Rachel Maddow looks at highlights of what President-elect Joe Biden intends to do on his first day in office, from coronavirus relief, to rolling back Trump orders, to an immigration policy proposal. Aired on 01/19/2021.
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#JoeBiden #CoronavirusRelief #MSNBC
Biden To Waste No Time Implementing New Agenda, Rolling Back Trump | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
make LOVE not WAR
we tried that in the 60’s. It didn’t work. Make cookies instead.
@Phil Derrick
@Hairy legs Corn Pop Cry us all a river.
@Reg U Which party burned down people’s businesses and looted their own cities when they didn’t get their way? ANSWER THE QUESTION NOW BOY!!!
@Reg U Hey BOY you LOVE THIS #bidentouchingkids HUH BOY yeah that is your thing isn’t it BOY
Hopefully, Joe doesn’t do that to our beautiful Country.
Yall are so angry over your cheeto daddy.
Going to be nice to hear the change of rhetoric in the news.
@Ral Deform Biden got millions of dollars from Russia and China for unknown reasons! #bidentouchingkids
MSM will have to find something else to lie about. Let the softball questions to Joe begin. Are they going to give him the answers before the Dailey Briefings. I can’t wait to watch Joe Stand there for 30/40/50 minutes like President Trump did day after day. Take my word he’ll read a telly and leave, sorry no questions I have lots of work to do.
@Hairy legs Corn Pop The real quote:- ” “If we had had confidence that” President Donald Trump “clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so” ”
You missed the “if we had confidence that” part. In legalese that means Donnie did commit a number of crimes to at least two digits worth. Wait for the full deBarred version to come out and read the real Mueller Report next week. Then all decide what to do with Barr and friend.
@Qualicum Wilson
“Accepts reality” is not high on the list of qualifications to be a trumper…
“Day after tomorrow” has a nice ring to it. Based on the hour, however, tomorrow sounds even better. Cya, Trumps.
@Hairy legs Corn Pop Automotive worker insulting someone’s medical precondition?? Boy, chemicals in the factory must be already damaging your brain
@Akai Shigunaru Like I said what medical condition makes you talk about Corn Pop hairy legs and kids rubbing your legs and jumping on your lap? Tell me ANSWER the QUESTION and stop being a MORON for minute!
@Akai Shigunaru By the way you don’t just get some paint and have a car!

your ignorance is amazing, I am a automobile stylist! I could walk circles around you intellectually! 

@Akai Shigunaru Well what medical condition makes you talk about Corn Pop, hairy legs and kids rubbing your legs and jumping on your lap? I thought you was going to tell me? I might be more sensitive if you tell me what medical condition causes that?
@Hairy legs Corn Pop
Yeah, me too. Somebody gotta make the furniture.
Blanket reverse EVERY decision made in the last month.
@Sean Patrick hate to break it to you but hughe parts of the world dosnt like america/the potus bc of their foreign politics. And this is not like your american political “debates” that are the equivalent of some drunks rambling in a pub. I mean an actual debate where you analyze a ploticans past and present to make assumptions about the future. Just to make this clear to you, bush, biden, bremer are largely responsible for the iraq war. That is not something small, the whole middle east is still in flames because US politicans like those 3. We europeans still have to deal with the migrant waves because you guys bombed them out of their homes. If you still dont get that there are non trump supporters who dislike biden for what he is done then i guess you are the kind of person at the end of the bar who keeps insisting how great america is and that the potus can not be flawed eventough your country has just bombed another hospital
@Newdark Neoss
I myself don’t like much of American foreign policy, but your simplistic view of blame is what causes radicalization, which is probably your goal anyway.
@Sean Patrick so you are saying america wasnt a mayor part for the radicalization of the middle east? Ofc it wasnt just them, UDSSR/russia is also to blame, you could say the 1989-2001 civil war in afghanistan was caused by their involvement. However the subject with which this comment chain started was biden and america, thats why i only meantioned them
Btw: my only “goal” here is to have a political discussion, however i think this is the wrong place for such.
@Sean Bidenwon-Trumplost I believe we will never see another Democrat president! Eventually Dementia Joe will have to ANSWER real questions without a Teleprompter and your game will be OVER!
@halalslagt en dansk panser og gør Allah glad #bidentouchingkids
ty so much dr maddow! ahhhhhhhh! that is the sound and feel of relief! an adult in charge, who also happens to be a great leader, at long last!
When has joe led anything. I need to here this. Please I want try to understand.
@john Doe you can research it as easily as did i, look on google. oil spilled on keyboard left sticking keys, typing as little as possible.
@john Doe I got a challenge there for you … how about YOU name 1 thing that Trump did FOR YOU while he was in office? Just one. I want to see you list out all of Trump’s accomplishments. I want to see what you believe he _actually_ did for you in his 4 years of “winning”.
@K Coup All give you one stock market boom. My pensions and 401k’s rebounded.
One more he put a travel band on China. Remember Biden and the deregulation of credit cards. There went my 3% cards. Who got rich on that one. Knowing my family has the gear to fight our wars to protect this country. That ranks right up at the top of my list.
I hope Biden can declare an amnesty for those natural born Americans who were deported by the Trump administration. Disgraceful that it ever took place.
They are not natural born americans. They are brought here illegally. Mind boggling that you could think otherwise.
@Timothy H What do you think should be done with the so called “natural born Americans” who defiled our nation’s capital? We were the ones who taught the world that a government by the people was possible and now, because the police didn’t arrest all these rats on the 6th, we have to track them all down. What did being ‘natural born” Americans mean to those people? Other than extreme feelings of entitlement?
@Zainab Imbabi same thing that should be done with the blm protestors that raided and looted for 3 months straight. Either all are prosecuted or none are. Again if you came here illegally you should be deported and even obama did that.
@Timothy H troll
Let Us ALL agree upon one thing ladies and gentlemen, It’s ALL about “We the People!”
Well, half of ‘You the people ‘ voted Trump. 80% of GOP supporters think Trump is doing a great job …. “We the people” voted in Hitler, wanted Mussolini and Mugabe …. Asking the people what they think is akin to asking a turkey now to plan the path of a moon rocket ….. There is nothing great about ‘We the people ‘.
Yep! We the people just voted for destruction in this country!
Well, we finally got a Trump cultist to admit there was an election decided by the people. Baby steps.
“You were right, WE did it!” Jade Sacker says to Sullivan.
Yes and mich needs to go.
So when is the sanitation crew going in to remove the stench, the infestations and the infections?
@Maniac536 Biden also needs to call in a priest and have the place exorcised.
@Jeweled Bird gonna have to keep that priest there for last rites. Something tells me Biden ain’t gonna last the full 4 years. 78 years bruh
@Dylan Williams Tell me, if Trump runs in 2024, are you going to vote for him? He will also be 78 years old. Bruh.
@Jeweled Bird no of course not lol. How did you infer from my comment that I’m a trump supporter
. There needs to be some kind of constitutional amendment for age restrictions on running for president. Don’t tell me that 78 is a normal age to run for office. Trump tweets like a crazy uncle and can’t shut up, Biden forgets what he’s talking about. Lmao the debates were just a mess as well. Two grandpas who should be retired just yapping at each other.
@Dylan Williams Why did I think you were a Trump supporter? Oh, I dunno. Maybe the same gratuitous attack on Biden’s age that Trump had used during the campaign?
Anyway, we’ll see whether we should just put Biden to bed with a shovel. Meanwhile, I still maintain that the White House also needs to be spiritually cleansed and thoroughly blessed when the current occupants finally leave tomorrow.
Day 1, strip Rump family from access to anything 4ever
Wait until you see what Joe’s gonna do. You must be young, you will see a recession like no other.
Quickly change everything fire his installed officials
Lauren Boebert makes Sarah Palin look like a rocket scientist.
That made me actually LOL
Yup. Lol
Final a President with a plan. So glad to have someone with some intelligence. Refreshing no more tweets from Don the Con.
It’s like when a toddler scribbles all over a wall with crayons and markers and you have to clean it up.
What about looking at the nation’s outdated and decrepit electoral college and electoral laws?
How about an omnibus bill, something like “The reverse everything T***p did since 2016 Act.”
Since everything he actually DID was just to destroy anything he possibly could which was painstakingly built by his predecessors, it’s really a re-reversal.
I’d vote for that in a heartbeat if I could!
It’s good to have a Catholic in the WH
“…on Day One, as in inauguration day — as in the day after tomorrow.”
Followed by a huge sigh, which was unfortunately cut off by our uploader.