Democratic candidate Joe Biden responded to the August 2020 jobs report showing unemployment fell to 8.4% down from a 22.8% high in April, but warned the economy is still struggling. Aired on 09/04/2020.
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Biden: Trump May Be The Only President To 'Leave Office With Fewer Jobs Than When He Took Office' | MSNBC
Joe is opening up a whole can of Biden on Trump today.
Mountain Mama – No one needs to “search for Biden gaffes”… he gifts these to us daily. And here’s one from last week when he was READING FROM A TELEPROMPTER: “Covid has taken this year – just since the outbreak – has taken more than 100 year – look, here’s – the lives, it’s just, it’s just, I mean think about it – more lives this year than any other year.” Sure doesn’t inspire confidence in him!
another empty can?
Mountain Mama That’s too bad.
_Advocates for Change for the People_
Trump is a sociopath, psychopath, and narcissist. To his supporters, he is a charismatic representative of the people because they are also people of low emotional intelligence and low morals. They support Trump because he gives them a false sense of personal significance. Trump brainwashes them into thinking he is fighting for their beliefs and advancing their interests. He is a pathological liar. The truth is Trump couldn’t care less about his supporters, he only cares about himself so his supporters are of no real significance to him except to vote him into office and feed his narcissism; therefore, the rest of the world sees his supporters as people who are simpletons, humiliated, excluded, and ashamed. I am a Christian and I pray for his supporters to open their eyes and see Trump for who he really is.
Donna Hall – Dems whittled a field of 30+ candidates down to Quid Pro Joe… that’s like sending your kid on an Easter egg hunt and they bring back a dog turd.
Trump tried to take credit for Obama and Biden’s economy but he won’t take responsibility for his own economy.

Under Obama my 401k was negative -4%.. Under Trump even with the pandemic it’s well over 30%. Try again.
Ignore the Russian troll
! Not the OP but directly above me! It’s our good friend Williamski H music
@tRumpet troll Killer good to know.this guy williamski is disgusting
Biden: “Duty, Honor, Country!”
Trump: “Person, Woman, Man, Camera, TV!”
“I heard”
@Chanclor Ashley trump = zero.
_Advocates for Change for the People_
Trump is a sociopath, psychopath, and narcissist. To his supporters, he is a charismatic representative of the people because they are also people of low emotional intelligence and low morals. They support Trump because he gives them a false sense of personal significance. Trump brainwashes them into thinking he is fighting for their beliefs and advancing their interests. He is a pathological liar. The truth is Trump couldn’t care less about his supporters, he only cares about himself so his supporters are of no real significance to him except to vote him into office and feed his narcissism; therefore, the rest of the world sees his supporters as people who are simpletons, humiliated, excluded, and ashamed. I am a Christian and I pray for his supporters to open their eyes and see Trump for who he really is.
According to anonymous sources, Biden is a great war hero…no, seriously, China though, but still…
The funeral business is booming under President Psycho.
@Gary Quarty trumps breaking that record Biden 2020
@Candy Morgan The truth hurts ha
Biden 2020
@TrumpRulesYou_ DealWithIt You mean 38 percent ,He shouldn,t even have that .More like 0 precent.
Biden 2020
@Joe Perez nope 50% read em and weap
@Joe Perez Trump is president for Americans. Trump = most effective POTUS ever. Currupt and inept Biden (inept and corrupt Obama sidekick) is senile and is puppet for radical left and China.
@Anonymous Male no prison 2021. Don’t cry you can write to trump in prison.
Debra Lambert Biden will be fortunate to win a state on election night… one state
_Advocates for Change for the People_
Trump is a sociopath, psychopath, and narcissist. To his supporters, he is a charismatic representative of the people because they are also people of low emotional intelligence and low morals. They support Trump because he gives them a false sense of personal significance. Trump brainwashes them into thinking he is fighting for their beliefs and advancing their interests. He is a pathological liar. The truth is Trump couldn’t care less about his supporters, he only cares about himself so his supporters are of no real significance to him except to vote him into office and feed his narcissism; therefore, the rest of the world sees his supporters as people who are simpletons, humiliated, excluded, and ashamed. I am a Christian and I pray for his supporters to open their eyes and see Trump for who he really is.
@Anonymous Male 《《《《Low IQ Voter
He sounds good!
Biden grabbing baby’s crotch.
Anastacia :: please come up with a new line. This one’s getting very tired. You sound very strange
Joe is Articulate, (despite what some in media and the orangutan in the WH say).
Joe is Knowledgeable.
Joe is Sincere and Empathetic.
And most importantly, JOE IS RIGHT.
Vote for Joe Biden.
Vote for America!
@Matt At least he can read
@Matt trump can’t even pronounce small words
@Debra Lambert Yep. He also thinks planes were around in the 1700’s. Guess he never heard of the Wright brothers? Unbelievable, that’s what is in the white house. I’ve worked with precious toddlers smarter than him.
@Lee teacher I believe we watch different
programming . In mine he’s a corpse . I believe that you and Trumpists deserve each other , you both looking at the same thing and
what you want . In the meantime the country is hoping for a change in the right direction . How when our political parties can not even produce a decent presidential candidate ?
(>>>>>>>>- BIDEN – HARRIS 2020! –<<<<<<<<<)
This is what a president should sound like!!! Go Joe Go!!! You have my vote!!!
@Pretty Woman That I agree, as corrupt andSexualPredator CreepyJoe was as VP I too am CONCERNED what he would do as President.
Interesting 47 yr corrupt politicianSexualPredator. No wonder Bill endorsed him. You really likeEpstein. Think Biden you Clinton would like a 3 way getaway onEpsteinIsland.
@Pretty Woman What do you have against Pompeo. Now you’re supporting CHY-NA where they are putting people in concentration camps by the millions. Starving people by the ten of thousands, Forcibly harvesting their organs and sterilizing women. Girl you messed up. First EpsteinNow CHY-NA? No wonder you like Predator Beijing Joe.
No FAKE News I know what I said and I don’t need you trying to say that I said something else.
@Pretty Woman lol, now you know how Trump feel’s with the Fake News. Lol. Enjoy your creepyPredatorJoe.

200,000 dead is half of the graves of “the losers” at Arlington.
Let that sink in.
@Fred Freddy
@Fred Freddy
@Fred Freddy Why are you bringing trump in this? I don’t like either sides
Lizard People Are Real you make no sense. Is your caps lock nonfunctional?
Economies Come and Go.Its not the Economy I’m concerned with.
It’s The Constitution and whether we spiral into A Dictatorship I’m concerned with regarding the Trump Crime Syndicate.
Trump’s economy is based on debt and devaluation of american dollar. It wouldn’t last.
@Daniel Castro If you think that, you are deluded. She is a centrist. And newsflash, so is Bernie! You people are so ignorant you wouldn’t recognize a real “socialist” if it hit you in the face!
@Warm Violet man, we vote Trump out for what he has done and what he has said. No fear spreading, please.
@Warm Violet Biden is not the president who make America so bad. Trump is. How you know Biden will not be a good president?
Very strong Joe. Keep it going you’re Speaking to the middle class, not the one per cent Trump category of billionaire greed mongers.
The trump admin has donated more to HBCUs than any other admin, creates opportunity zones in underserved neighborhoods, and created enough jobs to lower the black unemployment rate to the lowest it’s been in over 40 years. Not to mention the first step act and student loan forgiveness for disabled veterans. Biden has been in politics for over 40 years, what’s he done???
@Fluid Waves Trumps done nothing but lie .Biden 2020
Go Joe, THUMP the Trump… America deserves better!!!
@Lee Teacher I’m actually not sure if I’m a “Millennial” . Its a stupid question so I never bothered finding out
@Anastacia When you said it was a picture of Biden grabbing a baby’s crotch I was like no way is there a picture of Biden Grabbing a baby’s crotch. Lo and behold it is literally a picture of Biden grabbing a baby’s crotch. I assume the baby gave him permission.
If you vote for Biden you’re not an American numbnuts. You are socialist. Don’t worry numbnuts Adolf Hitler was a socialist too
Yo Joe!!!! Yes we can Yes we did
Billionaires are much richer, as they have milked the pandemic.
@Max Woke Science is constant.
Therefore, many prognostications can be made.
Get out of that conspiracy theory crap and look at what Republicans are doing out in the damned open, destroying our lives.
Biden’s family members ALL became multi millionaires while he was VP. Did you? Elect him and his family will all be multi billionaires. You on the other hand, will be paying 10 bucks a gallon for gas.
@J P You’re saying the Bidens became millionaires on us?
Prove it.
As for Trump?
Here’s a link which shows he’s put millions upon millions of our tax dollars in his pocket by simply traveling mostly to his properties, on our dime.
Trump also made money when he cut taxes for himself and his rich buddies.
To add to his shamelessness, his lobbyists and friends like Kanye, even took money from the Covid relief package Congress passed.
His kids have also made money using our protection.
@J P
If you want to know the Truth about Biden and his corruption, see Profiles in Corruption by Peter Schweizer. It’s a book but no pictures though. You’d actually have to read it. 60 pages are dedicated to Bidens corruption in great detail. 5 members of Bidens family became multi, multi millionaires during Biden’s VP years. Not just his crack head son.
Botched it badly. That almost sounds like a compliment compared to what I think. Joe and Kamala 2020.
I am not american but I lived and worked in the USA for five years and have met in my project several great american friends. Americans deserve so much better. I want for them s competent leader who cares about all americans.
I agree.
I agree that totched it, almost sounds like a compliment, but I can”t come up with a stronger phrase that does right to the situation. Therefore I guess we should stick with the phrase of the future american leader. Trump botched it.
@Ken Bugbee Listen again.I think I heard whites.
Yes joe and kamala 2020, we need a change
@Ken Bugbee every body counts you are right but please vote for biden if you want he is the best choice ,sir
_Advocates for Change for the People_
Trump is a sociopath, psychopath, and narcissist. To his supporters, he is a charismatic representative of the people because they are also people of low emotional intelligence and low morals. They support Trump because he gives them a false sense of personal significance. Trump brainwashes them into thinking he is fighting for their beliefs and advancing their interests. He is a pathological liar. The truth is Trump couldn’t care less about his supporters, he only cares about himself so his supporters are of no real significance to him except to vote him into office and feed his narcissism; therefore, the rest of the world sees his supporters as people who are simpletons, humiliated, excluded, and ashamed. I am a Christian and I pray for his supporters to open their eyes and see Trump for who he really is.
*The Commander Bully in Chief Need to Go In November*
@Valerie Galvan
That’s my real name if you actually wanted to know about me Facebook would be the easiest place to go.
@Ken Bugbee I have absolutely NO desire to know ANYTHING about you.
@Valerie Galvan
_Advocates for Change for the People_
Trump is a sociopath, psychopath, and narcissist. To his supporters, he is a charismatic representative of the people because they are also people of low emotional intelligence and low morals. They support Trump because he gives them a false sense of personal significance. Trump brainwashes them into thinking he is fighting for their beliefs and advancing their interests. He is a pathological liar. The truth is Trump couldn’t care less about his supporters, he only cares about himself so his supporters are of no real significance to him except to vote him into office and feed his narcissism; therefore, the rest of the world sees his supporters as people who are simpletons, humiliated, excluded, and ashamed. I am a Christian and I pray for his supporters to open their eyes and see Trump for who he really is.
@Donna Hall
Pee pads &
Knee pads don’t stand a chance against
Promises made
Promises kept
Does he remember the 60s when he says it?
THANK YOU JOE BIDEN for bringing SANITY to the campaign!
Biden/Harris for PRESIDENT/VP 2020!
God Bless, RESTORE, and PROTECT America! Build Back Better! 
_Advocates for Change for the People_
Trump is a sociopath, psychopath, and narcissist. To his supporters, he is a charismatic representative of the people because they are also people of low emotional intelligence and low morals. They support Trump because he gives them a false sense of personal significance. Trump brainwashes them into thinking he is fighting for their beliefs and advancing their interests. He is a pathological liar. The truth is Trump couldn’t care less about his supporters, he only cares about himself so his supporters are of no real significance to him except to vote him into office and feed his narcissism; therefore, the rest of the world sees his supporters as people who are simpletons, humiliated, excluded, and ashamed. I am a Christian and I pray for his supporters to open their eyes and see Trump for who he really is.
Turn screw of truth, no one can argue with actual facts, unlike alternative ones
See little actual facts these days.
“No one thought they’d lose their job for good….” Not even Trump. LOL. But he is headed for the unemployment line. Or prison.
@deb polocz …well we all see things how we want to see them.
My Own Private Idaho …….When the rest of the world has recognised for decades that Trump is a criminal mob boss who is obviously in bed with Putin the poisoner, but many US citizens don’t see it (or more truthfully, WON’T see it) because they are so entrenched in an archaic system of partisan politics the situation of the nation will not improve under such a decisive authoritarian President. The S**t is really going to hit the fan for Trump when he is finally ousted and all of the loyal government employees who he hasn’t already sacked start to really open up about the inside story. He can’t escape the truth forever !
God I hope he’s in jail with Melania and she clicks champagne with Chelsea again
@My Own Private Idaho busy seeing dinosaurs in Vegas on acid
@Chanclor Ashley and the Stars and Stripes you SUCKER
If Trump gets 4 more years I’m gonna need 9 more lives.
Are you a cat ?
You better be finding them then don’t jump it’s not worth it everything will be ok someday when you are 90 and these leftwing punks get into office you can rest.
Me too satya
Humberto Hernandez
Just move to Canada today. A socialist country with not much freedom.