The first full week of the Biden presidency had daily press briefings, Oval Office meetings, a president taking questions from reporters, dogs on the White House lawn, and a lot of other things Americans are used to seeing from a president. Aired on 01/30/2021.
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#Biden #WhiteHouse #MSNBC
Biden's First Full Week Shocks A Weary Nation With Normalcy | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
Ummm-takes questions from reporters??!!!
I know! What’s that about?! [oh, right…that’s normal…got it]
Big sigh of relief, ahhh…thats better!
“Has rudy stopped dripping?”

If I had a nickel for every time I had that thought…
LOL – that hit me
The “Jewish Laser” coughs me off guard! Jesus Christ, I can’t stop laughing!
sounds like she’s never heard of lightning
Pahahaha me either!!!
It would only be funny if she weren’t actually in office, representing her state.
He is so low-key hilarious

This is absolutely hilarious!!
What’s Joe’s view on the Antifa riot in Tacoma ?
Antifa riot? I know that Fox and the right wing media are calling it an antifa riot, but that’s apparently not what happened. The normal media, AP, Reuters, Washington Post, NPR, etc, are reporting the following:
“There were about 150 demonstrators, a Tacoma police spokesperson told NPR on Monday. A number of fires were set, but none caused property damage, the spokesperson added. Officials said there were no protest-related arrests overnight or reports of police injured during the unrest.”
Hope this helps. You should avoid reading right wing “news” sources. They always distort the truth in the pursuit of ratings and clicks and they admit as much. Fox themselves admits that they are not a news source, they are an entertainment source.
@Feint Hahajajahajhahahahahahahaahahahahahahshshshsshshaahahahahahahaahahahahahaha
you’re a joke
@JimBobBek all hail cnn

@Feint “I’ve pulled my sources from approved Communist channels and they say it was a peaceful protest with limited fires therefore not a riot” -Feint
you are properly groomed by the MSM.
Lol has Rudy stopped dripping

Anxiety has become America’s #1 export to the world

true though
As for me and my house, we applause normalcy in Government. Hallelujah, Hallelujah, no news.
So much negative comments yet here they watching and commenting!! SMH!!
Who’s gonna tell them they’re going to be joined by a cat.
Who’s the cat?!
How Rudy stopped dripping?
@Nora Farid

Love to watch feels my eyes are teary.its true.feels safe the whole world again
It’s nice to be brainwashed huh?
@Benjamin Berlinsky sorry km not brainwashed im just using my commonsense,you are a trumpies for who the one brainwash from before?just watched the day to day circus under trump admin.
@Reina De Castro Did he sniff you too?
Is that jewish space laser kinda like a Death Star?
It’s the Death Star of David.
Americas’ Flag still there

Don’t worry, your Reality TV snake oil, con artist ain’t done yet!
This was too funny

Oh, welcome back, my dear American cousins. You really had your largest trading partner and First Ally really really really frightened. (Please, don’t do that again.)
I’m just here to observe MSNBC’s idea of normal over time.

Normal is bypassing govt. and using executive orders to do what you want.
real dictatorship is what they think is normal. the communist are in power now.
@blue03r6 Yup.
Communist dictator Biden loyal to the CCP is normal to Chinese owned media. Their are happy now. CCP taking over Taiwan but they won’t report that.
I heard one of the reporters yelled “Get a room!”.