Pres.-elect Joe Biden appeared Tuesday with his picks to head up National Security and Foreign Policy on the first full official day of his transition to power as Trump bragged about the stock market and pardoned a turkey – but still did not concede to Biden. Aired on 11/25/2020.
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#Trump #Biden #MSNBC
Biden Unveils Team As Trump Ignores Transition Now Underway | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
Predictable a Traitor pardoning a traitor !
Crikey, what the turkey ever do??
It committed voter fraud.
Better yet, a crook pardoning a crook… haha
Do not forget Mconnell is still with Trump.And things Mitch has done foe this Man is still to be found out.
Well this is what he does best take credit for work he did not do.
and no responsibility for things he should have done, but do.
I was wondering what he did to cause a rise in the markets.
@Robbywhat he did was give the good news that he is leaving the job he was not able to do on any level at all.
57 days until Donald J. Trump is put on the path to indictment.
Your rubber room awaits
@DJ Nothing of the sort is going to happen.
@Karen Byrd I’m on the live stream waiting for it to start
@Karen Byrd it has 16 minutes left
@Darktolight You keep those hopes alive
*—If you could reason with a Trump supporter, they wouldn’t be Trump supporters—* .
@Gunju Augustine liberals are fraud! They stole the vote. Fact
And your attitude and rhetoric is why trump supporters support trump
@Nub B LOL
Finally Trump is totally Done… Let’s Celebrate Thanksgiving! But Please Stay Safe and Mask On…
@Karen Byrd I hope not. He needs to go to Prison for a long time
@Ron K Yes
@A J

I can’t when so many of my ppl are dying and starving !
@Stevie Tarot Readings TV Blessings, and a very safe Holiday Season
After enduring a freak show of a presidency for four years it’s time to put the word ‘normalcy’ back into the dictionary.
Bye bye Barr, Pantywaist Pence, Pompeo, McEnany, Kellyanne (who said she was leaving, but showed up again) Betsy DeVos, Mnuchin, Elaine Chao ( don’t need her and McConnell polluting Washington) the list goes on. Take away the Presidential medal of freedom from that blowhole Rush (undeserving)Limbaugh. Oh God, and the Trump kids, Geez, they won’t be missed. Melania served no purpose, whatsoever.
@Debra Deroos well said. Drain the swamp!
Let’s wait. As long as he’s in office, normal isn’t back.
@Darktolight Seems that you’re having trouble facing and understanding reality. You might want to seek help. A friend, family member or maybe even professional
It’s found between narcissism and pathetic fallacy: USA surely got what it asked for.
For four years we heard the sentence “no body seen any thing like that” can’t wait to see a real president
@mr rojogo bin Yeah , sick to hear daily lying fron clown Trump. So glad that people could vote him out of the WH. He’s a symbol of laughing stuffs in the eyes of the world. Surprisingly his supporters still support him, probably they keep their eyes, ears shut and keep beliving what they want to believe without using their brain.
Yes. Nobody has seen how pathetic a president behaved when he lost.
@nid chaichan while you thoughtlessly believe biden is any better, keep munching the clovah in the meadow w/ the steeple, sorry to disrupt your grazing time
@mr rojogo bin No body can be worse than that orange greasy racist grifter. My dog would do a better job than that fat loser.
Drama let me wait 21 January people will be shocked
SQUATTERGATE will come to an end in January.. can’t be soon enough.
Good 1

Biden will bring his two German Shepherds into the White House on January 20 and King Trump and his Royal Family will head for the exits.
President-Elect Biden’s nominations are based on the candidates professional experience and not an insecure ego! That is so refreshing!
@Kevin Rodriguez I am guessing you are the proverbial Handmaid of Loser Trump!
@breadordecide You sound like a Handmaid of Loser Trump!
@Kevin Rodriguez Trump lost. Get over it.
@pat comerford What will you do when the legislatures and courts give it to Trump. WHAT WILL YOU DO?
@Kevin Rodriguez Jesus, your comment is the most insane I have read by a Handmaid of Loser Trump!
BIDEN is chill, he aint trippin. He’s coming wether trump likes it or not
@T Thelosertrumpers he’s gonna pout all the way to court
Cumin hard
And he comes without using unhinged attacks like braindead orange. It’s just a calm, patient but powerfull takeover.
In a few months trump will be a nobody !
Joe is still trying to figure out if he ran for the senate or the presidency.
I can’t wait until the Dumpsterfire Administration is a thing of the past.
I’m atheist, but even I’ll give that a big AMEN!!
good one 3
Your going to be waiting at least 4 years budz.
@sean consack 56 days
@sean consack nobody knows what your talking about !the government doesn’t make someone president just because there mad they lost! Wear a mask you stupid conservative Republican nut job.
Broke 30,000 because the circus is leaving town.
@Jarbyvid the market broke all records hit during Donald’s administration, and it’s BECAUSE Biden won. The market is celebrating the Trump defeat. So much for markets crashing if Trump lost. That was such a stupid fiction since the economy had been growing for quite some time under the previous Dem administration.
Let me guess Beverley this is bc of Biden? And the vaccine that Trump has been working on that is coming out is bc of Biden as well. Get off CNN Beverly
@sean consack Yes it’s because of Biden and Biden will get credit for the vaccine. Trump said the pandemic was a democrstic hoax, so why would he ever get credit for a vaccine? His chief of staff said they weren’t going to control the virus.
@sean consack NO! Follow the circus Sean.
Everyone should Cue up the “Price is Right loser music” on their phones, when he walks away from reporters questions.
By “America first” he means “Donald Trump first”
Isn’t that the dude that plays golf
That’s what he always meant, he also thinks he owns the country.
Trump: “Can I pardon myself”?
Trump: “Why not? I just pardoned a turkey.”
Trump: “Tremendous Pardon!”
Joe Biden is chillin’. He’s not sweating President Trump at all.
Then what is up with the fake office. The office of the president elect. What a joke. Fake as the election. Trump is the one who is chilling on the golf course. Biden will never be president.
@sean consack my god ….. you are a genuine moron !!!
@Heather keep watching CNN Heather.
@sean consack you silly trump lover, why you so silly? Jus silly
America is on the comeback trail. The last four years have been extremely difficult but we are indeed coming back in a big way.
The whole world has PTSD after the Trump abuse. Majority of Americans feel Great relief
only 60% the rest is trump supporter and they don’t care !
Post Trump Stress Disorder
And still yet no tax returns!!! How Trump must’ve envied that pardoned turkey.
@McVeritas that’s for sure
Not just Americans with Biden in charge maybe the real work can begin you won’t see Biden out on the golf course or tweeting while thousands of People are suffering Trump needs to be gone good luck for the future AMERICA from Scotland