President-elect Joe Biden has unveiled a slate of top foreign policy and national security picks, including the first woman to lead the US intelligence community and first Latino to helm the Department of Homeland Security.
#CNN #News
President-elect Joe Biden has unveiled a slate of top foreign policy and national security picks, including the first woman to lead the US intelligence community and first Latino to helm the Department of Homeland Security.
#CNN #News
This is going to be a long 58 days! The madness must stop!
@Very hot are you kidding!
Word to my mother
End the lockdowns…!
The world was so quiet in last 2 weeks. No croaking and no barking at all. LOL
@Alexa C. Brown how many cities were burnt to the ground then? I give you a clue…close to zero.
End the lockdowns…!
@SlyFan1993 He, like so many other public figures, both male and female, has at times been awkward on stage. But that does not equal being a pervert. To conclude otherwise is reading into it what some people want to see. There are no pending legal cases by women against Biden. The same cannot be said of Trump.
Tan Tropics is on a Twitter Rant
So much for winning! He lost 31 times in under a month!

What a dumb question by a reporter”Why national security first??” “because its national security…” good response.
@JewsOwn TheMedia. and that’s actually true
@TrumpVirus 101 I don’t come online to lie lol.
WHY WON’T BIDEN CONCEDE GIVEN ALL THE EVIDENCE OF FRAUD BY THE DEMOCRATS IN THE 2020 ELECTION ??? #StopTheSteal #BeijingBiden #HunterBidensLaptopCCP #DominionElectionFraud2020 #TrumpWon2020
End the lockdowns…!
Aa breath of fresh air. Having people in place that know what they are doing sand having expiernce in the field they have deparements in
This 2020 election was so different, that i bet this is the first time you’re following the nominations for the secretaries
I used to just watch the areas I was interested in – now I’m watching all of the appointments
I never read comments
(or commented) until this year. Never cared before this.
No (old guy here), but I share your joy and wish you health and prosperity. God bless We the People.
End the lockdowns…!
We just want to see what fraud will be committed next that will speed up the inevitable civil war.
Hahahahaahha. Rockstar, why did you pick national security first? Biden: because it’s national security, LOL
@SED I’d take that bet! I bet you $10,000 that come January 20th Joe Biden will be inaugurated as our next president!?!??!
@Cropper Copper
I will bet you 20.000 that it’s not going to happen.
Come back to me in a month, elections will be cancelled.
For now, I’m going to play golf.
@Yanira Pinilla Okay! Lets go $50,000! I’m so down!

@Yanira Pinilla oh… And yours was $20.0000 with that point instead of
is $20 really all you’re willing to risk?
A so called “billionaire” with his hand out asking for money lol.
None of the Biden’s team needs to get near the White House. Until It has been sprayed with Clorox. Or anything else.that will kill the Covid -19. Stay away from the White House. Now, if they only move.
@Pam Martin …. it’s the virus that the thug in the WH has spread which is far more dangerous. Exterminators can clean the WH but unfortunately, America has bigger problems. The deprogramming of the cult is not so simple.
@Pam Martin gut the living quarters!!!
About all it means is the best person for the job didn’t necessarily get the job.
When Americans speak. The voting process works. Biden is a good man, .Trump was a circus. Now, he’s in the real world, .with no money.
It started when Biden wanted a ‘woman of color’ for his VP pick, as opposed to the best qualified person. This is already happening every day in the private sector, White men being discriminated against in favor of ‘diversity hires’. Now, it will be national policy and culture.
How many years of past administrations of both parties have been part of the New World Order along with several other countries within the illuminati? Where does this play into this election?
A turn by the United States away from Fascism?
Can’t wait for the return to “normal”.
Are you going to the open border party? Don’t look now but you sold your country out ! You have no business to voice your opinion to anyone ! You are a complete bozo!
@LA RUGA I don’t think you have any idea what I was saying, do you?
@Eric Franchi You obviously don’t get my sarcasm.
Are you on medication ??
The border, opened for Trump’s immigrant wife, and HER family
So, why not others?
“Why did you go with national security first? Because it’s national security.” Mic drop.
Who is in charge of covering up the Burisma fiasco? That would be Kerry since his kid had connection’s to them too. You got some burning and shredding to do Kerry!
Compare this cabinet with lying clowns like Pompeo, Pence, Devos, McEnany and many more!
They r the worst of the worst
Anyone who isn’t familiar with Politics or law, knew SIDNEY POWELL was off her damn rocker. COMPLETE INSANITY. The whole legal team.
CNN needs to calm down about diversity firsts because they’re taking away from their actual accomplishments as people.
stupid people getting big bucks for running the country into the ground
Trump is a very nasty man. Just nasty. Hygiene wise…..and personality. smh
Don’t care one bit about “historic firsts”. Care if they are the best for the job.