Biden’s Back: VP Wins Big While Spending Less Than His Rivals | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC

Ari Melber breaks down the relative amount of campaign spending by the 2020 Democratic candidates – and digs into which candidates are getting the most bang for the buck. One top line finding: Former Vice President Biden is getting more votes per spending dollars than any other candidate. Bruce Freed and Sally Kohn join Ari for the conversation. Note: these numbers are continuously evolving and reflect the state of play at this particular point in time, on the eve of Super Tuesday. (This interview is from MSNBC’s “The Beat with Ari Melber, a news show covering politics, law and culture airing nightly at 6pm ET on MSNBC. ). Aired on 3/2/2020.
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Biden’s Back: VP Wins Big While Spending Less Than His Rivals | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC

Biden’s Back: VP Wins Big While Spending Less Than His Rivals | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC


    1. @4c1dr3fl3x I’m sorry….was this Brian’s post?? No, I didn’t think so. Disagreeing with someone is not trolling. But calling someone a troll for disagreeing with the person who disagreed with the main post is called something. Gaslighting. Just because you’re outnumbered doesn’t make everyone else a troll.

    2. Biden is doing better than Sanders right now and winning in more states than Sanders. So again HE IS BACK!!

    1. The corporate media is spending millions of dollars broadcasting Dementia-joe’s rallies and all. They have to give him free media, since he’s so utterly pathetic and Corrupt. Beyond being senile and a personification of what lost to Trump in 2016.

    2. Steyer should have had his people outside of polling places handing out $1000 for a vote, he might be leading. The people left like Sanders, Biden, and Trump are already known and their messages have not changed so the money advantage may not help unless you run an effective negative add against the opponent. And if like Trump, you have running a continuous negative add for the last 4 years, so for him his negative adds will have little impact. Bernie’s policies are left, but the government’s check and balances are not gonging to change, and this negative add comes from Trump who is a felon.

    1. Hopefully Super Tuesday will put that broken record out of its misery and former Warren voters will be sick enough of her desperate rhetoric from the past few weeks to switch to Bern.

    1. They’ve got to get their Corrupt senile establishment puppet free media, while the billionaires fill his SuperPACs that MSNBC don’t bother mentioning.

    2. Biden’s got dementia so anything to distract from that, and the fact he’s been utterly rejected by white voters in every state.

  1. Don’t fool yourselves. Tomorrow will be the biggest wake up call for the Democratic mainstream establishment

  2. This is why Trump won 2016, does anyone remember when the news told us the news. Now they are agents of propaganda for the establishment power brokers.

  3. I wouldn’t say Biden has won big… all polling shows Bernie is the better candidate against Trump

    1. Walker Wolff

      Suddenly polls matter again? When Sanders was behind for most of 2019, they were as irrelevant as in 2016…

      Come on.

  4. Biden’s has no money. The donars knows he can’t win as well as Biden’s losing in he s mental capacity.

  5. Saw the video title and immediately rolled my eyes. Now it’s time to roll my R’s: Berrrrrrnie Sanderrrrrrrrrrs! But nice try, MSNBC. Or maybe you are MSDNC as Trump trumpets…


    1. Jeff Smith

      Its likely to be the same with Sanders. Why else would the Russians want him to be the candidate? Because they count on Americans stupidity.

      In my book Sanders is as much a liability as Biden is, just for different reasons. Biden may not hold it together when it gets ugly and Sanders will be labeled a communist which will resonate with far too many people whom we dont consider deplorables of trump with built in self-destruction genes.

      I actually think Warren is best equipped to take down trump, assuming America has joined the ranks of the civilized world with respect to electing women to the highest office.

    2. @Liz Cullen If Bernie doesn’t get the nomination, I will register republican and vote for tRump. I guess that’s whats its going to take before you cowards will try for real change.

    3. @Aaron so instead of voting for someone who is in line with alot of Bernie’ s beliefs i.e. combat climate change, expand heathcare, maybe not Medicare for all, but Medicare for those that want it and let the others keep what they want. you’d rather vote for the evil that Bernie and the rest of us are trying to stop, you’ll vote for some who is cutting health insurance, killing the climate, and destroying the nation because your mad your guy didn’t get the nomination? isn’t that cutting off your nose to spite your face? you’d seriously rather have trump?

  7. he dont need to spend much money cause yall are giving him millions of dollars in free advertisement with all this free press

  8. he only won one state hes not even winning in most of the super tuesday states… he spent most of his resources in south carolina, this sounds fishy to me =(

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