President-elect Joe Biden is reported to select former national security adviser Susan Rice to lead his Domestic Policy Council. NBC's Mike Memoli has details. Aired on 12/10/2020.
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#Biden #SusanRice #MSNBC
Biden To Select Susan Rice To Head Domestic Policy Council | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC
OMG, excited! Mrs. Rice is an excellent choice!
Not if Susan Rice can’t condemn torturers. Susan’s cousin Cocadiza Rice actively promoted the legal use of torture. In the same class as cannibals. Hospitalization or Prison for violating human decency and rights.
Calm down. We are in smooth transition to the second term. Mike Pompeo.
Terrible choice, you will see.
Glad to see her aboard!
@Lou DeMaria tell that to th 300,000 Americans dead under trump
@s b That would not have been different with Biden or even your saint Obama. Say thanks to Communist China.
Yeah, shes a DISASTER. She was a disaster in the Obama admin, shes a known liar,…Biden just drove a wedge in the gap between left and right.
She killed millions in Africa during her foreign affairs campaign supplying billions of dollars to dictators and weapons! I dislike Trump and his racist base but this lady is pure evil!

Hey dummy biden supporters
Here is your evidence in your commie faces
Loved Pete Buttigieg’s podcast interview with Susan Rice.
I haven’t seen it, but I like both of them so it’s probably great
@datdrakeduck both are fantastic. But politicians who make sense currently is a luxury
Most non-Americans do
This is war against the #GrimReaper!
Please read the book “The Making of Donald Trump ” by David Cay Johnston
If you don’t want to read the book then just check out the video of interviews about the book.
You will be in shock !!!!
God Bless America !!!!!!!!
Biden- Our grandmother, when she was alive, said, “No, spread the faith.” words…
Hebrew 13:5
I will never leave you and i will never forget you.
What beautiful words of Hope….
شكلها ف اللبس العسكري و هيه بتتحمي الحصن الليفيه الوسخ و عمرو موسي البارافان احسن
Don’t under stand.
@ Rich people please help. You got so much money. and you won’t help. Matthew 25:35-40
New International Version
35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ 37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ 40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me. You will be judged.
all of these people no that the Election was Rigged and they Don’t say any thing WOW what does that tell you about there Character WOW is our Country in Trouble
jleon<------We got another live one here!
Nooooooo noooooo no no no!
Yes yes yes!
@Equality To All you are blind to the reality, this woman is pure evil, only cares about her legacy.
She is the most corrupted person in the US history supporting the military junta in east Africa.
Was she involved in all those drone strikes against innocent African civilians, some of which the US govt had to pay hush money to their families to keep them quiet?
Trump lost.
Biden won.
Time to grow up.
Susan Rice has always been a hero of mine. I look forward to seeing great things happen under the Biden Administration
Lmfaooooo riiiiight
Well, as head of a so-called domestic policy council that nobody has ever heard of, you will never see or hear about your heroine Rice doing anything great.
@Edward Raney
Trump lost.
Biden won.
Time to grow up.
I so agree:)
Hey dummy biden supporters
Here is your evidence in your commie faces
Wow, what a demotion Rice has suffered. From National Security advisor to head of a Domestic Policy Council, whatever that is. I never heard of such a council. Have you? Guess she was too progressive (or too short) for a more important pick.
She acted like a total moron on Libya, from start to “sh** show” finish (and hardly just on “Benghazi.”)
Outside her disastrous foreign policy, there’s nothing for which she’s qualified.
Guess you don’t know much about politics
Lets hope she has the right people around her to make her decisions and help her look smart.
She is brilliant …but not going to rub your nose in it….so relax.
1:14 Someone interrupts him loudly lol
Biden is so boring that paint watches him dry.
that’s the best line I have heard today. Good one 
What we need is a reality TV star with no moral compass or ethics or empathy or patriotism. Now where can we find such a personality?
Rice always had a soft spot for international terrorists. I hope she doesn’t encourage domestic terrorism. America is not ready to deal with internal terrorism and more violence
She has spun so much that she is polished
Nevertheless, the swamp persisted…
This is your brain

This is your brain on leftism
Any questions?