.
All this is done in the name of Power.
Are they all so delusional they believe they will each be supreme dictator
– or at least they will each have some small piece of totalitarian government under their control?
What do they feel will happen to them if they disagree with their dictator in chief – or do they actually believe they could never so disagree?
Why are truth and evidence so irrelevant to “progressives”?
Is it because their goal of total power and control is so deeply felt that any means that advances it is acceptable?
If there is one thing “progressives” regularly demonstrate it is their deep emotional hatred of anyone they perceive disagrees with them.
Clearly their hatred of Christians – even Christian Democrats – is an example.
Yet curiously they have few if any issues with Islam – one of most totalitarian belief systems in human history.
Could progressivism/fanaticism possibly be a neurological problem?
SPZ Aruba you been listening to to much AOC rhetoric.
You’ve almost repeated her nonsense word for word.
Spz Aruba people wouldn’t be buying guns at record numbers if they didn’t watch cities rioted and looted and the call to get rid of police. It’s not rocket science. You get rid of cops people are going to buy more guns to protect themselves from mobs of blm “ protesters “.
You want to blame everything else but not willing to hold those committing these killings and crime responsible. It’s everyone and everything else’s fault. Ridiculous
who is the Fleed-China virologist? know the inside virus secrets?
Bill Bratton is part of the old guard that would bring us back to locking someone up for possession of a marijuana seed. The old guard like Bill Bratton are the ones impeding progress to true equity in society.
How did you miss the story you are posting on? At this trend violent crimes will be up over 200% by this weekend. That ideology is doubling the number of victims each week and killing children, literally.
The democrat run cities are war zones and you call it progress.
SPZ Aruba The solution is not going to be putting more cops on the street in those neighborhoods or implementing “broken windows” policing. Those are the solutions Bill Beaton has always championed. There clearly needs to be more creative and effective solutions to reducing gang violence, which accounts for the vast majority of shootings in Chicago and NYC.
*the Disparate treatment of Donald Trump compared to Hillary, is Stunning*
in a FAKE Russian Collusion Claim there were 3,600 Subpoenas,
500 Search Warrants, investigations affecting 30 countries,
500 Witnesses Questioned, 18 Lawyers, 40 FBI investigators,
Criminal Grand Juries and Panels, the President himself handed over
1.4 million Documents, and Never Claimed Executive Privilege.
His family the same.
and Comey dares to show his face in Public?
and now Bill Barr is held in Contempt, in an effort to Muddy Up
Barr and his investigation?
@Kevin Heintz Policing and criminal justice are always evolving. But this road is a bust.
How about ending the failed drug war? Legalize marijuana.
All drugs should be legal, taxed and regulated.
@SPZ Aruba Absolutely incorrect. You don’t get to make up your own facts. Cite a reliable source for that absurd claim… or else admit you’re a liar.
@Federico Barrio Linares So it’s called driving while intoxicated or driving under the influence. It’s really a thing.
@Tessmage Tessera You know there are Departments, Bureaus, and the like that have to track that stuff right?
@SPZ Aruba Nope, nothing in that article shows causality. Someone was in an accident. They also happened to be smoking pot. They were also wearing a purple shirt. Did the purple shirt cause the accident..? The article does not say, definitively, that marijuana intoxication has directly caused an increase in traffic accidents. It also states that many of those drivers had also been consuming alcohol, which is the far more likely cause of their impairment. Try again.
This Ex-Commisioner is mixing up things. Since when is “smoking marijuana in public” comparable to “shooting folks in public”. Not to mention ” strangle folks to death in public”.
Hes a fascist.
ALL wealthy countries CRUSHED the curve, except the USA.
Trump’s latest lie: “It’s out of control because we test too much’’.

Stephany asked the right person.
An old school cop. His only solution for problems is. MORE COPS.
Which is the wrong solution.
Well I appreciate this guy with his service but he’s taking his leg back in a day yeah we have to come up with new solutions nowadays in this new era and that’s what I believe in new solutions
He did a horrible Job in Los Angeles. LAPD were the must corrupt Police Forces in America.
The more you help yourself
The more you help others
The more you help others
The more you help yourself
All this killing is going on WITH their current inflated budgets … Seems to me they’re simply too inefficient to continue this same path
@JD you are disregarding the anti-police climate, changes to departments and the fact criminals are more emboldened as a result of the atmosphere.
how many years did he work for the police? he changed nothing, always the same problems … watch how we do this in europe, not perfect, but way better than the US
And crimes from rich people in the White House have increased also!
Should’ve asked him “should we bring back stop and frisk?”. I’m sure he’d try to make it sound like it was a good idea.