Employment Minister Carla Qualtrough breaks down the government's pandemic aid and explains the coming reductions in support.
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Sup, Garth?
The Liberals really wanted to call an election this spring before CRB was cut.
Time for liberals to go now
There are many who are abusing the crb.
No one takes you serious.
You look ridiculous!
And thousands who are not ! Dont penalize all because of a few.
Please enlighten me how I can…
Yah the liberal party robbing the tax payer.
Ei / cerb is minimum wage basically. There are a lot of minimum wage jobs hiring right now
Our jobs were shipped to foreign countries so we work minimum wage? Really? Our children graduated from university should work at Tim Hurton so foreign countries get our jobs?? What a leadership ?
All along liberals have been able to extend benefits. Liberals could of put forward to pass the benefits separately instead of including with a mega bill. The benefits are being used as a hostage taking. Typical tatics. I would blame liberals not the oppositions.
Trudeau putting Canadians last as usual.
Vote for Green Party.
No. Lol
of course the jobs are vacant in hospitality, its still shut down! DOH!
And the rest are in India. My sister works for a company transferring jobs to India. She will lose her job in August. Shame on Liberals allowing greed . Shame on big corporations, shame ! They ruined Canada once a great country. Look at our political leaders and ministers .. national embarrassment.from jobs to covid, vaccines, scandal, sexual misconducts. OToole is going to clean a big mess after liberals.
@Duke Dex Democracy is a construct to give the illusion of choice. None of them work for the common folk.
So u can give billion of dollars to foreign aid right
U forgot the indigenous
And yet no night shift jobs for a full time
Stay at home dad with a fulltime employed wife in the fraser valley????? No more aid jobs please
Bring our jobs back
Win win for the Liberals….
Longest two weeks I’ve ever experienced
Oh well
Nice try, Karen.
I collect beer cans
Trudeau has to GO..
Well they have been spending money they don’t have
100% fraud from day one .
You can’t just throw millions of Canadians out without support. Yes, we need to fill jobs. No we can’t extend benefits indefinitely, but we can walk that balance. Has the hospitality sector tried raising wages? The solution to every problem can’t be cut Canadians off when they need help.