U.S. president Joe Biden warns Vladimir Putin of harsh economic sanctions if Russia proceeds to invade Ukraine. Joy Malbon reports.
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And my grandfather was the world to me.
I thought trump was supposed to start ww3. I guess that will fall to the most popular president ever.
@Jezz l But it only takes one to start it.
Trump Lost
@ken lompart really? This all started under Obama, completely stopped under Trump and is now restarting under Biden
@ARK CON it started under putin and he continues to escalate …. Obama was american president, remember ??? re-learn geography and facts.
@BOCtunes what a low intellect response. Who was president when Russia invaded Ukraine? Obama, what happened when trump was in office? Nothing happened, what’s happening now while Biden is in office?
Obama and biden were both weak leaders and the world is taking advantage of that
You really expect the world to believe weak sleepy joe stood up at all lmao
My butts been wiped
You think the Mango Mussolini would have done anything? Trump is Putin’s bum buddy!
@Les Mawson sleep joe has already forgotten about the meeting and in bed by now
@Hazrat Mustafa With his depends on.
Lol whatever. Let it happen. Biden couldn’t scare a field mouse
He scares little kids though..
Two most powerful men in the world one with a functioning brain one without
Hahaha. Sleepy joe making threats

React with strong economic pressure, while we ourselves are being exposed to strong economic pressure from our own government.
What’s he going to do? Give them billions in equipment as well than fall asleep?
Isn’t this what he and Obama told Putin about Crimea? And nothing happened When it was annexed?
No one takes sippy cup joe seriously well maybe sock boy but that ain’t saying much.
“The president was crystal clear” LOL!
what sort of hurt will this be? the type like the defeats in iraq, syria, tunisia, libya, afghanistan, venezuela, belarus, south suddan, yemen, etc etc etc?
Was it Joe or The Big Guy speaking with Putin? Maybe Sleepy Joe or Creepy Joe? Possibly Lyin’ Joe or The tough guy that out toughed the toughest of all, Corn Pop?
Scr@tch n’ sniff has a lot of alter egos, lol.
Oh yeah very scary, Joe. Its time for you to be put in a home.
“economic hurt” doesn’t sound so bad as it intended
How did she keep a straight face when referring to Biden in the “Worlds most powerful men” statement…..
Let’s go Brandon!!!
That 12 year old Brandon stuff really shows a lack of intelligence.
@MJS and so does your well articulated reply…..though one could certainly argue that a 12 year old could at least string a four word sentence together…unlike that muppet you most likely voted for
@James Fowler your personal attack on me reiterates your obvious intelligence. Keep up the Brandon stuff. You’re so pretty.
@MJS keep on trolling…..
Let’s Go Brandon
Brandon doesn’t know what a “world of hurt” means.
Yeah sure because those same threats have worked so well in the past before right?
Yea right Joey secure Ukraine’s border while you leave your’s wide open…. give me a break.
I’m sure Europe is glad to hear old Joe will be canceling their gas lol.