The Big Ten conference has voted to postpone college football and all other fall sports seasons as a result of the ongoing Covid-19 global pandemic, a development that may signal the beginning of the end for all sports at the collegiate level in 2020.
#CNN #News
Big Ten conference won’t play football this fall

If u see this I wish you the best in life and god bless you ❤️💚❤️💚🙏🏼
Dragonfly84 I’m not bc I’m replying and bots don’t mate 😭😂
Angel 1973 u to 💚
You like talking to imaginary friends in the sky? You are just a special one aren’t you? Very special indeed.
Hayle Seyton what are u talking about
Kid 😭😂
1 sub before 2021 ? You seriously don’t know what I’m talking about? You have bigger problems than I thought. Sorry to interrupt your full blown insanity.
Obviously the right call.
Awe he made his boyfriend laff
Cute little PETUH Petrov
@R Thomas I didn’t want it, people chose it. Instead of having a proper counter-offer, they made a mess, rioted, killed people, and offered not any solution.
Helyzz82 Trump incites violence and hatred… it’s his only hope for re election…chaos is his business
R Thomas chaos is all the democrats have done. Trump is the only one trying to stop the violence in the country. I do agree with the Buckeyes dominance this year. Go Green!
Thank goodness. Live to play another day.
Your weakness is Strong.
@Temujin Jackson how is the will to live and be healthy weak? Dumb reply
@thepac12andbig10suck The ONLY WAY to DEVELOP an IMMUNITY to a VIRUS is by
(in real life I have a GENIUS IQ, and you??? It doesn’t matter because you’re WEAK, NAIVE, and VERY MISINFORMED/DISINFORMED)
Damn what a short minded kid… The arguments of there are risks in life everyday is pathetic and short-sighted
carlos Mendez,
LEARN THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN “THIS” AND “THAT”. My user name refers to what YOU say. If I was referring to myself, my name would be “This is Just Crazy Talk”. It’s called English, LEARN IT!!!!! Stop with the BS argument that we’re trying to kill granny. Guess what, I’m IN that age group. Additionally, it’s no longer a “novel” virus, it’s just a circulating virus and eventually everyone WILL be exposed to it and we CANNOT stop that.
@That’s Just Crazy Talk Red Herring
carlos Mendez,
You’re just really good at parroting aren’t you. Which of my statements is a red herring? You are simply saying nanny-nanny boo-boo stick your head in doo-doo. That’s your argument. Wow, how astute of you.
@David Mc Wow are you wrong. They already have numerous candidates fpr Vaccines and they are in trials for them now phase III trials in fact, so yeah they will. and are you an idiot they have a flu vaccine, what makes it not effective in some years is when Influenza mutates in a manner they did not anticipate. And who said we are wanting to close down the world for ever, that’s just BS and you know it . If you idiots with your “everyone dies attitude, so protect no one’ brainwashed justifications would have not been so stupidly worried about your hair cuts and stayed at home a little longer, we could actually be out and about more now and our economy not be so destroyed . As it is , because you would not comply people now are more likely to not want to go out and many of us who tried to help and who still are staying at home to keep down the rates of infection would like for you to stop being so damn selfish.
@carlos Mendez The players would have been tested alot more if they were actually playing and would then be quarrantined. But now that there not playing they won’t get tested and are now more likely to get covid and pass it along to the more vulnerable.
The issue is that these kids travel all over the country practically every weekend.
They become unintentional vectors. Not fust for the opposing team. At this point some states are requesting US travelers quarantine when they cross state lines.
And on top of that they are losing revenue to pay for travel. It is not a surprise.
@David Mc Funny when the brainless talk about brainwashing, isn’t it?
they don’t travel all over the country if they’re just playing their conference.
@Roo Which is bad enough. Viruses don’t recognise geographical boundaries.
People under 65 just need to stay away from sick elderly. Is it really that hard? Most who get covid get no symptoms. Cheers from Toronto
It by no means is advantageous to get people to reroute around your state. For one thing, if I had a business then city/state officials had better do something about my reduced traffic flow because of state travel restrictions are hurting my business.
I wish HS would be as smart as colleges…..
talkiersky4 AMERICA FIRST🇺🇸
Denise Passarelli
Puzzie football players.
It’s ignorant
talkiersky4 Libs don’t cause they don’t want kids to have fun and want buisness to suffer
👏👏👏👏 💙 it.
The left is in full control of the universities.
Homie brain washed by his team–SMH.
Think about the health of these kids……what has the world come to? 😂🤣
Seriously, good job on the sports federations
Kinda sad that American lol………”higher education”… schools depend on a sport to make them money on the disgusting cost students/parents pay to be there.
In state tuition at many of these universities are actually lower than private high schools. But guess you didn’t know that.
@YJ Wrangler because your from a country that would be nothing without the USA! No one cares about your country and that’s a fact!
@Robert Wilkinson Need a tissue? Americans always say that, but you only protect people from the boogeymen YOU create anymore. How you’re so butthurt over a comment about school is hilarious.
Robert Wilkinson although I agree on Some Highs Schools being extremely expensive.
Basically Prep Schools for the Wealthy to groom kids for Ivy Schools after.
I do disagree on the “ These Colleges “ In State or not.
Being Born and Raised in Ohio.
There was a Major difference in tuition Cost between Ohio State, and Ohio University.
Unless receiving a Scholarship to State.
A kid with good GPA and SAT scores would not be able to attend without having a pre set financial plan in place by his or her parents.
Even then, it would take a student having to work two to three jobs while attending class to try and pay for it.
Meanwhile , doing that while trying to maintain the GPA required to even attend and continue learning at these Universities.
The Higher the Standards.
The higher Cost.
Just like High School.
And within this particular set of Schools as referred to in the Video.
Ohio State is just one of the Schools .
As hard as it is to afford it, or Michigan, Penn State, Mich St, Indiana, Maryland.
Try affording tuition at Purdue , Rutgers, Or even worse, North Western.
Not for the Average kid from a family that works pay check to paycheck .
I couldn’t even afford Akron U right out of High School.
Grades were well in line, But the Tuition Cost was way more than I could afford.
Went to the Military.
Was able to use the G I bill to get started.
Having to take a year off to work a job in Florida to establish more money .
Finally finished at the age of 29 at FAU .
And now at 40, I’m trying to get a Bachelors , while attending Easter Florida State .
And thank God for my Employer to where I’m able to use incentives to attend.
I will be damn near 45 years old , before getting where I’ve worked so hard to get.
And that’s within the Engineering department at my Company.
Meanwhile I’ve watched Fellas in the first half of their 20’s come in as interns .
While Obtaining their Degree , and getting where I’ve been Grinding to get at 25 years old.
And I’m not upset at them.
They need apologize to no one.
Just saying that coming from a Money Background is a Huge help.
Especially with Universities like these.
And I wasn’t a big Corn Fed White Dude that Could play football there.
Nor a Black kid that is Naturally Born with Athletic talent.
At least Talented enough to get an Athletic Scholarship.
these players are students, not pro, they’re not paid.
Do scholarships count as pay?
J T no, they are still dependents to their parents
Jean-Claude Arsenault Yes there not getting paid like a regular full time job. But they are getting “paid” in that there going to school for free. Would have loved a full ride scholarship to pay for 35k a year tuition.
@J T yes, I know about schorlarships, I’m not from Mars. Scholarships and being drafted, Boom, they’re millionaires. Approximately 1 percent of NCAA men’s basketball players and 2 percent of NCAA football players are drafted by NBA or NFL teams – and just being drafted is no assurance of a successful professional career.
Its all about liability & health risks – I believe the “Big Ten” conference made the right move for all fall sports.
Last year they were low IQ – SOBs now they’re “very healthy and very strong”
So this is ANOTHER “Up yours and STFU” to trump. Excellent. 👏👏👏👏👏👏
“They’re taking great care of us….” …. but you came back positive…. sounds like not, you’re just fortunate
Remember when college was about learning?
Look at all the problems baseball’s having ,and there’s less tight contact than football.
Aint that somethin.
Democrats won’t let you: -Go to church. -Go to school. -Go to work. -Go to the beach. -Vote in person. -Attend a loved one’s funeral. -Play college football. Democrats will let you: -Protest -Riot -Loot
@Smok33 You drive a prius. I can smell it over the internet.
@Random Name why? I like my F150 you twit.
@Smok33 Are you sure? You might like a Prius more. It is close to the word Pious and it has zero emissions which is great because you can’t smell your own farts as well.
@Random Name you’ve convinced me to cancel made in america. F150 trade-in for a japanese pious
@Smok33Your heart, soul and sexuality were already in it. I just helped you come to terms with it.
R.I.P. Cannon Hinnant
You will be remembered even if the lefty media pretends you never existed!