Biden Transition Event Disorienting For Its Competence, Normalcy | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Rachel Maddow remarks on President-elect Joe Biden's introduction of new administration staff members and how unusual it feels to see a U.S. federal government press event that is orderly, and organized, and presented by people who value expertise. Aired on 11/25/2020.
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#Biden #Event #MSNBC

Biden Transition Event Disorienting For Its Competence, Normalcy | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC


  1. Never before has a word like ‘transition’ caused so much relief across the civilized world as witnessed on November 3rd, 2020.

    1. I’ll definitely second that thought…I breathed a huge sigh of relief when he finally decided to do what is best for America…still no concession, but I could care less about hearing one from him anyway…it would be fraught with lies, as usual!

    1. Finally, they’re running the USA like Harvard University, not like Trump “University” (quotation marks because it was judged to be fraudulent masquerading as a university, when it was just a scam, then they paid out millions of dollars to the “students” Trump scammed, so it is aka as Trump Wealth Institute and Trump Entrepreneur Initiative LLC).

  2. Such a contrast, compared to what’s-his-name. …

    I didn’t think Trump would make it for 4 years.
    He really puts the “dur” in “endurance”.

    1. So ironically laughable that Trump was pardoning a turkey…at this moment in history. I think Hallmark needs to come up with a Thanksgiving card using this slogan:)

    1. @Manuel
      We both know that Biden got over 80 million votes (and still rising), which is more votes than anyone in presidential history:)

    1. @Nick D Absolutely , we have a lot of work to do but at least we will have a respite from the non-stop assault by Trump & his Enablers on both our psyches & our Democracy

    2. I hope for the USA that the coming years will be exciting in stead of boring. You get the chance to rebuild your country.
      There will be problems, there will be big disagreements, there will be frustration. But there will be one big difference. It will be handled professionaly. Attacking content, not people. Recognizing each others’s humanity. That is not boring, that is exciting. Engage and have fun.

    3. @Okkie Trooy Yes, rebuild infrastructure sustainably with a Federal Jobs Guarantee based on a Living Wage. Making infrastructure sustainable will be an exciting trip in itself.


    1. @Julie Sprik it’s like a nightmare wrapped up in a bad dream. But now I see rainbows, unicorns and children with gumdrop smiles. Thank goodness that bad Cheeto man is gone forever!!! Gone like a bad dream made of nightmares. I personally will be able to sleep soundly now knowing our dreams will be normal again. Dreaming of the dreams that we once dreamed of. The nightmare is finally over. We can all go back to sleep now! Good night sleepy dream

    1. I hate to say it but if the Republicans control the Senate little will be done to fix the damage Trump did and no progress will be made to end the dumpster fire Trump started.

    2. @Grogery 1 Agreed. I am hopeful however that if Biden gets a republican on his team that both sides have respect for, that it might make some headway. 😎

    3. @Rocky’s World- No need for that since Biden’ himself is a Republican donor kisser who gleefully does whatever he’s told.

    1. @Adrienne King
      Did you not laugh now and then? Between the anger and outrage?
      Is IT not a clown? Although a horror clown, IT is still a clown. But nobody laughs when IT comes around to snatch your children. Speaking of snatching children, trump did that too. He snatched 600+ migrant children and to this day nobody knows who they are or how to bring them back to their parents. Striking similarity, would you bot agree? 🤔


    2. @Ganiscol Okay. There is Pennywise and the rest like him. Just trying to bring a little levity to such a heavy topic. Pardon my attempt at humor if it offends you. I still think it was funny though. Not fall over funny but….

  4. Imagine if Trump had reacted this way when he knew about CoronaVirus how many PEOPLE would still be ALIVE!!!!! How many businesses would he open?! How many people would still have jobs?!!!!

    1. Trump, or anyone else for that matter, would’ve won in a landslide if they’d replaced tragically useless & unaffordable Obamacare w/life-saving Med4All.

  5. The only thing trump ever “organized” was his orange wigs and the different shades of his orange face paint. 😂😂😂

  6. Finally, the tents are folding on the T**** family “Cirque d’ Disarray”. Now comes the indictments, trials, guilty verdicts and prison time.

  7. I want something boring, something laid back and keeps America focused on the values of this nation, not lunatic psychopathic tendencies from the orangeman

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