Zoomer Radio's Neil Hedley and Newstalk 1010's Lucas Meyer weigh in on 'Big Mouth' and 'Central Park' recasting biracial characters.
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So “big mouth” is racist then!
Any discrimination, based on skin colour, is racist.
Absolutely everyone is racist in their own living room – George Carlin.
Who cares any more
Chris Rock plays the Donkey and I’m thinking we should get real donkeys instead.
They are actors, lol!!!! Voice actors to be specific.
Is Bart going to be voiced by a boy now?
So descrimation based on skin colour? That’s progressive!!!
Squirtle voiced by a Squirtle, makes sense to me.
OMG This is going too far (Its A Cartoon)
The truth about the left. Hiring based on skin colour and everyone else is the racist.
The are truly racist or stupid.
Maybe both.
BZ one The(y)
It is projection on a colossal scale. They are guilty of the things they accuse others of being. After all, deep in their bones, they harbour racists thoughts, and thus they assume everyone else must as well.
So, then you can’t play any movie from the 40’s, 50’s or 60’s then. No Breakfast at tiffanys, no spagetti westerns (Navajo Joe), even Tropic Thunder – Robert Downey Jr in blackface. Where’s it going to end with the erasure of history?.
Well ?
Stupid is as stupid does
Well done Hollywood, you fixed racism. Ugh.
I was never racist before, but now I am.
Wow!! So special. Glad to see you’re tackling the most pressing issues in the world LOL
If a person has a voice that matches the character that the producers want then they should be hired for the job. The colour of their skin should have absolutely nothing to do with that.
So do we need to find talking rats for Pinky and the Brain?
Look at all the snowflakes getting what they want. Smh