NBC News has confirmed a story first reported by The Washington Post, that Bill Barr is considering resigning because of the president's tweets. Matt Zapotosky, one of the first reporters to break the news, joins to discuss. Aired on 2/18/2020.
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Bill Barr Indicates Trump Tweets Could Cause Him To Resign | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
I’ll believe it when I see it, but I don’t think it’s going to happen.
I don’t believe anything AG Peter Griffin says.
Haha nice
Where’s JFK jr? Where the mass arrests and hangings you want to see so much at Gitmo? Soon right? Haven’t a load of qtards gone to prison in the last couple of week? Hmmmmmm
Never should have been confirmed in the first place after he wrote the op ed about the Mueller Report. He showed his inability to be impartial before he even interviewed, that’s why Trump wanted him so badly.
The criminal racist Republican party needed Barr, in order to complete the circle of villains.
Tommy Welch, amen!
Not just Trump, the Republicans in the Senate backed him too.
You all believe fake news… barr never said anything near this.
@damien neimad you believe what you like. That’s an observation, not an imperative.
What is he waiting for? We don’t need him, Trump is already doing his job, said so himself.
@Patrick C He’s frigging disgrace. I tell ya, Trump had better hope he gets in next election. Otherwise he and all of this Republican sewage should be rounded up and arrested for the past four years. All of them. The Republicans are nothing more than a crime syndicate, fronting as a political party.
nah its just more MSNBC Click Bait
Your Fake News…Trump Never Said Any Such Thing.
@Beachdudeca Get off Faux News once and a while. He said it on camera.
Talk is cheap Barr. And a cute little diversion that you think might make you look as though you have an ounce of integrity when the world knows different. So Go ahead, make our day. Resign.
lol ok cult follower
@autumn rain lol ok majority follower.
lol yw

Barr told Trump he was a king and now he’s upset that he’s acting like one. Reap what you sow Billy.
Accomplice General isn’t going anywhere.
Barr is just blowing smoke to cover the fact he is doing everything he can to advance the buy a condo get a pardon policy.
He is full of smoke & sasafrass
Roberts Von Another fake news story. The DOJ has already refuted this “bombshell” news story.
Rod Wait. You WANT to see Barr continue to continue covering up the Orange Nazi’s crimes ? Please tell us why.
@Rod The biggest fake is Bone Spur. Barr is a close second.
Looks like AG Barr is using a little blackmail. Learned well from his owner hasn’t he?
Gentle persuasion. The Attorney General doesn’t deal in blackmail, and the President is not going to find a better Attorney General. He’ll listen.
Trump needs to stay off twitter he has demntia
Noeline Rapley You’ve been duped again by another fake news story.
Its fake news of course Barr said hes not going anywhere yesterday !
It’s all show. For the public to think that Barr is at least a little independent.
” THEN RESIGN” big deal just another corrupted LAWYER.
Not “just another.” He’s the most corrupt Attorney General the US has ever seen. Your cynicism is backfiring; it’s making you think things are _better_ than they really are. This IS a big deal. A big HAIRY deal. The monster should be driven from the country at pitchfork-point. It’s like you’ve maxed out, and you just can’t see that these ‘people’ are far, FAR WORSE than anything you’ve ever seen before.
He will never resign total BS
Of course he won’t resign, I think we all know that; this is just about giving himself a veil of protection for the naked fraud & corruption.
Barr is lying. He only wants trump to stop talking about this stuff publicly, SO HE CAN DO THE DIRTY WORK WITHOUT BEING CALLED OUT.
Right? All of sudden he’s tired of Trump and he’s a legit “AG.”
Eventually you’ll figure it out that your precious news is lying. You should demand a source. How many times can you ppl get burned? This is why you lose
When will the American Bar Association speak up?
Most likely
Barr may be thinking of resigning before he’s impeached and indicted himself !!!
Classic Barr, start a rumor about quitting to make news outlets look like “fake news”
Barr: “I’ve been working long hours on destroying the rule of law, and maintaining the cover-up so the American people won’t see me doing that — all to protect Trump. And then Trump blew the whistle on me!
Lol good one
The biggest whistle-blower – the orange turd.
So after all the talk from the spineless right, Trump is the whistleblower after all?
You live in la la land
Sounds to me like Barr is saying “Trump, I can’t cover for you if you say the quiet parts out loud…stop saying the quiet parts out loud so i can keep helping you.”
Yea but your stupid
@Gabe Dudley Oh, the Irony.
And im stoopider
He’s Lying and PLAYING YALL !!! The MEDIA WILL JIMP ON ANYTHING … this is just smoke and mirrors for him and the President next big move !!!! Stop pushing his Propaganda! Plz
Barr won’t resign. He knows what he is and is perfectly fine with that.
So… make sure you vote in November.
*Hey, MAGAtrash?*
*Why is your so-called “president” so despicable and vile?*
Still better than any democrat. Maybe one day you’ll hold your party accountable for something

@J Bell Maybe one day you’ll hold your loser “president” accountable for something

@R C https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/10/us/maryanne-trump-barry-misconduct-inquiry.html There you go sweetheart. Facts do matter, wake up love.
@S. Lee Mccauley So? It only point further to the fact that those genes are tainted. Root and stem.
Barr: “Daddy Trump, if you Tweet what you want me to do, I can’t pretend that I’m not doing what you want me to do!”