President Joe Biden, having concluded there is no military solution to the security and political problems plaguing Afghanistan and determined to focus on more pressing national security challenges, will formally announce Wednesday that US troops will withdraw from the country before the 20th anniversary of the September 11 terror attacks, a senior administration official said.
The withdrawal extends the US troop presence past a May 1 deadline set by the Trump administration in an agreement with the Taliban, but only by a matter of months.
Biden has been weighing the decision for months with his advisers and signaled he did not believe US troops should remain in the country long past the deadline.
The Washington Post was first to report the news.
The senior administration official said NATO troops would also follow the same withdrawal timeline. It's possible US troops will be withdrawn "well before" September 11, the official said, saying the date was the last possible time when remaining personnel would leave.
#CNNinternational #News #LyndaKinkade
Biden to announce withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan by September 11

I won’t believe it until I see it!
this should have been it when bin laden was killed 2011 but why spend extra 10 years in Afghanistan when soldiers could be home with friends and families right now…
Finally something I can work with him on. Hope he keeps his word on September 11 I will see.
@Chico Dalianis Now go start spreading fact about past election then come back and call me a troll!
@Jennifer S what have you said that is fact?
Plus it’s not that people lie, they just misrepresent truths by cherry picking facts
He is a neo-liberal war hawk. This is all talk.
@Chico Dalianis BTW- You aren’t a dang rino- you’re a liberal that voted for a destructive democrat because CNN convinced you that orange man is bad when he wasn’t a bad President at all! We should talk in 4 years and you will agree
Good luck + take care!
They’ll probably just be moved to Syria
That’s what Trump did. Just moved them around.
that would be good, we cannot lose the whole region to russia and china
Lol I’ll believe it when I see it. He’s gonna withdraw some, then send even more without announcing.
@M Hall prices going up is what happens when the economy gets back to normal.
On the othe hand the increase started just days into Biden’s term, so if it’s bad, it’s due to what Trump did. If it’s good, then it’s the economy getting better, and if you’re in the spin game, we could say Biden owns ta recovery. But if you’re honest, things are a little more complicated.
@Ethan Baker if you’re referring to the initial comment, it was just an obvious general point about people not seeing the future, even due things they claim are obvious.
@Lando maybe it’s not, still thefuture is not as clear as the past, is it? If it were, we’d all win the lottery and decide it’s not a good idea we all win the lottery at once, after all.
@Ed Lopow it is technically a withdrawal no matter when it happens. The problem I understood – and it seems to be also confirmed in the material – the May term was the “take it or leave it” kind of term, while the new one tries to get the talibans at the negotiation table.
Not sure if it will work, but having since agreement is better than trying to bully others when your only pressure card is military intervention while you try to get out.
Well you’re definitely not going to see him throw a live turkey from a plane onto an aircraft carrier!
Anyone else noticed that this video is exactly 9/11 long…..
@psycobleach46 tullis bruh. Yall are both right omg. It’s different on everyone computers. Multiple people in the comments see both
@Rutger F it’s both man
Mind blown…..
@Voir Dire Makes it even stranger! Their setting us up! Lmao!

@Dennis W.M. 9
@Maketrump King more like Veritas made a fool of themselves again.
@Thomas Cothran there is NO agenda, Matt Gaetz thing has been on several sites. why don’t try looking at FACTS, all you have done is fallen in the pool of lies that Veritas spews.
Great News. Also, when does the Charlie Chester coverage start?
When you realize this video is 9 minutes and 11 seconds long…
Onyx_VII7 problem is the video is 9 min 10 seconds long, not 11 seconds
@psycobleach46 tullis For some its 10 for others its 11.
Mind blown….
You Qanon? lol
You know I almost forgot about this those guys been there too long September 11th that’s even longer why can’t you just bring them home now
Google the term “power vacuum”. Can’t believe you people get to vote on who has access to half of the planet’s nuclear arsenal
Because it takes time and dropping out would cause a power vacum and allow groups like the taliban to just esculate things again and were back where we started.
Haha every 6 months! Right on time
Omfg that’s too funny that it’s 20 years. What a perf #
Not used to hearing that date for things other than you know…
Ya 20 years later I bet they will still be there 10 years from now
We are regrouping and preparing.
Don’t announce anything. Just do it.
Mission accomplished
CNN video about Nine- Eleven on 9/11 is 9:11 minutes long
Alex Jones gonna be all over this
Wheres the funny?
Really hope this actually happens… but I have my doubts, serious doubts.
That’s news that big pharma don’t want to hear. Now they will have to go back into Mexico to get the opium they need to make oxycodone, percocets and their other opioid drugs.