Biden To Announce Purchase Of 100 Million Additional J&J Vaccine Doses | Stephanie Ruhle | MSNBC

President Biden is expected to announce the purchase of 100 million additional doses of the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine. This comes as the House is set to vote on passage of the Covid-19 relief bill. NBC's Peter Alexander reports from the White House. Aired on 03/10/2021.
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#Biden #VaccineDoses #MSNBC

Biden To Announce Purchase Of 100 Million Additional J&J Vaccine Doses | Stephanie Ruhle | MSNBC

Biden To Announce Purchase Of 100 Million Additional J&J Vaccine Doses | Stephanie Ruhle | MSNBC


    1. @Shawn Corbin What’s nice is living in a world where reality doesn’t matter.

      You’re the foremost expert on that front.

    2. @R Torres I appreciate you and your efforts to combat those who support propaganda. Bravo, Patriot!

    1. @m-ok – meanwhile on Jan 6th, you people smear your own feces on the walls inside the u.s. capitol…

    2. @Drake Fire its amazing how you accept main stream media. You NEED to question every thing you hear from EVERYBODY

  1. Biden has already created more jobs and done more to get past covid in a MONTH than trump did in years LIKE A BOSS

    1. Gary Davidson you’re either a fake profiled or the brainwashed person I e ever met. And Biden is an empty vessel who only regurgitates what he’s told to say.

    2. @adam hurst biden created over 300,000 jobs. By coming to the support of union amazon workers just last week

    3. Biden is not running the show, who ever is writing for the teleprompter is. Notice they do not allow him to speak freely, or answer any unscripted questions

  2. Nice 👌 thanks Mr president im already on the road to get vaccinated but I’m happy that more vaccines will be available to those want it and need it

    1. @Allan Allan Why? Because you’re scared of the “microchip”?

      News flash. If you’re that worried about it, pitch your cellphone. It’s a far better tracker and controller than any “microchip”.

  3. For a lot of states, even the phases are not clearly defined.
    In Texas, it stays at 1a and 1b forever.
    I’m not sure when my phase will start.

  4. WOW Right on , the Orange administration refused the offer to have more vaccine . Biden administration saving America !

    1. You’re either brainwashed or a fake profile. He’s literally doing the same thinks aa Trump but getting praised for it

  5. Good news! Thank you Pres. Biden!! However in Alabama, it appears that the AL Dept. of Health doesn’t want to let residents know who is providing which vaccines…It’s all hush hush…. and is truly like bobbing for apples at Halloween, or an Easter egg hunt. Just trying to find the J & J jab requires alot of wasted time trying to do so! 😠 The need for available vaccine transparency is crucial. And Americans should have the right to be informed where a specific vaccine is available, and to have a choice on which vaccine best suits their personal situation.

  6. What goals are achieved by not supporting a popular bill.
    Go on make a list but you must put on that list the word insurrection and in what way it connects.
    Do it to everything Republicans do and the possibilities of why… add that word insurrection.
    Till you figure it out as the common denominator in everything they do.

    1. @Sarah F facts are necessary to establish why someone does the things they do. But the Republicans who had foodstamps for 8 year Olds removed from a bill a few years back 🤔 offered up no explanation. If the why is to remove from the taxpayers reasoning that his taxes are going for just causes. That objective can only be seen after many different actions taken that have the same effect are tallied for the “math dosent lie” to apply. 😃😊🙂

    2. @Douglas Williams a lovely system you’ve posited for critique. They are always insurrectionists IMHO. Just the ‘genteel kind’, until Jan 6th.
      Voter suppression laws current case in point in terms of your critique.

    1. @kid sniffing biden aww is the wittle Insurrectionist mad because trumpy wumpty didn’t win? Does the little Insurrectionist hate democracy? Boo hoo hoo. Get over it and stop acting like a crybaby

    2. Public enemy #1 Jill Biden, public enemy #2 Kamala Harris for keeping this empty suit dementia patient in the candidate protection program.

    3. @Harold Moore 🤣 Enemies 🤣 Trump was YOUR boogie man. Now you’re trying to paint conservatives as YOUR boogie men. YOU and your ilk gave us Trump. YOU put up Hillary YOU put up this dementia patient… and hid it from the American people.
      Take some responsibility.

  7. The ideology that Democrats is for the people and Republicans is for businesses has just proved itself more to me.

  8. Thanks Joe for the new Ferrari! Don’t tell anyone about the Johnson and Johnson Biden Campaign Contributions, OK?

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