President-elect Joe Biden warned that "more people may die" if the Trump administration did not coordinate with his transition team for information on coronavirus response efforts. Aired on 11/16/2020.
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#Trump #Biden #MSNBC
Biden Warns 'More People May Die' If Trump Does Not Coordinate With Transition | MSNBC
he is like Gandalf after 4 years of the bloody clown that is up there.
The Republic is in danger if Massive Fraud is allowed to decide Elections, Sidney Powell: Enough Evidence of Fraud Against Dominion to Launch Massive Criminal Investigation –
@Ted Kazinsky There is no fraud. Trump’s own Dept. of Homeland Security stated, officially, that this was the most secure election in American history. That’s Trump’s own administration saying it, mind you. Nope, no fraud… just a bunch of childish, sore losers who can’t admit that they lost.
@ARCompilations I have always had a single YouTube account, peewee. Only little children like you resort to sock puppet accounts. I’m too old for that nonsense.
@Tessmage Tessera He won the last election & he won this one to. Whats so amazing is i consider comments l your as a fan of someone that thinks Big Time Wrestling is real.
Yeah, except Gandalf could pronounce words and didn’t molest innocent girls.
_”More people may die”_
Trump: *Hysterical laughter*
@Josef and you have Biden
Trump: but it’s a sacrifice I already made
@anne marie andrews As we should because he’s a REAL LEADER who will actually get things done. Only 65 more days, can’t wait.
PROPOGANDA, death rates have fallen, many are false even according to the CDC — The Republic is in danger if Massive Fraud is allowed to decide Elections, Sidney Powell: Enough Evidence of Fraud Against Dominion to Launch Massive Criminal Investigation –
How long into the pandemic is Biden going to blame everyone else? Probably time he acts presidential, like a man.
And Trump does not care at all Trump say let them die. not his problem it’s so sad.
There is zero evidence of water in the Pacific Ocean – Biden 2020
The Republic is in danger if Massive Fraud is allowed to decide Elections, Sidney Powell: Enough Evidence of Fraud Against Dominion to Launch Massive Criminal Investigation –
DonTheCon making American graves accumulated
But now you pretend to have a leader who is just blaming everyone else. That is what he ran on, now that is how he pretend runs things. Sort of funny really. If he were not so pretend close to being president.
Democrats dont care stop drinking the stupid water
45 doesn’t care. Kushner purposely withheld PPE and ventilators from what he considered blue states. This whole administration is complicit in these Americans deaths.
@steve aldridge
and turned your eyes blind…

Get your head out of MSM – you are living virtual reality not real one… You compare thousands with survival rate 99% against millions whom because of measures are denied urgent medical care, those whom are losing businesses and employment getting homeless and at the end will die of hunger…
Incredible that all this is possible due to the people like you – when fear from respiratory disease like flu (which is a bit more dangerous than this virus) have blocked completely your
Amazing that due to this particular virus all diseases vanished… since there is no deaths anymore but only from this virus so even when you have an accident or get wounds from a criminal then if you will not make it then you will get written record that the virus has ended your life!
Don’t worry, there will be a lot of folks whom will refuse their vaccines on your behalf and you alike…
No evidence of that. Disinformation.
@anne marie andrews
are willingly going to the butcher than that “good by and rest in peace”?

What to say when
Fear has blocked your brain and turned your eyes blind to the reality when head is completely stuck in MSM and you are too lazy to find out information about the matter of your own…
It’s your choice…so may your good soul be in peace…
@Orson Carter
Not the virus is the cause of global suffering but politics and their measures… In disguise of the care about our health there is a genocide going worldwide! If they care about us so much then how is possible that there is homelessness and majority is living in the poverty struggling to get by on the low wages no to mention pensioners?
If fear haven’t completely blocked your brain yet and you aren’t too lazy either then find out information about viruses on your own…if you’re capable to understand meaning of written information then you will be also capable to understand information about this matter…
Libelous nonsense. 167 morons on board, though.
You can’t expect much from the child in the WH. He only cares about himself.
Just wear a mask and stand six feet apart
Joe Biden does not have to prove to 45% of Americans who voted for Trump that Trump needed to be replaced. The virus and the rise in deaths in the US is doing it.
Maybe he can just continue living rent free in your head.
Are they ever going to be surprised once they find out that “Operation: Warp Speed” was to just do nothing and let everyone die.
@MikeMcChiken Don’t believe what? The reality I see with my own eyes? I’ve been in the habit of believing reality for my entire life and am unable to buy into someone’s fantasy at this point.
Or do you mean I shouldn’t believe Trump’s lawyers in court when they have to admit they have no evidence? What I don’t believe is anything GOP says on camera where they can lie with impunity. But in court they have to tell the truth and that is where they admit they have nothing which is why all the cases get tossed on Summary Judgement…even from judges that Trump appointed.
For these reasons and others I will continue to believe the reality that Biden is our next president. For your own emotional and mental well being I’d encourage you to accept reality too because otherwise Jan 21st is gonna hit you like a ton of bricks.
About right. I mean with Fauci butch talking at the helm.
@David Hale Yup. But give them a chance to get up to speed. The press only recently started dog whistling about the vaccines to buck up the troops for the election fraud hearings.
@anne marie andrews Liar. Pfizer retracted their lie about project warp speed. They got over 1 Billion in taxpayer dollars from the program. Liar.
@anne marie andrews Liar. Pfizer retracted their lie about project warp speed. They got over 1 Billion in taxpayer dollars from the program. Liar.
Write to SDNY to have the whole family imprisoned….I’m writing
@Alan aka FANG I see it daily, Alan, trump worshipers screaming at the sky. You can’t convince me or anyone else that you’re not triggered. Your grade is F for your effort.
@GreatWhiteBuckwheat you are Delusional and Brainwashed ..

You are all about your poor little feelings and hatred.
No one cares what your opinion is junior
@GreatWhiteBuckwheat triggered

I am laughing to much to be triggered junior
If you think biden is President you better look at this.
@Alan aka FANG, you need to take your thorazine and try to remember these words: person, woman, man, camera, TV.
We have a president elect who has a plan before he even gets into the White House
We have a president who still hasn’t got a plan on his way out of the White House
Joe Biden’s plan is again using dead people.
@Ted Kazinsky Troll,go to this new Place and wait untill 2024,you do not need any Help from anyone.DJT is not interested for pure Sockers to help them.We voted Blue,we believe President Elect Biden will be trying to find Help for US, UNTILL he is ABLE Legally to step in.I can not believe it,DJT ‘s Son in Law was holding Life savings and Equipment away from Blue State’s Hope none of them will ever make it to the white House.
Sounds like you still TDSing.
Sounds like you still TDSing.
Well said
And THEN you’ve got theantivaxxers to deal with.
If you’re a flat earther, anti vaxxer and Trump Supporter you have basically got the Trifecta of STUPID and GULLIBLE.
Once I’ve been vaccinated, they’re welcome to die on that hill.
Oh the tolerable, loving left…
@Daniel Ortiz yes because right wing Neo Nazis and people like Kyle Rittenhouse are such fine people aren’t they. The hypocrisy of the right wing never stops
More people are going to die period, with or without access to the distribution plan. What should have been said is “more people will die unnecessarily”.
That’s never been one of trumps strong points
Trump has ANY strong points????

@Bee Blaak No, he doesn’t.
Trumps obstruction and delay are not unheard of. DR. FAUCI
It feeds Trump’s obsessive need for power & control…that
he has the ability to withhold both cooperation and the means to potentially save hundreds of thousands of lives.
Using dead people to vote Biden thats bad.
@Jj Av u r believing the orange narcissist lies. That’s sad
U think ppl dont see u Democrats for what u are
Can we get back to talking about America and improving it like we should rather than talking about Trump and his dislikes?
Look he’s your hero and he’s got dementia. Let that sink in.
It’s of little use until we get a vaccine that actually works without killing us.
Trump doesn’t care, folks& its appalling to kno tht ppl voted for him
Drinking that Democrat water who has proven to not care about anyone
Kenny Lenz you sir are a fool.
Democrats have not been so riled up since we freed the slaves…
When does this bs become treason. What is this guy’s problem? The decisions are hurtful to our country. He is to protect all of us, yet that is not happening.
When Trump voices these lies about a rigged election, he is creating a dangerous atmosphere for all Americans. It’s equivalent to yelling “fire” in a crowded theater.