Former VP Joe Biden will discuss a sexual assault allegation from former Senate aide Tara Reade exclusively on Morning Joe. The panel discusses the allegations, which the Biden campaign has said did not happen, along with allegations against Trump. Aired on 5/1/2020.
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Biden To Address Assault Allegation Exclusively On Morning Joe | Morning Joe | MSNBC
I agree Mika, when will you be having Tara Read on your show?
@Natasha Norman ….Patti Solis Doyle: “I ran VP nominee operations for Obama campaign in 08. When Biden was selected I served as his Chief of Staff. NO sexual assault or harassment allegation ever came up against him. It was an exhaustive vet.”
David Axelrod writes for CNN that Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign didn’t find any claims of sexual misconduct when vetting former Vice President Joe Biden.
Said Axelrod: “Had any credible issue been raised, you can be sure Biden would not have been the nominee. Obama would not have tolerated it, even if he and Biden were close then, which they were not.”
This tells you all you need to know….
Tara Reade “abruptly” cancelled a planned appearance on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, The Atlantic reports.
Her fake allegations match a scene from her dead father’s novel…..her fake story is over….this was a scam.
@Jelly Belly Always supported with facts.
@brian woodward – let me know when you get some.
@Jelly Belly ?
@brian woodward – who?
Progressives only believe some women
Liars like her are not to believed
Cant they do a voice match from recording of her mother versus the Larry King show tape?
A neighbor already verified that the voice on tape is TR’s mother. The other interesting part is the file of that show has been removed & cataloged over as if it never existed. Hillary is helping out joe.
Joe Biden for prison 2020
You must have meant Trump with the 20 women accusing him.
If he is guilty, absolutely, same goes for trump
He had 20???
@J Moore Yes he did. He also had a 13 year old sue him..
Who were the 20 accusers?
So many accused him and he’s not in prison?
Get out the velvet gloves MSNBC. We all know how you will treat Biden.
b k and Fox wit Trump keep it real.
I give this reporter a lot of credit. She wasn’t rude or prosecutorial when she interviewed Uncle JoeB shortly after this, but she didn’t treat him with kid gloves either. She was polite, professional, and persistent. The interview confirmed that JoeB is okay with opening up the National Archives, but not his records at University of Delaware. He clearly has material which he wants to hide; he claims that none of it refers to Tara Reid, but who knows if that’s true?
Nelson Robert Willis Biden was reading answers from the screen,
@Den Owl
I doubt it. Provided by who? MSNBC? I doubt it. Certainly not by the reporter. She pressed him on the records issue, and he wouldn’t budge.
I wish that someone would subpoena those records. I think that someone would have to sue someone in order for that to happen. 27 years is probably beyond the statute of limitations for a criminal case, isn’t it? There wouldn’t be enough evidence for a criminal prosecution anyway, as far as I can tell.
I need medical marijuana. Our hyper-partisan political climate is making me sick!
lmao double standards are good everybody!!

@Noiseless Sounds Actually, I wasn’t old enough to vote at the time. I was shy 4 months of the legal age. But you’re DAMNED sure I’m going to voting for him this time.
@Cameron Harrington lol o look, one of the only ppl under 30 that will actually vote. You guys are screwed.
You’ll be Republican like the rest of us eventually. We all start out blue until we see through the bs
@Noiseless Sounds
You are trying to compare allegations with no proof against Biden’s actions?
Biden is the one who has multiple videos of him being creepy with woman and young girls.
@Jim Wolf I think you’re mistaken. I was referring to Trump
Coma White Biden has 8 accusers
This video would have been 4 mins long if they only included the Joe Biden Tara Reade Story
@Shahnul Islam Trump and Kavanaugh have made it through the gauntlet..Joes turn, let the games begin..
@Shahnul Islam A world of corruption, lies, denial and double standards. A Democrat world.
True, but msnbc wants to make sure we have a score card. Trump 25 : Joe 1 with 7 penalties for improper hair sniffing.
@Richard Batchelder sounds like you’re projecting. That’s what the republicans have done for years gerrymandering to stay in power. And NON COLLEGE EDUCATED DUMB Republican voters as touted by faux news are their best hopeto stayin power. So congrats you fit the bill of uninformed non college educated Republican voter with no inclination to learn the truth. GG
@Shahnul Islam
BRAVO !!! Well said
When are they going to shedule her to speak.
@jps101574 Yeah imagine that one. Fox is just as bad (Hannity)
@Mama Bear I can tell you that you are very lucky you’re not standing in front of me right now!!!!!!!
@felixthehuman Don’t tell me, a sexual assault survivor (one that nearly killed me) how to listen to victims. It’s insulting. You must be used to hanging around dumb people and yourself. So sick of youtube dumb people.
@nadia mccall Obviously, I’m used to hanging around myself. The vast majority of the world is at this point. I’m sorry I insulted you. I still have a decision to make, and the things being said about Reade are very similar to things I’ve heard over the past…well, a very long time.
Tara Reade, the former Senate staffer who alleges Joe Biden sexually assaulted her 27 years ago, told the Associated Press she filed a limited report with a congressional personnel office that did not explicitly accuse him of sexual assault or harassment.
Reade said she described her issues with Biden but “the main word I used — and I know I didn’t use sexual harassment — I used ‘uncomfortable.’”
“Reade says she doesn’t have a copy of the report, and Biden said Friday that he is not aware that any complaint against him exists… Reade is suggesting that even if the report surfaces, it would not corroborate her assault allegations because she chose not to detail them at the time.”
Lmao they have to add all this context at the beginning
@Freddy fretboard, that’s fascinating and news to me, can you link me to your sources?
@John Coleman I will when I get a moment, taking care of my son. Nap time
@John Coleman it’s very easy to find. I can verify that I’ve seen all of these things on different You Tube accounts. One good source is Dr Buttar, another is Dr Judy Mikovits.
@Freddy fretboard, cheers
MSDNC just shot themselves in the foot
Your about two weeks late , may be you should interview Krystal Ball .
@shannonkona LOL
, you know if Bernie had done ANYTHING like what Biden had done , he would’ve been HUNG DRAWN AND QUARTED not necessarily in that order. 
Benjie Foster or Tara Reade since they already have Biden. And everybody knows there’s two sides to the story and then there’s the truth so bring on the second side
@Jason Milton No chance. Dems could run Ronald McDonald and win in a landslide.
Freeze Peach
Vote Joe Pro Choice Aborter Supporter
@ Jason Milton… Go Ahead Vote For The Most Incompetent President Ever, 65,000 Deaths And Counting Under His Watch.. Sorry, I Take That Back… That’s Obama’s Fault… He’s About To Establish A Universal Class Lying Record… He That Wants All The Power And Authority That The Constitution Doesn’t Grant Him… But Takes No Responsibility For All His Shortcomings… I Could Go On And On Till The End Of Time… But You Know That… So Yes, You Vote For That Disgrace Of A President, He’s Counting On You Big Time… To Continue His Reign Of Incompetence… Joe Biden Can’t Be Worse Than Him…
Can we have FBI investigation please
Jay Perry #UniversityofDelaware
@Moderately Reasonable Idgaf let’s get to the bottom of this ish
Everyone should be held to the same standard. No special treatment just because it’s convenient.
Space Captain but by that standard and the standard set by the current president this does not matter at all
@holly U why does it not matter? its not about Trump, its about joe biden and what he has done
Yes, its called due process:
How do you know the US elections will start soon? Sexual Assault allegations.
@Phillip Gray Yes, for exactly 1 year and one month from when he announced his run for president in 2019 and then in March of 2020 when he locked up the Dem nomination, she came out with this changed story (no one paid attention to her in 2019) after tweet praising him in 2017:
@AJ Rimmer I wouldn’t find that report credible it’s full of anonymous sources and who reads Medium. Tara praised Biden when he did something good, so? I hate that Trump is our president but on the rare occasion that he gets something right, I give him praise.
How do you know the allegations are true? Because Joe biden is the accused.
@AJ Rimmer
Tara’s account sounded credible enough in an interview that I watched. Though I don’t know for sure exactly what really happened, I felt empathy for her. However, the biggest problem that I have with her credibility is those pro-Biden tweets.
@McFint69 I believe all women
Time for the FBI investigation and Senate hearings….
Tara Reade, the former Senate staffer who alleges Joe Biden sexually assaulted her 27 years ago, told the Associated Press she filed a limited report with a congressional personnel office that did not explicitly accuse him of sexual assault or harassment.
Reade said she described her issues with Biden but “the main word I used — and I know I didn’t use sexual harassment — I used ‘uncomfortable.’”
“Reade says she doesn’t have a copy of the report, and Biden said Friday that he is not aware that any complaint against him exists… Reade is suggesting that even if the report surfaces, it would not corroborate her assault allegations because she chose not to detail them at the time.”
I’m surprised he didn’t call her a lying dog-faced pony soldier
@Ray King I personally don’t care if Biden had a fling 27 yrs ago. Wealthy people in high places do this. It’s nothing new. Look at Bloomberg who did the same many years ago.
The main reasons I will not vote for Biden is, he and his son Hunter should have stayed out of Ukraine and China. He is corrupt. Why were they doing business in Ukraine Burisma? Biden also wants open borders. As an American citizen and a Patriot I cannot stand illegals entering without permission and are somehow qualifying to receive social benefits that really belong to us citizens. Obama and Biden both were more concerned with aid to foreign countries favoring manufacturing in Mexico and China rather than our own causing jobs to go overseas. So for those and other reasons I find Joe Biden to be a bad choice. I despise the left Media reporting DACA (children of sneaky parents who entered illegally) and sanctuary states who release criminals because illegals are protected. If I drove drunk crashed and killed someone I wouldn’t be released but an undocumented will be released. That’s anti-American.
@mrBDeye … Patti Solis Doyle: “I ran VP nominee operations for Obama campaign in 08. When Biden was selected I served as his Chief of Staff. NO sexual assault or harassment allegation ever came up against him. It was an exhaustive vet
@nadia mccall Yes, it was from a John Wayne movie, that Biden said as a joke response to a voter in Iowa.
@Ray King Yes that fits her profile:
@AJ Rimmer Nice try but this article was written by Democrats. How about we hold a four day Court Hearing with Joe Biden and Ms Reade just like it was done for Brett Kavanaugh. I believe in fairness.
Her lips are moving but all I hear is lying
Women don’t have a right to be believed. They have a right to be heard.
And judged FAIRLY!
Well put stardaddy.
There ya go
*Tara Reade accuses Joe Biden*
Joe Biden: You’re a lyin’ dog faced pony soldier
There’s only one way to settle this: Let me smell your fingers, Joe…
OH MAN.That was cold !! True but cold BIDENS A PERVERT
Lefties during Kavanaugh hearing: “Believe all women!!!”
Lefties now: “Show me the evidence!”