U.S. President Joe Biden delivered his first address to a joint session of Congress, on the eve of his 100th day in office.
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We the Government
lead by an illegitimate president.
what a puppy
Best and most relatable thing to all this was when Ted Cruz was sleeping in the audience lmao!
@Breetzy The best & most relatable thing to you should be that Ted Cruz is STILL vacationing with his family in Mexico!
@Norman Trịnh Wish that were me. Lucky him.
Sleepy Ted….
Well not everyone is a coward scared of a cold
@Norman Trịnh and what are the current restrictions on Texas again?
“I’m from the government and I’m here to help”
Nothing more scary then hearing that!
Or “I’m pretending I’m the gov’t and I’m here to hinder”
Do you think the president will look at the ratings for his speech? Is this the oscars of Washington D.C.? The ratings seem to be in the basement for Joe oscars as well.
WTF does ratings have to do with anything imbecile?
@Rizzo Roy maybe proof that he’s not the most popular president in the history of the USA.
@Rizzo Roy *I love irony.*
@Rizzo Roy It means normal THINKING individuals don’t believe in crooked old con artists.
Jerome Powell is just driving the next trillion-dollar delivery through the money printer. I feel bad for all the countries that have to earn their money vs just printing it out of thin air like the G7
Just wait until food inflation starves out the developing nations… And no one will think of blaming the Fed.
@Cristo39 we need the gold standard back.
Let’s get ready to MUMBLE !!!

Illegitimate President.
@Capitalist Pig Harris is one mini stoke from the presidency. Cackling hen.
@Brad Stevens Drunken bar wench
OKAY “bRaD” sit tf down and go punch a wall after being mad at losing a game
Oohhh Shiney.
yeah rising in blood pressure.
‘On the most sensational, inspirational, celebrational, muppetational
This is what we call the Muppet Show’.
This like to dislike ratio has me dead
on every single video, trust me i came to check this one too.
@無限の空 for
The page just disabled the likes option due to the fact of the major THUMBS Down ratio.

He claims he received 80 million votes while campaigning from his basement, the most by any other president. What a joke!!!!!
Standing up so often is their way of exercise, lol
Rising alright. Not posible to get any lower…..I think
i dunno about that
they might shut off the power & blame the russians for an “EMP attack”
Hunter Biden’s Dad couldn’t pass a drug test just like Hunter can’t
Demo like the crack smoker’s
Wow. 67 likes to 1.1k dislikes. What more is there to say? What an embarrassment
The haters’ stubbornness and stupidity is quite embarrassing, I’ll give you that.
100 days in and 80 executive actions
For a guy that controls both houses of government. Super hi sus.
This is what they play on an eternal loop in hell.
This evil in power is the reason why civilization will end
“I’ll lead an effective strategy to mobilize trunalimunumaprzure.” ~ joe biden
i can finally feel safe in america knowing we have such an amazing leader