Biden to Howard graduates: January 6 put dagger at democracy throat | USA TODAY

President Joe Biden told graduates at Howard University that American history “has not always been a fairy tale.”

RELATED: Joe Biden compares 'wacko liberal' Ronald Reagan's tax rate to his budget proposal

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#JoeBiden #Jan6 #Howard


    1. Hahahaha “I I I I I think I like hufflepuff, she was 13 and I was 30, anyway, I like it when haggard would let me push his beard down in the pool and I’d see the hair raise back up…….where am I”

  1. I wish both sides come to logic and common sense to fix our problems and get things back to normal . It’s really sad to see the direction we heading towards

    1. just remember that one of these sides was in favour of the S word trade, created the triple k, and invented those special “fountains”.

  2. “Hey kids if you sellout daily, lie, cheat and steal you too can grow up to be a total scumbag just like me “

  3. Where does he find his speech writers? You would think instead of politicizing their graduation for his own benefit, he would try to be uplifting and talk about the graduates’ futures.

  4. Imagine going to someones culminating moment of academic achievement, and smearing with partisan crap. I’d have walked out with that kind of disrespect put on me.

  5. Does democracy also include trying to put your opposition in prison for 10 different allegations? Or trying to censor them and their supporters?
    Didn’t think so.

  6. Given his long notorious record, it’s beyond bizarre that Howard University would ever entertain Biden’s presence at a graduation. Is it Stockholm Syndrome or are our schools that bad that they stopped teaching history?

  7. These students were treated to an individual that encompasses everything wrong with America and shown how lies, criminality, deception and divide and conquer politics are rewarded with power, prestige and wealth. How very sad for us all.

  8. “Mr Biden, would you care to deliver a speech to our graduating class”?

    “Sure, I’ll do a campaign speech for your graduating class”.

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