In a wide ranging interview with MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell, former VP Joe Biden discusses the 2020 race, the impeachment inquiry, President Trump's withdrawal from Syria, and Trump's allegations against his son, Hunter. Aired on 10/29/19.
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Biden: Trump Just Put Up A 500 Foot Recruiting Banner For ISIS | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC
I’m waiting for Trump to say that he warned everyone about Isis during his personal Vietnam ordeal in studio 54.
@Mister Itchy
911 was an obvious controlled demolition pulled by the serpent Bush administration. 32 consecutive yrs of serpents in office has gutted the nation. Hillary Clinton and her cronies flooded the country with cocaine back in the day which became the crack generation that put bars on the windows not just for money but for the demoralization level needed for serpent takeover. There are now serpent moles causing all the madness, atrocity, a whole generation of demonspawn bred now in their 20s and 30s..youre in their msnbc serpent nest of treason right now. Why, u seem much more intelligent than they are
lol i know right?
Give yourself more credit. I think you’re well above 4th most high.
Biggus Dickus oops looks like I was ‘drunk commenting’ last night (so embarrassed!)
It was a tough Tuesday.. I do love your witty comments tho 
Thank you Hero and Patriot,
Lt.Col. Vindman
Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman deserve’s another Purple Heart!! republican’s need to stand up for this American Hero!!
@Rocky Comet I think maybe some people don’t get your sarcasm.
MysticFiddler1 That would require him to have a heart at all!
@WilliamOccamensis What sarcasm?
Caoimhin So are the former Officers who support Trump HERO”S in your eyes as well? Or just the ones who speak bad of him?
@Don Williams if their trumpski supporters their traitors!! stop watching fox and friends and get some brain cells back!!

In the end, the USA is missing out in control over the new trade routes to come. Russia is moving in on the New Silk Road on the west of China and securing the North Route over the Northpole with all the melting ice and the new Icebreaker ships. Russia is even moving in on Africa. Likely trying to control parts of the Suez Canal route. No wonder Trump wanted to buy Greenland. This melting stuff isn’t going to end soon. Welcome to the new trade of the 21st century. Wonder if USA is soon realizing it is losing traderoutecontrol fast.
Ignoring China’s Communist Party’s 70 years of continuing massacres, enslaving, organ-harvesting, starving, threatening, oppressing and otherwise abusing their citizens, destroying our planet, and rampantly stealing of Intellectual Properties and assets from Companies and governments around the world. By having such an intimate relationship with China’s communist regime, Daniel Andrews’ ethical leadership quality is in question and many Australians now do not believe he puts Australia’s interest before China’s.
The Russian Trollarmy is out in full force.
you’re a bit light in the loafers, aren’t ya son??
@Tweety Kid you remember who.? What political party in 67 was in office, who bombed Cambodia without letting Congress Know. Who was Impeached for countless Indictments the folowing year.? YES a Repube, Tricky Dicky. The guy at Woodstock was protesting the Viet Nam War. Give Me a F… a U… a C… a….K. What’s that Spell Donald tRump
These soy boys can’t handle reality. Not everyone is letting the mainstream media brainwash them, so expect even more Trump supporters
Regarding what the earthworms at Fox had to say about Lt. Colonel Vindman: The Fox Nutwork has gone beyond despicable. They are now in the realm of anti American, un-American activities, aiding and abetting a foreign, or a few foreign, nations in attacking the Democracy of the Republic of America. There is no more, “How low can they go.” They are gutter dwelling slime working as a propaganda outlet against American interest and well being. Laura Ingraham is not an American. She is unAmerican, and deliberately so.
The FOX Propaganda Channel is an accomplice to everything BAD that is happening to our country! I’d even go so far as to call them TRAITORS against the United States! They’re one instance were the 1st Amendment should NOT apply!
@BlueTalulips It should be renamed Pravda
We, the Zandalarian trolls, traveled here from distant islands, for we cannot ignore the threat that now faces our world.
Never Trumper = anyone with an iq higher than room temperature
weak take, ya cvnt
You misspelled Trump* and supporter*
House of Cards falling.
The majority of Americans are anti-trumpers.
Did you get your info from the same polls that said Hillary would win by 99% lol?
Of course he did:
– lack of foresight
– lack of impulse control
are hallmarks of psychopathy.
He also killed their second in command. ISIS is getting BTFO’d from here on out. No more coward Obama admins, or neocons like John McCain to aid and abet them
This “never Trumper” is a “forever American patriot and a hero!”
a true american PEDOPHILE for sur
royston mason —
Who are you talking about, royston? If you’re addressing my comment, I refer to Trump’s description of Lt. Col. Vindman, the Congressional witness who Trump actually called a “never Trumper.” Everyone else calls this Lt. Col. a deeply honorable and patriotic American veteran who received the highest medal for his heroic service and long military career. Consequently, I have no idea how you arrived at this pedophile conclusion of yours.
Lt.Col. Vindman looks like man with a pair of stones between his legs,
I would be. leery to speak ill of him.
Lt.Col. Vindman my respect sir.
Biden would be an awful nominee. Let’s please vote for someone that will actually enact meaningful change
Creepy groping Joe Biden can not win
Joe Biden has made too many mistakes – it’s time to move on.
International crimes you mean?
@Matt Johnston Among others…
@Steve Jurgens All these career politicians need to be investigated and go to court. Doesn’t matter what party they say they represent

Hillary dresses like Captain Kangaroo .
Wow Joe can’t feel the wheels of the bus crushing his sad campaign yet.
WAY TOO UNAWARE of his surroundings to be President, let alone street sweeper.
Why does the lying fake news “media” want the dem’s to lose the House so badly?